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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - nathan67003

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Is there a way to make a planet with a set of planetary conditions have a "guaranteed minimum" occurrence (so say, in the whole sector there will be at least 1 planet with X AND Y, 1 planet with A AND NOT B, etc.) via vanilla procgen or would I be better off making a post-generation plugin that would go in and check the whole bloody list of planet + modify a 'suitable candidate' if none matching the criteria are found? (I know the latter is likely to be heinously computationally intensive but it'd only be done once, during sector generation - with the goal of removing a portion of the RNG to avoid rolling the dice 1513 times or something ridiculous because OCD optimization)

Modding Resources / Re: [0.97a] Ship Editor v0.7.6
« on: January 30, 2025, 07:59:46 AM »
I'm gonna blame it on the .sh being made to work on macOS rather than on any Linux distro; since I haven't had the opportunity to test and/or make one for Linux, it's not impossible for it to not work.

You could look up your repo's (or likely Linux in general) docs to make an executable .sh terminal shortcut file to fix it; sadly can't help you with that at this time.

Modding Resources / Re: [0.97a] Ship Editor v0.7.6
« on: January 29, 2025, 07:52:12 AM »
I haven't tested it on Linux but can you tell me which steps you took, exactly? Not just "the instructions" but what you yourself did, in sequence.

General Discussion / Re: Ziggurat performance testing
« on: January 12, 2025, 06:37:52 AM »
I personally use the Zigg as a surgical strike ship. While the Paragon and whatever other ships in my fleet are busy dealing damage and tanking, I go out with the Zigg and surgically dismantle enemy flagships, ships that's trying to go for a flanking maneuver, etc. A force multiplier rather than a force all on its own.

Suggestions / Re: Put cooldown on paragon's fortress shield?
« on: December 28, 2024, 05:58:04 AM »
Working as intended, imo; it's MEANT to be an absolute behemoth, the very best 'normal' ship Tri-Tach ever conceived. Putting a cooldown on it would not only harm that, but you can already defeat them handily if you outfit your own fleet in consequence

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 23, 2024, 08:40:23 AM »
There will definitely be a very different endgame-level threat! And, in fact, one where PD is particularly valuable.
More valuable than with the [VERY REDACTED]'s system, where PD against it is more of a pipe dream than anything?

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 21, 2024, 06:50:11 AM »
Me proceeding to put 3 tachyon lances in distinct fire groups:

On another note, surprised you said the Paladin doesn't get much use. Sure, it's pretty situational and can't deal with large amounts of fighters or missiles as well as weapons with AoE to them but last time I played (alas, in 0.95) and got my hands on a Paragon as my, like, second or third salvage (and then proceeded to frantically chase credits for the rest of the save to make ends meet, right up until I had dozens of colonies solely existing to generate income), its main role was defensive. Sure, it had a fusion laser and a plasma cannon and heavy blasters but its main purpose was using its barrier shields, Paladin and flak cannons to remove as much damage as possible from other ships while handling it easily.

Suggestions / Re: can we get a pirate Paragon?
« on: December 17, 2024, 05:18:02 AM »
If you want a pirate Paragon just sell the bp to the black market. Wouldn't make sense for the top-tier capital in the TT arsenal to be stolen/captured en masse and adapted to the pirate MO, especially considering pirate fleets - a single Paragon can easily, with some minor support to watch the flanks, chew through multiple pirate fleets

Don't forget to consider that they might just now be organic cores - in other words, brains-in-jars. Would fit the "in mind rather than body" bit, since the mind's pretty much all that's left apart from a single organ of the body

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Radiation and EVA in starsector
« on: December 12, 2024, 06:18:32 AM »
it seems like most of what antimatter produces is electromagnetic radiation and quarks of various kinds
Antimatter chiefly produces, upon annihilation, gamma rays. Said gamma rays have high enough energies to produce matter/antimatter pairs upon impact, though what kind of pairs are produced is largely contingent on the gamma ray's energy; most of the time it'll still just be electron-positron pairs. It can produce baryon-antibaryon pairs but this is likely to be an extreme minority of events - which specifically need to involve the uncontrolled release of antimatter as a weapon. Afaik, that's only a thing with one-two weapons in the game (the uh big red torpedo only uses antimatter as an initiation charge iirc) and also the Remnant pulse drive ship.

I don't actually know what free quarks would do to matter personally
Free quarks aren't really a thing. They can only exist for ridiculously minuscule amounts of time and IMMEDIATELY hadronize no matter what (it's called the strong nuclear force for a reason). The only quark that doesn't is the top quark, it's so ridiculously heavy its mass is the same as A WHOLE ATOM OF TUNGSTEN and the only reason it doesn't hadronize is that it decays too quick for even the strong nuclear force to have time to act. Its sheer mass also prevents its easy synthesis in anything short of dedicated accelerator complexes and even then, it's not enough to have a macroscopic effect on materials' radioactivity by itself (or its decay products).

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Radiation and EVA in starsector
« on: December 11, 2024, 07:57:43 AM »
Most radiation that turns other things radioactive is neutrons; alpha, beta and gamma induce radioactivity much, much, much less often. Given that basically all of the radiation sources seen in Starsector (outside of irradiated planets and pollution) are primarily alpha-beta-gamma sources (to be clear: stars), there wouldn't be much induced radiation. (no, neutron stars do not emit significant amounts of neutron radiation) Plus, given how larger ships have more maintenance costs, it's possible that whatever does degrade due to radiation gets swapped out with maintenance anyway.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Radiation and EVA in starsector
« on: December 07, 2024, 08:54:14 AM »
Heat might be vented the same way flux gets vented (flux might even be a combo of heat and ionization). Personally, I think flux gets vented into some sort of hyperspace adjacent to real space with different properties; there's already hyperspace you use for FTL, P-space, whatever the hell is on the other end of a cryoarithmetic engine's core (which is probably the same thing that makes the Omega cryo weapons work), the space 'between' gates, the space through which hyperspace shunts work, etc.

Suggestions / Re: Pre-Announcing Update Release Dates?
« on: December 03, 2024, 09:02:32 AM »
More like lose-lose, since that means Alex and Dave get to have a deadline and rush things while we wind up with an update that isn't what it could've been.

Suggestions / Re: Let Coureuse's mother know she's okay
« on: November 28, 2024, 07:31:46 AM »
Praise be.

You could do a nebula and just plop down a stable location in the center, no?

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