Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Space Truckin' [v0.9.1]
« on: February 01, 2023, 12:16:35 AM »Still working on the next update, here's what I have so far:
-XP and relation reward: done
-ui standardized around 1280x768 so it always scales correctly
-initial config faction selector, completely redesigned for people with a thousand mod factions
-redesigned contracts board for multiple levels of contracts (and ui improvements
-reward scaling is both configurable and scales down with more cargo
I was hoping for such mod, thanks a lot.
I tend to play with vast unarmed civilian transport fleet with escort, and past a certain point I use to not finding enough cargo to transport, but not anymore .
So few suggestions :
- The contracts generation are strictly similar, and only size vary depending of your reputation with faction.
I would love to see randomization : no cap to 1000 items but random number between 100-1000, with a x2 multiplication button (similar to the parcel ones) limited by the size of the market (1-3 not available, 4 only x2, 5 x2 and x4, 6 x2 x4 and x8) both for the sender and the destination. This would implies different contracts generation for each level, maybe.
I would love to see randomization in time constraints. Your delays are quite short compared to vanilla ones, it is great. You could add shorter delay (maybe with a warning) only fastest fleet could accomplish this more rewarding contract. And slight longer delay contracts, with less credits. - The contracts does not depend of production, needs of planets or stations. For instance, on my just newly founded colony I have contracts to export tons of supplies, heavy armaments, volatiles ...
Would it be possible to restrict contracts to items really produced here ? Even if this means no contracts at all on some places.
And also restrict contracts destination to places where there is demand for such items.
Another solution could be use new item, a sealed container for instance.
Maybe it is only relevant with Nexerelin and Industrial evolution because I do not play strictly vanilla anymore. - The contracts seems to focus on the longest way and does not care of lawfull items and hostilities between factions. I have very rarely found a contract for neighbor star system, whereas I have several contracts for same system at the other end of sector.
I would suggest a more random contract generation here (and combined with previous suggestion only the rarest items would be exported at the other end of sector).
And as suggested earlier, maybe some bad reputation from the planet if illegal items or hostile destination are in the contract (if combined with first suggestion, only in higher tier contracts). - When you will integrate mod content, some mods (HMI - not tested, Scy and VIC) add new high value items that are included in contracts (mod integration already works !).
The problem is the item value is so high that contract are overpriced : the worst is the information chip from SCY, 10 000 creds for one, that generate contract of 1 million for ~150 items. Other are in line with heavy armaments and drugs.
You could either add inclusion of them within configuration page, limit max cash of contracts, or just ban them for contracts. Note that my other suggestions will limit or erase the problem.