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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - sector_terror

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14]
General Discussion / Re: The Myth of the Hit and Run Conquest
« on: December 19, 2020, 08:26:25 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong: but does anyone actually claim the conquest is hit and run at all? I've lurked for a while and most people seem to agree not only is the conquest is sub-par compared to the paragon and the like, but isn't the classic hit and run ship the odyssey is. am I jsut an idiot because this is new information.

Also, just a quick comment to add. Burn drives are prone to over-commiting and are difficult to use with any kind of mobility. sure it has velocity but its monodirectional and can't be interrupted at all. I routinely find that anytime one of the big boys does that I just sidestep them or outlast their burn drive.

General Discussion / Questions about retreating, possible unfair trap
« on: December 19, 2020, 08:22:14 AM »
I felt I should ask this before I start editing the base settings file again, as this is just plain unfair.

I was running around the sector, coming back to the core after a good bit of exploration. I had around 800 harvested organs but nothing else black market sitting in my stores and got scanned. I thought "No big deal, I have 1500 in shields cargo hull" for some reason they weren't in my shield cargo hulls, god knows why, and I figured I could just run away and be fine. Instead after telling the patrol ship no, they attempted to murder me and I had no choice but to hit engage. This is where the issue comes in.

Now, I content I shouldn't be forced to take penalties with my relations to other side of an engagement which I do not want to be a part in. If the enemy is attempt to outright shoot me down, I shouldn't have to take a penalty to my relationship with that place not be the victim of murder(or theft in the case of expeditions,) but this was a different class of bad design. So my question: Is there some mechanic I could have used to escape that encounter that wasn't "turn in your goods." because giving you the option to say no, and not warning you it will force you to go hostile, is a just plain unfair. I want to know for certain before I call it bad design outright.

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