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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Sandor057

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Regarding illegal goods...

Every faction has some goods declared illegal: Harvested Organs, Drugs, Heavy Armaments, Luxury Goods, etc. The player (seemingly) gets the Independents' restrictions (Recreational Drugs, Harvested Organs). Why though? Even though it's Independent traders who set up shop there, it should still be the polity they set up shop in that decides what's legal and what's not.

Shouldn't here be an image of your Odyssey?
Seems to be missing.

Huh, my phone was not displaying the image. Weird. Anyway, for some reason I was expecting a triple Paladin build. (Think I'll have to make one for the fun of it.)

Back to this design, shouldn't we double down on the support/pd role of it with removing the fighter hullmods, replacing them with DTA and add either double Talons, Sparks or Wasps for maximum added PD?

Shouldn't here be an image of your Odyssey?
Seems to be missing.

Suggestions / Blueprints to be used by other factions
« on: March 02, 2025, 11:34:18 AM »
Selling blueprints on any black market will have the Pirates incorporate the design into their fleets in a few months' time (no clue about the actual time, but around 1-2 months). So, could we have other factions use blueprints we sell them?

I have 2 ideas on how this could be done.
  • Either the current Pirate implementation, which leaves the base doctrine untouched, but some Pirate fleets will have the odd Paragon or Conquest you've sold them. Would make for potentionally funny variations of Pather Pegasi, Hegemony Dooms or League Legions. Guessing this would require less work, as this would be a carbon copy of what the Pirates already have.
  • Factions should have a "compatibility list" of ships that could be added to their roster, that would actually be incorporated into their current doctrine. E.g. Hegemony could incorporate ships like the Champion or Gryphon, but not Aurora or Apogee. I guess this would require some extra work, creating a "doctrine" list and an "available" list, with the former having ships that the faction does not (initially) have access to.

This idea is a bit at odds with older lore (factions stagnating), but given that a rather disorganized array of delinquents (read: Pirates) have the capacity to produce a few spaceworthy vessels from randomly acquired blueprints, organized factions should have no trouble keeping up.

Suggestions / Re: scavenger/prospector loot
« on: March 01, 2025, 11:58:26 AM »
Interesting thought. Expanding on this, there should be a minuscule chance for scavengers having colony items. Would make them be targeted even more though.

General Discussion / Re: So what if we just increased the battle size?
« on: February 26, 2025, 01:05:38 PM »
I don't think an increase of 60 DP, as in the original post, would make a major difference. I usually play with virtually uncapped battle size though (max DP set to the thousands in config), and also use the Fleet Size by DP mod. Oh, and Himemiko's Java mod, otherwise the increased ship amounts will tank your fps.

The gradual deployment for your own ships and the enemy reinforcing in equal amounts to destroyed ships (causing a slow trickle of new ships, especially prevalent in larger multifleet battles) do not vibe for me. The rigidity of the player-side deployment and disorganized way of the AI's deployment also does not endear this system to me. If I have scavenged together a semi-capable battlefleet, l damn well want to use the entirety of it. Same goes for enemies, if I am outnumbered 4:1 and I did not pick the green "flee anyway" option, it's on me and I want all the enemy ships to spam their weapons, missiles and fighters on me.

Gameplay-wise I enjoy the drawn out battle lines and the increased amount of dakka. Though ordering around your fleet is sometimes a bit stringy due to the low amount of Command Points (relative to the increased amount of ships and the extended length of the battles). Hardened Subsystems is practically a must for any frigate, and SO ships don't cut it in huge fleet engagements, unless I cheese it with tactical retreats, which reset PPT for each separate engagement.

All in all, it's personal preference for me, I like it more this way. I'd say give it a go, see what DP limits you prefer.

With almost 50% dp discount you can get 10 onslaughts deployed

That's over 150 fuel/ly

Buy Sindrian

General Discussion / Re: Traitor Onboard: Forum Game Signup Thread
« on: February 19, 2025, 12:18:19 PM »
Considering there are possibly 8 murders possible for just the first day/night cycle, not counting possible bomb preparations and the execution vote I'd say we are expecting a lot of people being regular crew. But what the hell, sounds interesting. Did something similar with werewolves at a camping quite a while back with IRL days and night constituting the cycles.
Sign me up!

Suggestions / Re: Fleet Size By DP as a game option.
« on: February 18, 2025, 02:46:44 AM »
Absolutely agree with this. Gives a lot of options to fill a lean fleet with considering how the fleetsize by DP mod works. Also changes basically nothing for larger, bulkier fleets.

General Discussion / Re: How do I obtain 'Very High Importance' Contacts?
« on: February 13, 2025, 08:11:19 AM »
IIRC very high importance contacts are pre-generated and there is only a few of them. The only exception to this is pirate contacts, who are random and you may get them even in later stages of the game for newly founded colonies.

Suggestions / Re: Support ships
« on: February 12, 2025, 12:46:21 PM »
This gets mentioned every so often, but what would the point be? What gameplay difference is there that would justify creating these ships, which are unlikely to ever show up on a battlefield?

HT has a phase freighter/tanker for sneaky fast fleets. For big fleets meant to fight, a large, bulky, utilitarian ship with maximized cargo/fuel storage is what people will always use, so it makes sense that one major design takes the niche.

Having more variety in the gameplay. A tradeoff in the logistical profile for extra fuel/cargo space or vica versa. Having a more of a "signature" faction outlook besides the already existing Buffalo recolors. Any and all of these.

The "what's the point" counter-argument is always the same. I'll ask you this, what's the point of multiple capitals? Can the entirety of the current game content not be easily cleared with just 4 Onslaughts? Why do we have then Paragons, Odysseys, Pegasi, Legions, etc., what gameplay advantage is there to have redundant variants in a shipclass where the trusty, old Onslaught already excels?

Suggestions / Re: QOL Improvement suggestions by streamlining screens
« on: February 12, 2025, 12:49:09 AM »
This... is good. +1

General Discussion / Re: .98 wishlist!
« on: February 11, 2025, 06:25:36 AM »
Though the patch adds a good amount of campaign/story content, I want more! As much as possible! Would like some consequences to the Princess of Persea, some additional conclusion options to the Red Planet (maybe the special Tri-Tach character would be interested in the shield) and plainly just a continuation of the main story.

General Discussion / Re: anyone feels bad about killing remnants?
« on: February 10, 2025, 03:01:07 AM »

Unmodded, you may at best run from them, but if they catch up to you, their Fearless (ie. Murderous) AI will do its utmost to go in for the kill and eliminate your fleet. As with self-defense against Pirates and Pathers, there is no room for remorse and zero gameplay motivation to feel any empathy.

Funny you should mention the Scythe of Orion, you
can talk with a Remnant battlestation/senior core there, who is quite indifferent the ultimate resolution of the matter. Of course you may also elect to destroy a Battlestation churning out Warfleets. No emphatetic elements there.

Heggies being the "good guys" is quite a stretch though. According their own propaganda, sure, but then so are the other factions as well. I don't think there is any "good guy" faction in Starsector. To a certain degree of "good" they all have some merit, but that is it. The only goal I can think of as genuinely good per the game's lore is the
reopening of the gates. Yet, while the goal is good, Baird's way of getting there is very much an "ends justify the means" approach.

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.98a (In Development) Patch Notes
« on: February 10, 2025, 01:53:27 AM »
About the System Defense Fleets, do they respawn if destroyed or reinforce if missing a relevant chunk?

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