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Messages - ubuntufreakdragon

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Solutions I have:
a) Satbomb all heg militaties.
b) join Persean League.
a) less markets to sell to.
b) commision with PL, entailing low rep with many factions.
Are there other options like sending the heg a message they can understand, like tak bomb all militaries.

Yes a range build works, but before the changes the paragon easily overpowered them with a well designed general purpose build too.
Is the any build residing on ~700 range weapons possible?

There were quite a few buffs to low tech ships over the last few patches.
This makes this mission more and more difficult.

Suggestions / Re: Buff the Medium Energy Slot
« on: January 08, 2023, 11:33:04 PM »
I would like to see the MB become a budget HE weapon, it looses in all stats against the HB improving them a bit wont change anything about it.
Make it HE about half the dmg and quarter the flux and you get a budget option for may situations.

The Pulse laser should get 25% more dmg without increased cost making it fit the 0.8 efficiency of other pulse laser sizes.

Suggestions / Some imropvents for combat comands
« on: December 10, 2022, 10:56:30 AM »
It would be nice to have more than one level of attack:
There should different intensities ranging from a berserk all in don't care for casualties to a yea focus fire on it if possible but don't risk too much.
It would also nice to have such levels for the evade order, ranging from flee at all cost to try to avoid but if not possible focus fire.
And it would be nice if the com channel wouldn't break the moment you close the map, but rather decays more quickly outside of map.
There are so many situations where you have to give orders shortly after another that can't be delayed but you own ship requires your attention too.

General Discussion / Re: 'Optimal' 'Builds' 'Post'
« on: December 03, 2022, 01:00:34 PM »
After reading the OP I am sure these ships are optimized ... towards fast dying.
The only build that could actually work is the "worst Aurora" as it may nuke a cap if lucky and 2 Heavy Blasters synergies well with SO, but not my cup of Tee.
And all the disrespect for good budget starter ships, I always get a few pirate shrikes early a rail gun and some hard hitting medium energy against armour and it just works.

Suggestions / Scatter Amplifier base range should be 400
« on: October 01, 2022, 03:36:34 AM »
I recently tried the scatter amplifier in an assault build, so a ship that uses assault weapons like pulse lasers, plasma cannons, and other guns all having 700 range, a 1000 beam atm gets 600 what's just a bit to short it's really annoying as the main point of the mod was to make beams assault guns.
energy assault guns range from 500 to 700, modded assault beams from 400 to 600.
Also the basis pd beam has 400 range and it just feels wrong if its range is affected.

Suggestions / Re: Remove permanent upgrades at the cost of SP
« on: September 28, 2022, 01:10:28 PM »
I don't have time to answer all posts today, but I will come back later.
Colony upgrades should be treated like s-mods for ships - hard limit.  No more than two or three or whatever per colony (and let player reassign improvements like commander skills).  None of this dangle the reward in front of the player that is theoretically possible but extremely hard or tedious to obtain.  There was a reason character level was changed from soft level to hard level.
I like this idea.
It clearly better than mine.
If you're going this route, why not just remove the story point use instead of replacing it with credits and another stage of building, and just increase the time for things to build and costs associated?  Even more staged building than what we have is not that interesting to me.  If you're expected to do it anyways (because credits become effectively unlimited in the late colony game), just remove the extra clicking rather than making me do more busy work.  In this proposed system, since the expectation is you upgrade everything to the max level with credits, the lower stage profits would be reduced, so the final expected state is the same as now (which is colonies with 1 or maybe 2 story point upgrades).
They should not be dropped because the allow the adaption to local conditions.
e.g. a weak deposit, too few planets for patrols, similar things.

Suggestions / Re: Fixing S-Mods
« on: September 27, 2022, 07:18:46 AM »
I don't think S-Mods should come from pure air, a credit cost is in order.
But it feels a bit empty, we just get to 9.1c where a d-mod is not removed but instead the ship is replaced, old ships should have some value above new ones.
I hope for a hullmod xp system:
Quote from: ubuntufreakdragon
Instead hull mods could gain xp, the more you use a ship the quicker its hullmods level.
the xp increase the effect of the hullmod, a bit.
A 100% xp hullmod can be integrated at the cost of either risking a d-mod or spending some Credits at a dock.
Once integrated xp-limit is 200% leveling it up further reduces op-cost and increases effect or even gain an additional effect.(to make cheap hullmods a canidate)
Removal of an integrated mod should be possible at a cost again Credits or risking a d-mod and all current xp naturally.
This makes old ships more valuable than new ones.
Of cause a SP could be used to integrate an unleveled hullmod.
logistical hullmods could be installed midflight btw. having -100%xp an no effect until leveled.

Suggestions / Re: Fixing S-Mods
« on: September 26, 2022, 03:21:06 AM »
An officer respec without SP could be like this:
Officers continue to level after lvl 5 but don't get new skills, every half level a random learned skill could be switched with another random skill.

General Discussion / Re: How would you equip this ship?
« on: September 25, 2022, 08:47:24 AM »
I think I found the right system: terminator mining drones, at least my java knowledge is much better than my artistic talent.

Suggestions / Remove permanent upgrades at the cost of SP
« on: September 24, 2022, 04:58:28 AM »
Don't get me wrong there should still be permanent upgrades, but SP should be used for temporary things only.
Instead hull mods could gain xp, the more you use a ship the quicker its hullmods level.
the xp increase the effect of the hullmod, a bit.
A 100% xp hullmod can be integrated at the cost of either risking a d-mod or spending some Credits at a dock.
Once integrated xp-limit is 200% leveling it up further reduces op-cost and increases effect or even gain an additional effect.(to make cheap hullmods a canidate)
Removal of an integrated mod should be possible at a cost again Credits or risking a d-mod and all current xp naturally.
This makes old ships more valuable than new ones.
Of cause a SP could be used to integrate an unleveled hullmod.
logistical hullmods could be installed midflight btw. having -100%xp an no effect until leveled.

they just feel like a remainder of the old 3-tier skills for officers.
Drop them.

colony upgrades:
use Credits instead and may be an industry xp system.
And remove the exponential cost scaling, because an exponential cost can only be overcome by an exponential growth.

General Discussion / Re: How would you equip this ship?
« on: September 24, 2022, 04:42:04 AM »
How about the midline or low tech starfortress mine layer system?
How much DP should it cost?

General Discussion / Re: How would you equip this ship?
« on: September 22, 2022, 04:47:39 AM »
Lore: It should be an old construction ship for building space installations refit by the indies to defend their planets.
Is the a system that benefits the fleet more than the ship?

General Discussion / How would you equip this ship?
« on: September 20, 2022, 10:20:10 PM »
I recently made my first completely new modship, now I want to fine tune it.
First how does it look like, should I make more?
What system might be matching.
And of cause how to equip it?
The game is more or less vanilla besides the new ship.

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