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Messages - Festivejelly

Pages: 1 [2]
Modding / Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« on: February 29, 2012, 01:46:17 PM »
The galaxy class is:

Length 642.51 meters
Width 463.73 meters

So thats:

Length 173 pixels
Width 106 pixels

(im changing the galaxy class one to a different model)

The sovereign class one is:

Length 265 pixels
Width 93 pixels

They lose too much detail if I make them smaller. I'll upload the files soon so people can get a feel for them. I want to make a simple mission first against the Klingons :)

Would you mind scaling them against my star destroyer? It's 1.6km long, but I made it 500 pixels tall. So a galaxy should be roughly half that size. A little license would be fine and maybe even make it 300 or 325 tall, but it would be odd if the star trek ships were larger than an ISD (with some exceptions of course).

How tall is the galaxy sprite? it's ~700 meters long according to wikipedia so still, it's quite large. But I've honestly been thinking of re-scaling all of my ships since they are really off in some cases. Basically the Victory I-II class is the same size as a galaxy class, so I could start from there.

Modding / Re: Question about weapons
« on: February 29, 2012, 01:27:01 PM »
Okay thanks for the tips guys ill take a look :)

Modding / Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« on: February 29, 2012, 01:26:14 PM »
Indeed drawing squares and circles is going to test my skills haha :)

I'm willing to crank out ships....

As soon as I finish my mod anyway.

Thats cool me and Ashbringer are currently working on some more Starfleet ships along with some Klingon. I'm keen to get some Romulan and Borg ones done aswell :)

The Borg will be a pice of work ...

Modding / Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« on: February 29, 2012, 01:25:29 PM »
They lose too much detail if I make them smaller. I'll upload the files soon so people can get a feel for them. I want to make a simple mission first against the Klingons :)

Would you mind scaling them against my star destroyer? It's 1.6km long, but I made it 500 pixels tall. So a galaxy should be roughly half that size. A little license would be fine and maybe even make it 300 or 325 tall, but it would be odd if the star trek ships were larger than an ISD (with some exceptions of course).

Modding / Question about weapons
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:40:18 AM »
Okay so I have my little ship with some phasers ive been tweaking around with the values in the .csv file to try and get them to fire in bursts rather than constantly on. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? I cant seem to figure out how to do it :-/

Many Thanks.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« on: February 29, 2012, 11:38:58 AM »
I'm willing to crank out ships....

As soon as I finish my mod anyway.

Thats cool me and Ashbringer are currently working on some more Starfleet ships along with some Klingon. I'm keen to get some Romulan and Borg ones done aswell :)

Modding / Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« on: February 29, 2012, 05:23:33 AM »
Nice start

I have been planning on making my own Star Trek mod getting the time to do it has been an issue. I do have some ship renders you can use, that's about as far as I have gotten with my mod. I did not create these models though.

They are mostly renders of SFC 3 models(Chris Jones,Terradyhne,ModelsPlease,OUTALANCE SHIPYARDS ect) some are from and, couple Klingon's are from Star Trek online.
I'll work on a more detailed credit list if you are interested in using them.

Hope this helps you along.

Those are fantastic id love to use them if you could get me the credit list.

Also thanks for the feedback guys this vid was merely a test and I will ofc try to make the ships as authentic as possible, if anyone wants to join the team drop me a message :)

Modding / Re: Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« on: February 28, 2012, 04:06:23 PM »
So I made a little progress on this!

Please see the youtube link to take a look at my Enterprise :)

Also if someone could answer why the ships retreat right away, I want them to stick around and fight!

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Modding / Re: A little help adding my ship please?
« on: February 28, 2012, 10:50:39 AM »
Also ive added some missle weapons to my ship, how do i specify how much ammo they have?

Really enjoying making this ship even if its taking a lot of trial and error!

Modding / Re: A little help adding my ship please?
« on: February 28, 2012, 08:21:07 AM »
I shall try again! :)

Thanks for the tips guys.

Modding / Re: A little help adding my ship please?
« on: February 28, 2012, 07:48:38 AM »
Yep ive added them both. I have a feeling ive done somthing wrong though but ive been over the files countless times but I just cant figure it out :-/

Modding / A little help adding my ship please?
« on: February 27, 2012, 07:46:53 PM »
Problem using my ship in the game.

So I finally made my new ship and i'm trying to play it in a mission but the game isnt playing ball can anyone help?

Its unable to display the mission briefing in the list, and when I try to play the mission I get a msgbox in windows stating "Fata;: null Check starfarer.log for more info."

So ofcourse I check the log and find this at the bottom:

26270 [Thread-6] WARN  com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore  - Description with id st1_Enterprise_SHIP not found

To me im guessing it cant find my ship! Though Ive tried to follow the guides im at a loss at what to do here.

Can anyone help please?

Modding / Star Trek Mod (idea - WIP)
« on: February 27, 2012, 04:21:43 PM »
I'm looking to start work on a Star Trek Mod (I love Star Trek I used to watch them all with my dad when i was growing up)
But anyway i'm planning on creating a full fleet complete with fighters.
If anyone would like to help let me know im pretty determined to get this done!

03/03/2012 :: Update

So the left few days I did some experimented and added some more ships and weapons into the mod! Enjoy, let me know what you think :)

01/03/2012 :: Update ::

Ive now added a Romulan war bird, check here to see it in action:

29/02/2012 :: Update ::

We now have 2 ships in the fleet! Both are USS Enterprise the latest addition is a Sovereign class ship. I'm keen to get the weapon systems sorted and have the phasers set to timed bursts rather than constantly on, if anyone knows how to do that please let me know. Also i'm having trouble fine tuning where to place the weapons on the ship as the Starfarer ship editor tool is cool but not very accurate for placement. I may consider just manually changing the code.

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