Suggestions / Re: Add an "Ignore target" assignment.
« on: March 11, 2024, 11:45:26 AM »
I suffer from the same problem. Not just gremlins, ships like monitor without offensive punch should be able to ignored.
Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)
For a trash Venture fleet, sure. Derelict ops is still a problem for better missile spammers, like Gryphons, or figher/missile spammers, like Mora. The skill makes silly fleets like Ventures good, and it makes good fleets disgusting.I don't think the game should be balanced around min-maxers. D mods already cause shield, weapon and armor problems. So they already cause problems without directly affecting missiles.
Without missile d-mods, derelict ops is just a 30% discount with no real strings attached. That's too much.
What about with officers? How is the *1.5 bonus is calculated?iirc the skills do have a floor, though idk how much sou need to spam to reach itI'm not sure they do have a floor (aside from 0), just a very aggressive diminishing returns thing going on.
To get your fighter bonus down to 1/5 of normal (ie: +10% replacement etc) you need to have ~42 fighter bays.
And having 50 bays only pushes it down to +8%.
It looks like the bonus drops off like:
8 bays = full bonus (+50%)
10 bays = *0.8 (+40%)
16 bays = *0.5 (+25%)
20 bays = *0.4 (+20%)
42 bays = *0.2 (+10%)
50 bays = *0.16 (+8%)
You probably could get the bonus effect down to 1% (or less), but you'd need a lot more bays to do it than you'd ever realistically have.
Certainly much more than I have on hand rn.
AI for phase non-frigates is currently quite bad. It's supposed to be vastly improved next patch(with Phase Anchor at least)Will it only buff phase anchor ai or with any similar custom hullmod? I'm curious how Alex will handle it.
To clarify what I mean by ablative armour is not to give the ship the same ablative armour hullmod as the Invictus. I mean to multiply the armour it has by 2~3 and then divide armour effectiveness by the same amount. This way the damage reduction from armour is kept the same but it lasts a lot longer.That's also what I meant. Otherwise it'd be straight nerf. It needs to be tested and balanced.
Sorry I meant to ask how LG ships got better rather than being generic ships with a nerf hullmod?Mining Blaster becoming a charge based burst HE weapon. Same range but much better efficiency. Alex showed the stats on twitter but it appears he'll change them as it's too strong currently.Yeah I'm really happy Alex listened to feedback and made LG ships unique and fun in their own way, instead of them being a pure downgrade while looking different.What changed? Also %5-10 additional damage seem too weak for Graviton Beam buff.
But now with Mining Blaster getting a nice rework, and Gravitons having an additional effect on hit, medium energies are pretty much in a good place. Only other thing I'd touch is the Heavy Burst Laser.
Gravitons apply a 5-10% kinetic vulnerability on a ship that's getting beamed. That means from ALL sources. Sounds like a strong thing to me tbh.
Yeah I'm really happy Alex listened to feedback and made LG ships unique and fun in their own way, instead of them being a pure downgrade while looking different.What changed? Also %5-10 additional damage seem too weak for Graviton Beam buff.
But now with Mining Blaster getting a nice rework, and Gravitons having an additional effect on hit, medium energies are pretty much in a good place. Only other thing I'd touch is the Heavy Burst Laser.