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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Üstad

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Suggestions / Re: Lets create more midline fighters!
« on: January 23, 2025, 08:58:05 AM »
Make it a "bomber" with antimatter blaster and railgun. Approaches with railgun, uses the "bomb" version of AM blaster then returns to the mothership.

No shield, one use flares, okayish hull and armor, 2 fighters per wing.

General Discussion / Re: Let's talk about Escort orders
« on: January 15, 2025, 02:58:47 PM »
I never tried an escort Grendel, I wonder how that would go ???

General Discussion / Re: beams
« on: January 09, 2025, 12:12:25 PM »
Hmmm, how do you stop kiting strategy that way? Or is that not needed? Or is there some compromise between range and hard flux better than the current balance?

For example, currently a graviton + 4x tac laser medusa is weak against anything larger than a cruiser, but completely unkillable (1400 range + phase skimmer without counting gunnery implants). Turning the 700 soft flux into hard would make it a whole lot more powerful!

Beams have lower DPS than pulse weapons per mount, so would lowering them to 700/800/900 in the small/medium/large mounts work? That gives them a 200 range advantage over pulse weapons and brings them in line with ballistics of the same size class (more or less). Advanced optics would have to have a hard look at it: its already a top tier hullmod and it would become even better. Down to +100 range? Just gone? I'm not sure.

With the above, beams get reduced to low DPS, very high accuracy weapons. That's not a terrible niche I suppose. Kind of like energy HVDs (comparing a 800 range graviton brought to 1000 with AO to current HVD, the new graviton is a little behind in DPS, probably very ahead in accuracy that would even that out, and costs much less flux. Otoh, much less hull damage).

This got kinda rambly, sorry. On the one hand, I think beams could be balanced for hard flux; on the other, I don't think they need to be to be useful. Having them be hard flux would simplify how weapons and flux works (all weapons do hard again, no loophole). That's good for explaining and new player understanding, but it also removes the mechanic so makes combat a little less rich.

For example, the graviton is currently a debuff beam: -200*shield efficiency flux per second and -5% shield efficiency. Whether or not its good enough at that role is another matter (hard to tell, I think its close though), but if it did hard flux it would leave the niche of debuff beam and just be a weapon.
HSA doing %75 hard flux on 500 range, %50 hard flux at 750 range and %25 hard flux at beyond 750 range would make that hullmod more useful and still letting beams being beams, no %100 hard flux yet still can be overwhelming when massed.

Suggestions / Re: Don't nerf SO
« on: January 07, 2025, 07:25:25 AM »
Different effects for different tech would be nice. Current SO would fit on Low Tech/Luddic path good enough.

Since it doesn't make sense for the defensive ships of Midline to get SO, they should be able to fire missiles at cost of big amount of flux and be suspectible to critical damage when armor/hull is damaged. No change in range, flux vents or capacitors. This one is hard to balance admittably.

For High tech, increase in overload duration, shield damage, ship turn rate, %15 damage increase, %20 weapon flux cost increase and slowly regenerating armor.

General Discussion / Re: Phaseless Afflictor
« on: January 05, 2025, 01:51:36 PM »
Shield Shunt should also treat Phase Cloak like a shield and remove it for more armor (and automatic half hard flux from Polarized Armor).
I think there should be seperate hullmod for phase shunt, instead of armor we should get more manouver and speed.

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: January 05, 2025, 10:32:18 AM »
I kinda want to see what doubling the fighter count and increasing the fire rate and damage of missiles would do, because currently there's no reason to bring a balanced PD-grid option to back up your fleet - even Monitors exist basically to let the AI be stupid at, not to use their flak cannons for something. It might also give the Church a boost since I hear they bring a lot of Converted Hangar builds to the game and letting them carrier spam might be their niche.

Actually, all it really requires is NPC fleets customized in the same way that player missile spam or fighter spam fleets do.  No need to change base values on missiles or fighters, given that missile spam is arguably one of the strongest player fleet archetypes.  It is just auto-fit randomly generated fleets aren't likely to put them all together.  If you ran into a 12 Gryphon fleet with elite missile specialization officers, and linked Squalls and Harpoons, I'm sure you'd find point defense handy.

However, Alex has already commented that he's adding a new end game threat where the Anubis happens to be useful.  Pure coincidence.  :)

(There will definitely be a very different endgame-level threat! And, in fact, one where PD is particularly valuable. I wasn't actively thinking of that when working on the Anubis, though, so that's more of a happy coincidence.)
I think this is the way. Fleets aren't specialized enough and skill system even punishes specialization.

General Discussion / Re: My thoughts from testing the Mod version of Anubis
« on: December 29, 2024, 02:55:17 PM »
I'm considering 2 Locust, 1 Paladin PD and some ballistics build, mainly for hunting smaller ships or hopefully even discouraging them from engaging in.
Unfortunately the large slots are Energy, not Universal; only the medium slots are Universal. Gorgons in the medium slots might work, though obviously you'd run out of them more quicker.
Oh well, 2 Graviton with 3 Paladin PD then to make the most use of the ship system.

General Discussion / Re: My thoughts from testing the Mod version of Anubis
« on: December 29, 2024, 02:41:20 PM »
I'm considering 2 Locust, 1 Paladin PD and some ballistics build, mainly for hunting smaller ships or hopefully even discouraging them from engaging in.

Suggestions / Re: Don't nerf SO
« on: December 29, 2024, 02:22:36 PM »
I'd make it Safety overrides have different effects for every ship types, Low/Mid/High tech.

Default SO could work on Low Tech, High Tech should be mild speed and damage increase with being more suspectible to EMP and weaker weapon mounts, so it would fit the theme of tanky shields but fragile systems.

No idea about the Midline, since they are mostly specialists.

General Discussion / Re: Omega Weapon Tier List
« on: December 27, 2024, 07:38:42 PM »
Try a Scarab ship with 5 Rift Lances, oh boy it's OP for and arguably the best use of Rift Lances.

High Scatter Amplifier desperately needs a buff. With the hullmod beams are just still underwhelming compared to their hard flux energy weapon counterparts  :(

Disintegrators armor only damage should work on hit or work within 2 seconds, it's an omega weapon and it should be good. Maybe it should come with "don't fire on shields" tag.

Cryoflamer needs a range buff.

Volatile Particle Driver's effect is simply bad. Make it like 900 range like Devastator Canon, it should "explode" on proximity rather than being possible to explode early and it should still do a kinetic damage. That would make it truly unique.

Buff Arbalest Autocannon's accuracy, it has a decent hit damage, can possibly pierce armor but with that accuracy rate it's just useless. I think it's just a forgotten weapon at this point.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] The Xhan Empire, version 2.51 Gramada
« on: November 24, 2024, 09:55:40 AM »
How is the weapon balance in game? Most of the times I avoid installing faction mods due to modded ones most of the times outclass vanilla weapons. If weapons are OP, is it possible to disable them from to be appear on markets and ships and somehow still play the mod or it's just too tedious?
I'd say Xhan stuff relies more on general survivability than punching above its weight. None of the weapons stands out in that way, though some of them do things that's not generally seen elsewhere (like the large ballistic charge launcher who doesn't rely on a proximity fuse but timer). Some of the more special ships (and the United Pamed mini faction) also stand out in their departure from the norm.
Thank you for clarifying  ;D

Mods / Re: [0.97a] The Xhan Empire, version 2.51 Gramada
« on: November 24, 2024, 06:25:15 AM »
How is the weapon balance in game? Most of the times I avoid installing faction mods due to modded ones most of the times outclass vanilla weapons. If weapons are OP, is it possible to disable them from to be appear on markets and ships and somehow still play the mod or it's just too tedious?

I hope there will be an AI phase ship, right now having kinetic weapons are too important when  dealing with Remnants. Them having phase ships would make it more balanced.

Suggestions / Re: Add an "Ignore target" assignment.
« on: March 13, 2024, 08:52:13 AM »
Would be really funny if Alex added this and taught the AI commander how to use it on player Monitors.
Monitors should be mobile shields for bigger ships mainly for capitals though, not diverting and soaking damage for no given reason.

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