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Messages - Kh0rnet

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I'm fairly sure there is a bug related to colonization of worlds with the "Decivilized" hazard by AI factions. When an AI faction colonizes a world that has the hazard, the colony doesn't make the standard (standard is in: this is what happens when the player colonizes a planet) switch from the "Decivilized" hazard to the "Decivilized Subpopulation" hazard. These are two different hazards, but by the game's default the "Decivilized" one is reserved for uncolonized planets only.
Found this out when I couldn't remove the hazard on an invaded/conquered colony via methods on other mods, which only work on the "Decivilized Subpopulation" hazard apparently.
I just tried it with a console-generated colony expedition to Nova Maxios (runcode"newmaxios") while docked at the target planet) and it replaced Decivilized with Decivilized Subpopulation fine. Was your colony generated by some other method? (e.g. I haven't checked if Vayra's Sector does it properly)
Hmm, I DO have Vayra's Sector 3.2.1 but I was unaware it also might be responsible for the AI colonization mechanics. I'm afraid I'm unable to confirm or deny which method was used, as I simply noticed the issue after taking the planet.
The colony in question where I noticed the issue myself was invaded/conquered from the Legio Infernalis, which is added through Tahlan Shipworks (a "bootleg" build for compatibility with the latest game version, no less), but I'm not sure if Tahlan  influences the AI colonization mechanics in any way itself.
The planet was also one of the randomly generated non-core, fringe worlds, and it was initially unsurveyed by me before the colonization, if any of this might matter.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: April 14, 2023, 05:29:48 AM »
On another entirely different matter: have you considered changing Domed Cities and Seafloor Cities from being separate structures to being upgrades to the basic, irremovable Population & Infrastructure pseudo-industry? I think that would make a lot of sense, but I'm not sure if it's viable from the modding perspective (like due to hard-coded vanilla elements or something).

I'm fairly sure there is a bug related to colonization of worlds with the "Decivilized" hazard by AI factions. When an AI faction colonizes a world that has the hazard, the colony doesn't make the standard (standard is in: this is what happens when the player colonizes a planet) switch from the "Decivilized" hazard to the "Decivilized Subpopulation" hazard. These are two different hazards, but by the game's default the "Decivilized" one is reserved for uncolonized planets only.
Found this out when I couldn't remove the hazard on an invaded/conquered colony via methods on other mods, which only work on the "Decivilized Subpopulation" hazard apparently.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: April 13, 2023, 01:57:50 PM »
I actually figured out the reason, and yeah it does seem to be a Nexerelin issue.
While I had conquered this planet from another faction, it's not the direct reason for the "Decivilized" hazard to be there. Apparently when an AI faction colonizes a planet, the colony doesn't make the "switch" from the "Decivilized" to the "Decivilized Subpopulation" hazard, thus leaving the planet essentially stuck with the -25% "Decivilized" hazard.
So it's a rare issue from mix-matching mods. Should probably mention this on the Nexerelin thread too.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: April 13, 2023, 01:12:28 PM »
Having an issue with the "Decivilized" hazard that is, as I found out, different from the "Decivilized Subpopulation" one, because neither CHAMELEON from this mod nor a Senate from Industrial Evolution can remove it.
Is this a bug related to Nexerelin? I invaded and conquered this world from another faction. So I assume the modifier had no "chance" to switch from "Decivilized" to "Decivilized Subpopulation" and now I seem stuck with it.

I brute forced a solution with 'RemoveCondition decivilized' via console commands (and I justify this by the fact it makes no sense for the planet to be considered "Decivilized" when there IS a "stable ruling polity" in order on it), but just putting this out there in case you might wanna make CHAMELEON work on this as well.

Just git gud with the RNG bros  8) 8) 8)

General Discussion / Re: [Uber-Spoilers] Hypershunt Tap Acquisition
« on: April 11, 2023, 04:37:57 AM »
Honestly? Why would you even care about Hypershunts and Taps?
They are totally not worth the effort. For being the "ultimate endgame" thing to acquire at the moment, the reward they provide is extremely underwhelming. Wow you get to have 1 extra industry for like a 20% increase of profits from your colony, because you totally need those extra credits at the point where your fleet can take on the doritos!

Whereas the other industry items can be very helpful in "fixing" a sub-optimal planets, or a whole system, I never find myself considering the Hypershunts something to build my colonies around.

EDIT: Forgive me, I JUST realized, that I made an almost EXACT SAME COMMENT, in THIS VERY THREAD, on the same topic, almost exactly two years ago.

Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Re: Unable to create Stable Location
« on: April 10, 2023, 05:14:30 PM »
I figured that might be the case, but after an hour of searching through the topics of the main suspects, I couldn't really find out which one might be the culprit.
Here is a list of all mods used by me, if anyone is familiar with this issue, I'd be grateful (the only alternative is to brute-force-spawn Stable Locations via console commands, but I don't wanna hurt Alex's feelings like that after he gave us a lore friendly way to add them via normal gameplay  :( )

Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Unable to create Stable Location
« on: April 10, 2023, 04:25:30 PM »
As in the topic: I have no option to create a Stable Location when approaching stars. Tried with multiple stars in multiple systems. System in the screenshot has 0 Stable Locations.
Game build is 0.95.1a. I do use a variety of mods, most notably Terraforming and Station Construction, Industrial Evolution and Nexerelin, however, none of these to my knowledge should interfere with the vanilla default way of interacting with a star to spawn a Stable Location.
Is there some other prerequisite or condition that I'm not aware of?

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: April 08, 2023, 06:51:03 AM »
technical question here - does terraforming a planet into a different type "reset" some default hazard modifiers?
The example that interests me is: Cryovolcanic worlds have tectonic activity by default. If I finish terraforming it into a Tundra world will the tectonic activity disappear? Will it also change "Extreme cold" to just "Cold"?

Another thing: terraforming menu into the Terran type claims that its "starting resources" include "trace volatiles". Does this mean that trace volatiles get automatically added whenever terraforming finishes into the Terran type even if there were none before? Asking this because it's sub-optimal for Soil Nanites.

I'm not sure if this is intended or an oversight, BUT:
You can use the hull deconstructor reclaimed industry on the Ziggurat. I now have 2 Ziggurats with 6 S-mods each. Balanced? Absolutely not. Fun? Haha motes go popopopopopopopopop.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Unknown Skies v0.43 (2021/03/27)
« on: April 30, 2022, 03:36:36 PM »
The Pre-Collapse Military Base market condition seems to do nothing. I don't see it updating ship quality in any way, with our without Heavy Industry/Orbital Works constructed.

What is the exact interaction between an Orbital Fusion Lamp and a Supercomputer? I've noticed that its industry icon changes immediately, but I noticed no detrimental effects gameplay-wise, the income multiplier remains the same. Is it because the "Cold"/"Extreme Cold" hazard modifiers remain regardless so the Supercomputer is not affected?

Also, is the Simulation Engine special item for it meant to scale with distance? Because I noticed it only provides a 1.18 (instead of 1.3) income modifier to my planets in a system 5 LY away.
Check the upkeep cost. IIRC it remains the same because, yeah, Cold and Extreme Cold conditions are not removed but merely suppressed. You could see it as only habitation/industrial areas are being targeted for warming up by the lamp while supercomputer is excluded or built deep underground.

When you shut down the Supercomputer industry and try to build it WHILE the Fusion Lamp is installed the tooltip (for the Supercomputer) states "This planet does not offer good conditions for a Supercomputer." So, including that and the industry image change, I presume the Fusion Lamp actually does flip the "hidden" planet switch that determines the Supercomputer effectiveness.
Again, I presume, and I'm not sure exactly how it affects the industry in the first place.

What is the exact interaction between an Orbital Fusion Lamp and a Supercomputer? I've noticed that its industry icon changes immediately, but I noticed no detrimental effects gameplay-wise, the income multiplier remains the same. Is it because the "Cold"/"Extreme Cold" hazard modifiers remain regardless so the Supercomputer is not affected?

Also, is the Simulation Engine special item for it meant to scale with distance? Because I noticed it only provides a 1.18 (instead of 1.3) income modifier to my planets in a system 5 LY away.

General Discussion / Re: Kanta's Den decivilized?
« on: April 25, 2022, 05:33:54 PM »
If it was after you did that part of the Institute quest, it wasn't random, fyi.  Just so if you see it again in antoher play through you know to expect it.

Wait, so it's scripted/guaranteed to happen? This is completely new to me.

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