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Messages - Warnoise

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Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] ED Shipyards 2.5.7 (2023-01-29)
« on: March 04, 2023, 10:16:57 AM »
One of the best ship mods I've ever played with. The ships are so fun and their design is beautiful. I just wish there were more weapons but the mod is still great!

Edit: some ED shipyard weapons need some buff imo.

Like for example the mega shield breaker. I wish the ammo limit is dropped because it significantly drop its dps. Considering its range it should be a killer weapon.

Next the light scatter cannon. The idea is nice but the dmg is too low. It takes a long time to kill anything. Even when installed in mass on the bullmastiff, torpedoes and missiles are landing almost unscathed.

Heavy grapeshot cannon also needs a slight buff. Considering its damage scatter over an area, it takes a long time to eat through armor. It's good as a fighter repellent though

Even as a fighter screen it isn't good due to its low damage. I think it needs a buff in dmg

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Kadur Remnant 3.2.3 - life support 2021-03-27
« on: March 04, 2023, 07:01:04 AM »
Hi I have a couple of questions:

1-What are the requirements to spawn caliph bounty?
2-Where can I find the new secret ship mentioned in the latest patch? I explored the whole universe but I couldn't find it

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Luddic Enhancement Mod 1.2.5l
« on: March 01, 2023, 09:31:03 AM »
I played a pather playthrough using this mod and Nexelerin and it was a blast!

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Better Colonies 1.86
« on: February 26, 2023, 05:06:27 AM »
hi will factions build new industries and upgrade their colonies with orbital stations with this mod?

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Kadur Remnant 3.2.3 - life support 2021-03-27
« on: February 25, 2023, 10:22:55 AM »
I like the balance changes in the latest patch. Finally now I feel I can challenge late game armies (haven't tried big ordos yet). However I think the Eagle and the Falcon AI can't handle the ship system since they seem to boost randomly and end up dead 99% of the time.

Also please adjust the prophet ship system AI because it just spams the boost whenever it's ready which always makes it either end up dead or killing it's friends by ramming them.

Also am I the only one who noticed that Sunbird AI is a bit strange? Even though I only equip it with pd and Missiles, it loves facehugging the enemy and die. I wish it would just stay missile range and just throw missiles from a safe distance

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Kadur Remnant 3.2.3 - life support 2021-03-27
« on: September 28, 2022, 06:34:49 PM »
Quote from: Timid
My success was using Solar Shielding or Shield Shunting them.  ;) Kadur ships aren't really built to fight vs Ordo fleets (ordos can phase out and outmanuever most of kadur's ship system) but otherwise Kadur carriers have some success as opposed to Ordo carriers.

If a faction doesn't have the capability to defeat an ordo doesn't that make it underpowered? Considering ordos are supposed to be late game challenge I believe they are a good evaluation for whether a fleet is balanced or not.

Now to be honest kadur ships have nothing substantial to make up for their shield stats and manoeuvrability debuff (which are both one of the most important stats in fleet battles). It'd be great if kadur ships in general get more ordinance points or better flux stats.

Because adding heavy armor on top of their already abysmal manoeuvrability turns them into sitting bricks.

Anyway this is just my first impression, I will keep testing them with different builds and see what they really are capable of.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Kadur Remnant 3.2.3 - life support 2021-03-27
« on: September 28, 2022, 05:32:51 AM »
Did anyone manage to defeat am Ordo with a kadur ships only fleet?

The shield stats hurt way too much to be honest...

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a-RC6] The Xhan Empire, version 2.4 Thousand Eyes
« on: September 20, 2022, 11:29:59 PM »
I've never played with xhan tech ship but I saw them fighting a remnant fleet and they absolutely got decimated by a fleet that is almost half their dp.

One Radiant almost soloed a whole fleet worth of xhan tech ships :/

Are they as weak as they seemed?

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Blue - Extratential Lanestate Union (0.8.1a-RC2) Mod
« on: September 20, 2022, 05:20:06 AM »
Hi, are there plans to nerf the Gadolinite? For 60DP the thing is tanker than a star fortress. And the AI sometime attacks with 5 of those....

It can go all the way up to 8250 armor which is insane, my fleet almost ran out of Cr just after killing 1 of them

Hi, thank you for checking.

I checked on my side again and it seems the effects appear normally now. Damn I wish I took a screenshot.

As about the Flux stats increase, on the XVI battlegroup Enforcer they show up in the codex, are the XIII Flux stats modifications different from the the XVI one?

Either way The problem is fixed for now.

Amazing mod by the way :)

Hi, thanks for the reply :)

Hmm, Maybe it's just an enforcer thing?

Because I checked with XIII enforcer and there aren't any stat increases. I'll check with other ships later

Hi i think the XIII hullmod effects arent applied. kindly check.

Also, i found the military package blueprint but the thing is that it doesn't have legion and onslaught in itt. Are their BP separate? Are they found like any other normal ship blueprint for example in Prism freeport or something like that?


Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.5
« on: September 16, 2022, 07:08:27 PM »
I just fought against an legion invasion fleet made of 3 hel scaith and a bunch of hel dominators, After reading the forum it seems I am not the only one noticing that there is something wrong with the balance.

Hel scaith tanking 2 Onslaughts and 1 Legion eating in total like 15 torpedoes and still going strong is definitely something wrong. I like challenging fights but fighting immortal ships that not only tank ridiculously, but also agile and have a lot of firepower isn't fun. Killing one dominator took forever, then when I saw there are bunch of other dominators I simply quit the fight.

Those ships should be like boss ships. Even in Difficult mode there should be like 3 or 4 of them maximum. Not a whole fleet made of them.

Edit: I just noticed that the ones I fought are post nerf. It made wonder how terrifying they were before the nerf.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.5
« on: August 25, 2022, 06:21:13 PM »
I'm trying to build a rosenritter only fleet. I noticed that most of the regalias (this small ones and the 25do ones) can't sustain their built-in weapons. Anyone managed to build a decent rosenritter only fleet? I am getting my ass handed to me by an ordo (which I can defeat easily with other fleets).

General Discussion / Re: The XIV is back with a vengeance
« on: January 11, 2022, 03:00:01 AM »
Alex needs to give the XIV Onslaught and Dominator heavy ballistic integration of whatever that hullmod name (the one that reduces OP price of large ballistic weapons).

It is sad to see the most effective onslaught build still being 90% point defense

I'm confused by this statement given Onslaughts did gain Ballistics Integration in 0.95.1a.  Just double checked in game, my Onslaught XIV has ballistics integration.

Dominators didn't get the hullmod, but they did get a 10 OP bump from 0.95.1a, which is kinda like half the bonus (2 large mounts with the hullmod would be a 20 OP savings).  I don't think I've ever downgraded the large mounts on Dominators I run, given they both focus forward and large ballistics tend to be the best ballistics.  I don't remember seeing builds posted to the forums with people filling them with mediums, although perhaps I've missed it.

As for going heavy on point defense, they kind of are over mounted for their DP.  If they actually had the flux to fire all offensive weaponry, they'd outgun Radiants and Paragons.  Assuming 1 large = 2 mediums = 4 smalls:
Onslaughts come with 5 large gun mounts, 9 medium guns, 6 small guns, and 4 medium missile mounts (52 small equivalent). 
Radiants only come with 5 large mounts, 4 mediums, and 10 smalls (38 small equivalent). 
Paragons have 4 large, 6 mediums, 9 smalls, and 4 small missile mounts (41 small equivalent).

They simply don't need all their mounts dedicated to offense to put out good damage numbers, so filling the rest with PD to prevent Reapers from removing their heavy armor defense seems like a good investment.

OP's pic kinda confused me because I didn't see the hullmod in his pic. I haven't used Onslaught recently so I missed that

As about Dominator, even with the +10 OP still can't afford anything above Mark IX  because of the flux cost Large weapons require a lot of flux dissipation and dominator doesn't have that. But that pilot skill that gives more flux stats for every op spent on weapons fixes that.

As about weapons, unlike the rest of the ships you mentioned, Onslaught can fire at max 3 large weapons at the same time at one target (a large one, 2 at small one)
But that's not the issue here,  Onslaught simply can't perform well when more than 2 large weapons are firing at the same time due to bad flux stats. You can even see in the video posted by OP, if that was the AI it would have been dead. So this is why despite having 5 large slots, putting offense weapon in each slot feels like a noob bait simply because the price weapons (before the heavy ballistics integration) prevented the player from putting a lot of points in flux stats/hullmods

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