Hi, first time trying this mod and having a lot of fun with it!
I am a little confused by the Richardson Cannon. The description calls it "surprisingly flux efficient," but it uses 3200 (!) flux per second. It also supposedly does 6400 dps. Are these typos or what?
I think something's really wrong with that thing's efficiency. 0.5 flux per damage on a frag weapon (which has 25% damage against anything except exposed hull, which would be 2 flux per effective damage to shields and probably even worse against armor due to hit strength mechanics) is clearly not "surprisingly flux efficient", that would instead be "so inefficient it'll build up flux for you faster than it does to the enemy's shields".
And good luck actually applying that 6400 DPS with the terrible accuracy and reliance on the enemy not having much remaining armor coverage, because if it's armor is stripped on an entire side, it's probably going to die to other weapons anyways.
I'm not really sure if it actually serves any niche that other large ballistic weapons have, or at least one that's worth the extremely high sustained flux per second. If you're fielding ships with large weapons, then you probably have the DPS to chew through hull anyways, so you won't need an overspecialized weapon for that purpose. And if you want saturated PD, just use a devastator cannon, paladin PD, or any other modded large PD weapon.
Maybe all this is the reason why the weapon's blueprint was left buried in the middle of goddamn nowhere, only being recovered and used by a faction of scavengers known for using literal trash as part of their fleets. I would probably not even notice if the Richardson Cannon gets removed during the next de-bloating spree, and that trash getting removed from the HMI blueprints could probably be a useful buff for the faction's fleets so they won't run out of flux as quickly, as I've been hearing discussion on other sites about how HMI's ships tend to be on the underpowered side (at least regarding junkers/modified mining hulls) and I don't think terrible weapons help with that. (I'd also prefer being able to loot weapons that are actually useful, by the way)
This rant is probably a bit long, so i'll just throw out a TL;DR question: Why is there a terribly flux inefficient large slot fragmentation weapon without the accuracy, range, or hit strength to accomplish anything that other weapons can't do better?
oh and sorry if this post feels a bit harsh, I just really wanted to vent (hah) about how inefficient the Richardson Cannon is. If you want to keep it, find some way to buff it or just rework it.
You know you're not supposed to use frag damage weaponry against shields (and armor, too), right? The frag damage information is very specific in it being the worst of the four damage types to use against both. Thus, you shouldn't be using it when shields are up as you mentioned. It's meant to be a finisher sort of damage, as frag weapons tend to have an impressive DPS that is only fully used when armor is stripped and shields aren't blocking. In this case, the Richardson has absolute batshit RoF and damage which will smash any damaged ships (and batter incoming missiles/low armor fighters) leading to it's strange assault-and-PD role.