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Messages - tomatopaste

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Mods / [0.97a-RC6] Pearson Exotronics
« on: June 01, 2020, 07:53:28 PM »

Requires the CMUtils mod as a dependency!

How to add to an existing game
  • Ensure that the mod Console Commands is installed
  • Load up the existing save you would like to add Pearson Exotronics too, after selecting the mod in launcher
  • Use ctrl+backspace to open the console, then input the command "SpawnPearsonContent". If successful, it will report back.
  • A few seconds after this, you should see an intel item that says "New faction arrives: Pearson Exotronics" or some such
Do not use the command more than once, it will brick your save!

Is it possible to manually (I mean via script call or similar) kill crew during combat and have those losses appear in the results screen afterwards? And if so, can it also be done with Marines? (And just out of curiosity, other cargo items)
I believe this can be done through rules modifications, you can get the lowest hull level of a ship through ShipAPI via plugin, and then have a rules hook that fires at the end of combat, with marine losses subtracted and the player notified similarly to crew. Most rules scripts are in api impl, so you should find what you're looking for.

General Discussion / Re: Is Transverse Jump Too Good?
« on: May 14, 2020, 04:05:29 AM »
I've always thought that transverse jumping out of a system while in populated space should cause issues with patrols in the area, it's too easy to trade on the black market and jump into hyperspace while in orbit of a planet.

I don't think that there is any problem that the proposal of OP is trying/going to solve. Just adding another layer of complexity.

That's incorrect, this was a suggestion to improve the effectiveness of smaller ships in capital heavy battles. It's also very intuitive, and isn't 'just' adding a layer of complexity, because it functions as expected behaviour until e.g. the inexperienced player takes a projectile at a shallow angle and realizes they can effectively tank heavy rounds by moving sufficiently fast, with odds improving with range. It doesn't change the core combat experience, and is emergent, not a roadblock to learning combat. Furthermore, it could give the player an edge by rewarding them for leading shots better than AI, which is again emergent. It would prevent the cheapness of experiencing receiving full flux from a shot that barely clips their shields.
What purpose would this serve?
As player, I can already flicker the shield when I see a big projectile that would hit shield, but not hull.
AI isn't aware of that, and equally wouldn't be aware of half-dodging to improve shield deflection.

Seems like complexity for sake of complexity.

Not a terrible idea. But it should apply to armor as well if that is the idea.

And it certainly can't be applied to armor without major re-balancing on armor values (flat face = bad, angled face = good).

Applying it to armour is silly and not relevant to the idea.

Hello, I've got a suggestion for a potential buff to frigates, destroyers, or any applicable ship really. Currently, when a projectile impacts a shield, its damage is modified by its type and flux is added to the shielded ship's pool. My suggestion is instead to reduce the amount of flux received from a shield collision when the projectile impacts at a shallow angle, with the reduction scaling to the angle on shields, as shown in the image here:
Instead of receiving full flux from the hellbore round barely colliding with the shield, instead its angle is compared to the shield and the amount of flux applied is reduced. This could be thought of as the shield not having to redirect/absorb as much kinetic energy, if you wanted to justify it I guess. Fast-moving projectiles could possibly be affected by angle scaling much less, which could nuance balance around using projectiles with high velocity, to help in their role of being able to hit fast moving targets. A prerequisite for this to be useful/fun mechanic in the game would have to be a balance pass on most weapons, I suppose.
This would be a buff to fast moving, low-radius shielded ships because the number of projectile collisions that would occur at an angle that would significantly reduce flux buildup is much higher, so they wold potentially be able to harass/be useful in heavy capital battles more, because they can be somewhat more survivable against high-volume kinetics that would instantly overload them.
I can't speak to the performance loss this would cause, but the collision system would seem to support this so I can't see it being extraordinarily difficult to implement. That was my idea and my two cents, anyone else have thoughts besides?  :)

Lights Out. - 1.0c
  • Reduced moon spawning around gas giants.
  • Added comments to settings.json in mod folder for better clarity

I looked through the mods sections but did not find any meant just for Lasers or weapon filtering.

I am looking for a mod that is nothing but laser beam based weapons. I am looking for beam weapons ranging from PD up to super heavy. (I mostly mess around in the game and as such have a lot of different mods. I use the console commands mod and when I activate combat cheats my laptop slows way down when I use any weapon that fires projectiles be it energy/ballistic/missile. I can fire nothing but Lasers + cheats and be totally fine. For whatever reason its just projectiles.)

I am also looking for a mod that filters weapons by Design Type. Mostly so I can find/compare Mod X weapons easier to use on Mod X ships.

It's not currently possible to filter weapon options in refit (although this is confirmed in the next update).  It also isn't possible to make existing weapons that fire projectiles, instead fire 'lasers', because its hardcoded to the weapon. If you're having performance issues, you should consider turning down battle size and disabling GraphicsLib's VFX if you have it enabled.

Lights Out. - 1.0b
  • Habitable worlds can now generate in suitable systems. Ruins and salvage can be found here.
  • Adjusted resource generator to less frequently assign low level resources
  • Resource generator no longer guaranteed to give some kind of ore / rare ore
  • Added options to settings.json to adjust spawning probabilities

Modding / Re: Lack of soul.
« on: April 24, 2020, 06:12:03 PM »
I have some fun with kitbashing last days. Some are good. Some are not. But this particular hull is weird, it's kind of OK, but it kind of empty at the same time.

It have no soul what ever I do to it. Like insipid porridge without even salt.


I am unable to determine what exactly is wrong. Can anyone help?

I'd recommend joining the discord server and posting your kitbash there, there are many helpful, experienced people that can provide good criticism and feedback.

Mods / Re: Lights Out - Tomato's Procgen Tester - 1.0 release
« on: April 23, 2020, 07:51:39 PM »
This is a really cool idea. Assuming the next release fleshes out exploration and adds content and missions, I'm really excited to use both in tandem.

I'm afraid that this mod is just limited to procgen changes, but I'm glad you like it.

This is really cool, and I'm almost as excited to poke around under the hood and see what you did as I am to play a full run with it.
Thank you! As for the under the hood stuff, it's fairly straightforward (and I'm guessing you can already see the applications for hidden faction content etc.). For any mod author reading this, feel free to use any of the mechanics in this mod for your own stuff   ;).

Fantastic! Really enjoy exploring new worlds.

for an upcoming TC mod.
And I guess that would make gameplay similar to FTL? or Avorion more exactly? ???

Well, it's a ways off. I did a writeup about my ideas on the discord, but I've started working on a semi-roguelike conversion mod with a ton of content, missions, lore etc., featuring the procgen I'm live-testing with this mod.

Mods / [0.95.1a-RC6] Lights Out
« on: April 23, 2020, 08:30:23 AM »
Lights Out

Lights Out features a number of customisable procedural generation modifications to the sector. Moon spawning generates small, bite-sized moons around various planets, scaling to their size. Appropriate weather and resource conditions are applied. Second, Non-core systems (excluding Nebulas due to engine limitations) are hidden from the hyperspace map, and must be seeked out by the player. LightsOut/data/config/settings.json allows various values to be adjusted, and features to be disabled. Should be compatible with all sector generation mods.

- added Planetary Moon condition to all moons, impedes population growth beyond a capped limit (settings.json to modify)
- updated to 0.95.1a-RC6

Current Features
  • Spawn tiny moons around planets, which can have fully fledged colonies, but typically high hazard ratings. Scales with the size of the host. Moons cannot spawn as terran, arid or tundra worlds.
  • Hides all procedurally generated system stars from the hyperspace map (excluding nebulas due to engine limitations), requiring the player to manually find them. Discovery behaviour requires the player to get in scanning range of the system's jump points to reveal it on map.

minorly outdated, moon images missing modifier


Modding Resources / Re: [0.9.1a] SafariJohn's Rules Tool (v2.1.1)
« on: April 20, 2020, 06:06:50 AM »
Having issues using v2.1.1. Editor works as expected until trying to edit the id (i.e. typing into id field) of a newly created rule, after which the program rapidly loses fps and eventually freezes. I'm using windows 10, latest update (afaik), and installed the program into a normal folder on a secondary drive, with it pointing at the mods folder correctly. Didn't appear to be hemorrhaging RAM usage, but I'm not familiar with the program. I'll have to get into rules editing manually now, I guess :P

Read and weep fellas 8) 8) 8)


Cheers Alex, your advice works perfectly  ;D. Mod idea and TC conversion validated!

Hello, a follow-up to the hyperspace system hiding:
The script
    public void onNewGameAfterProcGen() {
        for (SectorEntityToken token : Global.getSector().getHyperspace().getAllEntities()) {
successfully hides all systems as can be seen in this screenshot.


The only problem is, when coming across a system in hyperspace, it returns null for the discovery process, and is only visible on map when the player is within sensor range, and disappears otherwise. How would I go about permanently having systems appear on map?



Hello, after some theorising about a possible TC with some folks that hinges around the idea of a custom hyperspace map with fog of war.

Not sure how much you intend to override, but this list may help save you some time considering you're wanting to do a TC. It's easier in my experience to just delete what you don't need rather than type everything out. This post includes most if not all vanilla files. I can't remember how much I added to this before I started working on reducing the need for the replace array in general.

Replace Array Possible Entries For Windows

Thanks for the post, I'm sure it'll be useful when I start diving in  :D

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