Hello, I've got a suggestion for a potential buff to frigates, destroyers, or any applicable ship really. Currently, when a projectile impacts a shield, its damage is modified by its type and flux is added to the shielded ship's pool. My suggestion is instead to reduce the amount of flux received from a shield collision when the projectile impacts at a shallow angle, with the reduction scaling to the angle on shields, as shown in the image here:
Instead of receiving full flux from the hellbore round barely colliding with the shield, instead its angle is compared to the shield and the amount of flux applied is reduced. This could be thought of as the shield not having to redirect/absorb as much kinetic energy, if you wanted to justify it I guess. Fast-moving projectiles could possibly be affected by angle scaling much less, which could nuance balance around using projectiles with high velocity, to help in their role of being able to hit fast moving targets. A prerequisite for this to be useful/fun mechanic in the game would have to be a balance pass on most weapons, I suppose.
This would be a buff to fast moving, low-radius shielded ships because the number of projectile collisions that would occur at an angle that would significantly reduce flux buildup is much higher, so they wold potentially be able to harass/be useful in heavy capital battles more, because they can be somewhat more survivable against high-volume kinetics that would instantly overload them.
I can't speak to the performance loss this would cause, but the collision system would seem to support this so I can't see it being extraordinarily difficult to implement. That was my idea and my two cents, anyone else have thoughts besides?