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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - tomatopaste

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Mods / Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Pearson Exotronics - v0.5.2 20/7/20
« on: July 22, 2020, 05:46:23 PM »
i think all they are missing now are utility ships.

With a Freighter, Tanker and Troop Transport i feel the AI won't have to rely on Vanilla Ships for carrying their fuel, supplies and marines. Specially with Nex invasions and raids.

I like this mod a lot, hope you continue to add more ships to make it a full roster.

Making botes takes a while since I try and put as much effort in as possible for each, so doing logistics ships isn't on the table at the moment while I work on other stuff. I don't think it's a great priority anyway, since it's a vanilla friendly faction, and it would make sense for them to use workhorse ships like phaetons, buffalos and valkyries. They also draw on midline ships like heron and drovers for carrier options as well, but I'm planning on phasing those out when Pearson has a bigger roster.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Pearson Exotronics - v0.5.2 20/7/20
« on: July 21, 2020, 03:55:35 PM »
The Composite Drone Armour hullmod is available as loot, has 0 cost and is equippable on any ship. Surely not intended?

no, that's a mistake, it's meant to be available through commissioned crews only. I'll patch it soonish, enjoy the freebie until then :P

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Pearson Exotronics - v0.5.2 20/7/20
« on: July 19, 2020, 08:42:41 PM »
Pearson Exotronics - v0.5.2
Small update with tweaks and a couple of new missions
-tweaked drone shroud shipsystem AI
-reduced kingston shield drone flux capacity 7500 -> 6000
-added two new missions with randomly generated fleets for fun and testing
    -Random vs. Pearson
    -Pearson vs. Random
-added new console command "SpawnPearsonContent" that will run the campaign generation scripts normally run on starting
a new game, used to add the faction to an existing save. will still be incompatible with saves with previous versions if
an update is not save compatible.
-variant tweaks
-updated license to be CC-BY-NC-ND (see license.txt for details)
-added readme

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Pearson Exotronics - 0.5.1 19/7/20
« on: July 18, 2020, 05:31:47 PM »
Pearson Exotronics - v0.5.1
Beeg update, with features, tweaks, fixes and a new capital ship
-added ship and shipsystem descriptions with nerd tidbits included (no weapons to describe currently)
-added commissioned crew bonus - improves ship and PEC-brand drone armour by a small amount
-corona shipsystem no longer reduces flux dissipation, instead deactivates zero flux boost
-added modular vector assembly (MVA) thruster drone system
-added new kingston-class battleship
    -has shield drone launcher system, cycle between a rotating circular shield matrix and an
    unstable broadside-oriented shielded drive field boost
    -60dp, defines the role of anchor brick
    -yes it has a mobility system god help us
    -versatile broadside/front focused loadouts possible with AI tested to be competent at both, including asymmetry
        -live out your depraved converging cyclone reaper fantasies
    -actually spawns in campaign (faction updated to know ship variants)
-tweaks and improvements to drone system AI
    -drone corona ships are now less inclined to play drone roulette with endless cycling
    -AI controlled ships will now be able to cycle through system when remaining drone count is zero
-updated pulse impeller shipsystem, available on cassius-class frigates and richmond-class destroyers
    -now applies force relating to hullsize, you won't be able to launch across the map in a frigate just because i
    forgot that it wasn't unique to the destroyer
-added version checker support
-updated mission logo, variants
-added unused modular drone clamping and maneuvering thruster shipsystem, going to be equipped on a cruiser coming to a
beta near you sometime soon
-updated some ship variants
-added custom hull styles under the hood, ships now have custom shield colours, but are still midline in other respects
-ships will no longer summon hyper-angry drones after death (although it was kinda funny)
-fixed eyre spawning and production
-added torrens and eyre to tester mission
-Adelaide solar shades are now geostationary

Ooh yes please! Your sprites look great from a first glance, but the paintjob stripes could be less abrupt, and match contour better... That aside, I'm going to chuck this into a save and see what you've cooked up. Cheers  :D

I'm having a weird issue relating to .system loading. I'm not sure if it's a mistake I've made, which it could well be, but there isn't something that I'm obviously doing wrong. I have a shipsystem file with json contents below:
 .system file
{ ### the drone AI written for the deuces doesn't use a lot of the values here, only those marked with ###, but the game will crash on launch if the unused values are missing



"holdRoamRange":20, ###
"targetPriority":[MISSILE, FIGHTER, SHIP], # also SHIP_TARGET to prefer targeting the mothership's target
"initialOrbitAngle":0, ###
"focusModeOrbitAngle":0, ### CUSTOM
"orbitRadius":-35, ### # plus ship radius
"orbitDir":0, # -1 or 1
"orbitSpeed":0, # pixels/second
"holdRoamRange":20, ###
"targetPriority":[MISSILE, FIGHTER, SHIP],
"initialOrbitAngle":50, ###
"focusModeOrbitAngle":5, ### CUSTOM
"orbitRadius":-35, ###
"targetPriority":[MISSILE, FIGHTER, SHIP],
"initialOrbitAngle":-50, ###
"focusModeOrbitAngle":-5, ### CUSTOM
"orbitRadius":-35, ###

(notice how easy it is to put this in spoilers :P)
My mod has a json loading class (using SettingsAPI) that will read certain values that I have marked, when I hijacked the structure of the base DRONE_LAUNCHER shipsystem json config. The issue is that when I remove the unused values so that it has contents like so:


"orbitRadius":-35, # plus ship radius

The game crashes before any modplugins are loaded, with the error "Fatal: JSONObject["targetPriority"] not found.", which indicates that it can't find the first sequential value relevant to the DRONE_LAUNCHER shipsystem type that I am not using. The thing that has me the most confused, is that this is actually of STAT_MOD type. Why is it complaining that it can't find a value that is used by DRONE_LAUNCHER?

Darn spoilers mean I have to put this in notepad to look at it (*grumble* *grumble* code spoiler compression *grumble* *grumble*)  :P

Anyway this is a guess, but assuming you changed it to STAT_MOD to try and prevent those values from being read- it probably doesn't work that way. Just having defined drones in the first place means that the system loader will look for all the relevant values of the droneBehavior JSONObject contained in each index of the droneBehavior array. Defining DRONE_LAUNCHER doesn't do this but rather having the presence of droneBehavior[] does, if that makes sense.

Even if the drones are technically weaponless, I'd assume they would need a target priority by default even if the system doesn't actually use it. Same thing with orbitSpeed and orbitDir. The loader expects these values to be there whether they are actually used or not. What the custom AI uses is probably irrelevant in that case. If it didn't work that way then you probably wouldn't have been able to define drones under STAT_MOD in the first place. It would have either thrown an error or ignored those values because it would be only expecting a statsScript and the basic default system values.

Thanks, that inference turned out to be correct. Adding prefixes to all the keys that would derail the spec loader works a treat, .system file is nice and neat now  :D

I'm having a weird issue relating to .system loading. I'm not sure if it's a mistake I've made, which it could well be, but there isn't something that I'm obviously doing wrong. I have a shipsystem file with json contents below:
 .system file
{ ### the drone AI written for the deuces doesn't use a lot of the values here, only those marked with ###, but the game will crash on launch if the unused values are missing



"holdRoamRange":20, ###
"targetPriority":[MISSILE, FIGHTER, SHIP], # also SHIP_TARGET to prefer targeting the mothership's target
"initialOrbitAngle":0, ###
"focusModeOrbitAngle":0, ### CUSTOM
"orbitRadius":-35, ### # plus ship radius
"orbitDir":0, # -1 or 1
"orbitSpeed":0, # pixels/second
"holdRoamRange":20, ###
"targetPriority":[MISSILE, FIGHTER, SHIP],
"initialOrbitAngle":50, ###
"focusModeOrbitAngle":5, ### CUSTOM
"orbitRadius":-35, ###
"targetPriority":[MISSILE, FIGHTER, SHIP],
"initialOrbitAngle":-50, ###
"focusModeOrbitAngle":-5, ### CUSTOM
"orbitRadius":-35, ###

(notice how easy it is to put this in spoilers :P)
My mod has a json loading class (using SettingsAPI) that will read certain values that I have marked, when I hijacked the structure of the base DRONE_LAUNCHER shipsystem json config. The issue is that when I remove the unused values so that it has contents like so:


"orbitRadius":-35, # plus ship radius

The game crashes before any modplugins are loaded, with the error "Fatal: JSONObject["targetPriority"] not found.", which indicates that it can't find the first sequential value relevant to the DRONE_LAUNCHER shipsystem type that I am not using. The thing that has me the most confused, is that this is actually of STAT_MOD type. Why is it complaining that it can't find a value that is used by DRONE_LAUNCHER?

Modding / Re: Alpha AI portrait
« on: June 21, 2020, 04:44:00 PM »
The portrait image is already in the game files (used by remnants). You just need to add it to the player faction so you can access it.

Modding / Re: I am looking to commission a modder!
« on: June 18, 2020, 05:06:42 AM »
Hello, offering money around isn't something necessary here  ;). In fact, I think that the mod Boardable Undboardables on this may already have what you are looking for. Just do some searching.

Edit - on a second read of the op, the domain era motherships can't be made playable because they are station types within the game engine. There are many more modded ship options to choose from if you want modular muscle, such as the Cathedral from the Ship and Weapon Pack.

Lights Out. - 1.0d
  • Tweaked moon condition spawning related to gas giants.

The google drive link is private I'm afraid. I'm generally not a huge fan of anime themes but I'll give this a shot when I can download it. Also, I'm not exactly sure what I'm being credited for?  :o

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Pearson Exotronics
« on: June 06, 2020, 06:28:04 PM »
Pearson Exotronics - Beta 0.4c
Small update fixing some things, as well as adding a bunch of basic content to the home star system. I've also added some gifs to the OP. Please enjoy!  :D
-added spaceport to new caledonia
-reduced denmark dp to 12 from 15
-fixed drone bastion shipsystem drone ai bugs
-improved drone movement ai algorithm
-reduced over-fluxing tendencies of drone corona system ai
-added faction flavour description
-system status now only shows up for player ship
-overhauled adelaide star system
-adjusted starting faction rep
-fixed images on blueprint packages

Has anyone attempted to make a mod that lets you build hullmods into a hull permanently? How difficult would that be to do?
That's straightforward to do, and it's also going to be a feature of the next starsector update iirc.

Suggestions / Bar easter egg idea
« on: June 03, 2020, 12:53:06 AM »
Idea is that a random inhabited planet is chosen at the start of a game to be the location for an arcade, and when visiting the planet bar, there's always an option to 'Visit the arcade...', which when selected lets you select and play through a loaded game mission with default ship loadouts for 5 credits or something, as a cool little easter egg

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a-RC8] Pearson Exotronics
« on: June 02, 2020, 01:35:35 PM »
The images really don't do this justice.
It's slightly bare bones as a faction at the moment, but the ship systems feature the most extensive and well made drone based features in the modiverse.

I know you got some gifs somewhere, you should show them off!
Will get around to it shortley.

absolutely love these ships. They look very pleasing to my eyes, thank you for making them.
No worries, thanks!
Neat! You've really nailed the high-tech drone-centric look. You certainly have my interest and I wanted to give some first impressions.

The Kiruna seems like an interesting frigate. Pretty fast with good armor, flux and a powerful front facing armament. Very wide for a frigate so it's difficult to dodge shots, it's so wide in fact that its front facing shield can be pretty easily avoided. Overall, I'd say it's a nice frigate. I'm having a hard time getting a handle on its system, the Bastion, which produces drones. I like how you can cycle different formations and recall them using the system, but more often than not they seem to just fly off straight past what I'm fighting and stay out there until I recall them. The AI usually has a better go at controlling them when I try putting it on autopilot, so it could just be user error. Also the drones it produces die when they're looked at sternly, but I guess it sort of has to be that way considering the circumstances of it being a frigate and they can be fabricated during battle.

The Denmark may very well become one of my favorite ships in the game. Its system is so cool, the defence formation works great for PD and close fire support while the focus formation is such a neat visual of all three drones joining together to fire out a blazing red energy beam.

Those are the only two ships I've had time to play around with this morning, but I am excited to see what else you have in store for us.
That Kiruna behaviour is a capital B bug and will be fixed very soon, along with some other suicidal behaviour I've noticed for the AI using the denmark/serrano shipsystem.

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