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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Reshy

Pages: 1 ... 73 74 [75] 76 77 78
General Discussion / Re: AI and Missiles
« on: March 05, 2012, 07:10:12 AM »
What's silly is how ineffective missiles in general, they have hilariously limited ammo and no accuracy of any description.

i dont agree with this statemnt

What if missiles were weaker but generally more accurate?
I don't think it's a problem with the accuracy of the missile, rather it's simply because the AIs are so good at dodging them/blocking them with shield at just the right moment.

Not really, most are too slow or have bad tracking, the only ones I see hit at a reasonable rate are Sabots (Secondary faster movement speed), MIRV (splits into several faster missiles), and the Atropos Torpedoes (Also have a secondary booster), other than that they're tracking is pretty negligible.  I mainly use them as a sting weapon, fly in close and launch them at short enough range that they cannot be dodged.

General Discussion / Re: The feel of Cruisers and Capital ships
« on: March 05, 2012, 07:06:49 AM »
The no deploy mechanic is important because once you achieve that you basically win if you control all the points.  Your ships move faster, field more, and have greater range at that point.

Also about range, there's a way to upgrade it, but it costs so many points that you pretty much cannot get it on anything but a paragon and still have reasonable enough fire power to justify it.  It costs 40 OP just to add the range increase which is A LOT.  Same does with a lot of the upgrades to capital ships, some are really good but most just cost too much for what little benefit they give.  45 OP for a measly 20 speed?  So that bumps my out of combat speed from 70 to 90, at the cost of a weapon and the integrated targeting unit.  It's pretty outrageous in my opinion.  If it was maybe '50' speed that might be worth it, as you make it about as fast as a destroyer.

General Discussion / Re: All frigate fleet
« on: March 05, 2012, 06:55:58 AM »
Also, I created a fighter that makes carriers so much more useful. I call it the Lancer, and it is a Tachyon Lance turned into a vehicle. It has a single measly mg to defend itself, but can hang back with the carriers and still fight (Integrated Targeting Unit makes it have a 5750 range... so, yeeeah). It basically acts as an extreme-range deterrent against most things, although small craft fare worse against it. It really is the embodiment of the quote "The best defense is a strong offense".

(On a balance note, the fact that fighters like to spin wildly makes the accuracy atrocious, but it does well against small craft by making repeated sweeping arcs with the TL. Larger craft can shield it easily, but it dishes out nasty pain when the enemy has their shields down. While it is extremely survivable because it stays far away, a wing of two costs 40000 and 12 Fleet Points, and you really need at least a few wings for them to be effective.)

I make my sunder class destroyers ferry around tachyon lasers instead of their stock one.

Also, Venture-class ships are Cruisers, not Capital Ships (even though they handle like them).

I'd just assumed that when he said capital ships he meant stuff that doesn't move like a giraffe with rocketskates.

this made me laugh for a ridiculously long time :D

Capital ships pilot more like a drunken elephant.

General Discussion / Re: Development Process
« on: March 05, 2012, 06:44:23 AM »
It is worth noting that the larger a game gets the longer it takes to develop.  This is due to the fact that every time you add something you have to make sure it works with everything else, not a problem when you only have a few systems in place but each one you add on adds a lot more burden.

I don't see why PD weapons aren't on auto-fire to start with.  I think that would solve a lot of issues with first impressions.

General Discussion / Re: AI and Missiles
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:07:28 PM »
What's silly is how ineffective missiles in general, they have hilariously limited ammo and no accuracy of any description.

i dont agree with this statemnt

What if missiles were weaker but generally more accurate?

General Discussion / The feel of Cruisers and Capital ships
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:06:39 PM »
Anyone else feel like trying to pilot a cruiser or capital ship is boring or ineffectual next to piloting a destroyer or frigate?  They move so slow and feel in effective next to faster more efficient destroyers and frigates.  In the campaign I pretty much never use them due to how pathetic they are.  I mean they're cool when in battle, but they're terribly inefficient when I can just put a bunch of frigates/fighters and capture all the control points before the ships could even reach the center.  It just seems like they're built to intimidate rather than be effective.  Anyone else feel like this when using them, or have you guys had better results?

General Discussion / Re: Piranah vs Broadsword
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:38:34 PM »
Piranah's are incredibly effective against cruisers and capital ships, but rubbish otherwise.  Broadswords are just better in general.

General Discussion / Re: AI and Missiles
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:37:09 PM »
What's silly is how ineffective missiles in general, they have hilariously limited ammo and no accuracy of any description.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions & Feedback regarding the Campaign
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:45:55 PM »

Wow, isnt that from Starcraft?

Yes it is, the wireframe from the dropship to be precise.  I like it because it splits up the ship into several segments, which could be done with armor for when it's damaged or not as it's likely that they're alreayd split up into segments, just that they're undefined.

Real quick note: press and hold 'C'.

Whoops, that's a case of bad reading on my part.  I made some of those mistakes on my OP so feel free to disregard them if they're wrong.

this has been discussed to a great extend, it's really hard to justify universal slots, especially bigger ones...
story wise (in terms of different era's not having acces to certain technology)
balance wise (cookie cutter... the flak weapons are the best PD you can get, the antimatter has the highest burst etc.)
it actually takes variety from the game, if you are not forced to do otherwise you will start to only use your favorite 1 or 2 weapons, also the ships start to feel less unique...

how much it actually makes sense...
one of the mods has a frigate with 4 small universal slots in it...
i noticed that this doesn't really add anything, you are more or less forced to use certain weapons anyways
4 energy weapons doesn't make sense at all, they cost waaay too much flux to be viable
4 ballistic weapons might be, but why would you? you could take the lasher and have 5 + 2 missiles
2 weapons and 2 missiles seems legit but it's basically what other ships offer aswell
4 missiles runs out of steam too fast
combining energy and ballistic weapons doesn't make too much sense

it's really hard to justify something like that in the actual game... this would require a frigate with a large mount... how do you balance that?
you would need to create a ship that has a large energy mount but it wouldn't have anything else...
it would be incredible weak against... anything that comes close to it (because the only energy weapons a frigate could support with it's weak flux values would be the long range support type of weapons and the autopulse cannon... and even the autopulse generates quite some flux and isn't even really good on it's own)

however, if you want it... there's a mod that has it
i think it's starfarer extended which features a frigate with a large mount
the energy one is kinda not fun, but the one with the large ballistic mount is quite good (actually quite OP :P)

i think my main question would be...
y do you want and/or need something like that?
i don't really see a use for it...

well, i would guess that you are not supposed to have a lot of elite crew and that in the real game it will be hard to get enough elite crew for more than 1 or 2 ships...
i bet you only have that much because you are camping the spawn for ages ...

Speaking of maneuvering, try to make your ship come to a complete halt with absolutely no drift at all.  You'll find this is very hard, but the computer does it all the time.

nothing more easy than that... press and hold C

i think that alex has said something like "the AI also takes into account which ship could be the first to arrive at the target"
also different objectives have different priorities... that's probably which does the switching...


Well this is modifying, why not allow you to 'upgrade' slots to larger or change what type they are?  Same with the OP, why can't we pay money to expand it a little bit.  One issue I will note that really should be fixed is that sometimes turrets have really restrictive firing arcs which destroys a lot of customizability due to the turret's inflexability.  You can also add an omni shield emitter to a ship without any shields at all, which is rather counter-intuitive.

Uniqueness does have something to do with it, however I doubt you could upgrade your entire fleet like I suggest without effectively having completed the campaign anyway.  There's also no real issue of it appearing in Missions as you're forced to use whatever variant they give you.  However if there are already weapons that are undoubtedly 'better' than people are going to use them as often as they can anyway, so the uniqueness doesn't really seem to justify to me as a reason not to do it because you already sort of can, it's just heavily restricted.  If anything that means that weapon balance needs to be worked on more than anything as if there's a weapons that is just 'better' than anything else at the same rank than either other weapons are too weak, or that weapon is too strong.

As for variation, why not two pulse/burst lasers, two PDs, and add more flux vents?  What about two ion cannons and two PD's as a ship designed to take down shields with high reliability.  Etc.

On the topic of a Tachyon Lance on a frigate, if you're willing to put a 25,000$ gun on a 8000$ ship than all the more power to you.  It's an end-game weapon (currently anyway) so at that point why not?

Any idea how much armor I lost?

Also, I'm aware of the priorities, however they are assigned pretty randomly.  I can have a ship right next to a place I want defended, then if I change it to assault the ship will move away while another ship half way across the map will take it's place.  That's the problem I have.

General Discussion / Re: All frigate fleet
« on: March 04, 2012, 04:30:10 PM »
I cant really stand piloting anything bigger than a destroyer - Maybe with the next patch (speed buffs for virtually everything) itll be better.. But for the moment, cruising around as a frigate means I am a lot more engaged in the battles.

Oh yes I know that feeling, capital ships are pretty much awesome but impractical.

Honestly I don't think ships should explode in space, as unless the ships are actually touching there's no transfer of energy.  So maybe it should be changed to fragmentation damage instead of explosive and have the hitbox reduced?

General Discussion / Re: AI and Missiles
« on: March 04, 2012, 04:27:16 PM »
On the other side of the coin I feel like most ships AI do not properly react against many missiles specifically the Hurricane MIRV's which confuse the ships because they don't understand that the missile will split and hit in a larger area.

Rarely a problem at least for my frigates as they generally arm the forward shield and charge ahead leaving the rest to fly behind.

And Pilums and MIRV I don't see a problem with, it's Torpedos, MRMs, Rockets, and SRMs.

Also this is just silly. 

but yes, they don't use them very often... but sometimes, when it is incredibly annoying
lashers will sometimes release 10 harpoons when they are about to die... screwing you over

Well if they're losing and desperate why not use their missiles?  It makes sense if anything.

I think they need to have a more fighter-like AI first, they play too much like frigates only without worrying about colliding into enemies.

Suggestions / Re: Additional Gameplay Settings.
« on: March 04, 2012, 03:58:51 PM »
It's quite possible that we'll see some additional settings show up for difficulty as the game gets closer to a completed release. I've always liked the difficulty settings of Mount & Blade, where you can adjust a pretty wide range of specific mechanics.

Yes, that was quite enjoyable.  It could range from a cake walk to  nightmare which pretty much prevents cries of too hard or too difficult.

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