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Messages - Reshy

Pages: 1 ... 72 73 [74] 75
Bug Reports & Support / Re: |Abnormality| Capture System
« on: March 04, 2012, 12:48:25 AM »
Ah, that's actually as intended - someone holding a point doesn't lose it just because there are enemies nearby.

Yes, but it goes back up instead of pausing when contested.  This is rather annoying as you can part 6 frigates next to a point and nearly be done capturing it when a single hostile frigate comes in, dies nearly instantly, but causes the capture timer to rise back to full in that time.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: |Abnormality| Capture System
« on: March 03, 2012, 09:56:18 PM »
Blocks the capture of enemy ships? What do you mean by this?

Enemy captures point

Enemy leaves point

Friendly attempts to capture point

Enemy returns before it reverts to neutral

Point starts reverts to enemy control as if no friendly ships are nearby.

Suggestions / Additional Gameplay Settings.
« on: March 03, 2012, 07:44:42 PM »
Currently there's only a small selection of settings from which you can adjust, so I thought I'd add some more that might be worth adding.

Damage taken by your fleet
25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, and 200%

Weapons add flux
Off, Only on enemies, Only on self, On

Consume Ammo
Off, Only on enemies, Only on self, On

Regenerate Ammo
Off, Only on Self, Only on enemies, On

Consume Fuel  (Campaign only)
No, Yes

Consume Supplies  (Campaign only)
No, Yes

Game Speed
50%, 75%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 250%

Fog of War
On, Off

Friendly Fire
On, Only on Enemy, Only on Self, , Off

Enemy Difficulty:
Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard, Unreasonable
(On easy settings enemy crews get a penalty to their AI rank, whereas at hard and above they get a bonus to the point where Unreasonable makes all enemies 'elite')

Friendly Difficulty:
Cake, Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard
(On cake your crews are given a bonus to their AI rank, whereas on hard they get a penalty)

It's worth noting that there's DISABLED and DESTROYED, it's possible to disable and then destroy a ship causing the two messages to appear at once.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Strange AI behavior - lowering shields
« on: March 03, 2012, 07:40:39 PM »
The issue I think is occurring is that the lance fores for about a second for 1500 damage, whereas the AI believes it's a single projectile rather than a beam.

Honestly, if it can't kill you than it would make sense for it to escape.  I don't see why alex considers it an issue to be able to win with a small fleet.  The game shouldn't be about who started with the biggest boots anyway.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions & Feedback regarding the Campaign
« on: March 03, 2012, 06:54:06 PM »
What's wrong with a customization that's actually customizable?  Currently there's not much you can do as all the variants are pretty much as optimized as they can get, unless they use the Salamander MRM which you just trade out for the Harpoon, but that's it.
that's not true, Variants are only semi optimized... to be honest, i never use the preset variants and always equip my ships how i think it suits me best, especially because PD isn't PD, you can for example use different PD weapons to save some OP and spend them somewhere else
the people who created the variants are just humans too, there is no reason why you couldn't be as efficient as they are when equiping your ship with weapons and hull mods
also... salamander MRM's are quite nice :P

Graphical indicators of broken armor aren't in, you cannot tell how much armor you have left in total, only your hull and flux capacities.
there is graphical indication of armor in the bottom left, the little image of your ship, when the armor get's damaged it changes
also, your ship itself displays broken armor pretty good, it changes the sprite

any other way of displaying armor might be difficult to realize... armor isn't a total, there is no total armor
armor is directional, you have front, rear and side armor...
displaying that in a HUD will take up a lot of place, clumping up the UI

Auto-pilot is simply better in the area of weapons control, reflexes and mathmatics. Turrets in starfarer can attack several different targets whereas if you're in control they can only target what you aim at. The main problem is that beyond things like maneuvering, shield management, and other such there's little reason not to leave your weapons on auto-pilot.  Sometimes the game's total auto-pilot is even better than the player, not always but it certainly can be.  Especially at the 'Elite' rank, I hope you realize that there's a huge difference between the strength of green and elite ranks.

Auto Pilot is not that good, it certainly has it's place but if in doubt it's always better to control your ship yourself
Reason for that is that AI's are always limited in certain ways, Humans are way better at decisionmaking than any computer
as a human player you can optimize shield usage and positioning, flying and most importantly weapons

Yes! you have to set certain weapons on autofire, because you can't keep up with the AI, you can't deal with PD yourself
but in 90% of all cases you should control your main gun and all missiles yourself, the AI won't use that extra bit of range outside what's your "real" range, it's only sub par at stoping to fire when your flux get's too high or just to not fire because you are under attack... or when it wouldn't make sense to fire because you are already at 50% flux and can't bring the shield of your opponent down like that etc.
The AI can't prioritize targets in a way you can... it does to a certain amount but it can't keep up with you...
The AI can't tell that it is outgunned before getting into trouble
the AI will sometimes maneuver itself into a position where it is trapped and takes a lot of dmg... it lacks spacial awareness
and you have much more freedom when flying with a ship... the AI would never fly around a fleet to snipe the weak part of the fleet (carriers!)

There's a reason why big blue was able to defeat the best chess player, and that's because it could calculate 200 billion moves in every 3 minute periods.

this only is partly true, computers suck at calculating somethings
the best example are spacial relationships
just last year, scientiests made a breakthrough in fighting HIV/AIDS
this was only possible because of, where gamers try to solve the riddles of biology by folding Aminoacids in a special developed game
Gamers were able to solve a special aminoacid in only 3 weeks, that couldn't be solved by computers designed to solve such things in 3 years
if you are intrested

Ships also are randomly assigned a task when you set a capture/assist/waypoint/etc.

Rumor is, there is a priority list inside the game
the most suited ship get's assigned to the order

Thing is that I'm weighed down by all sorts of interesting weapons but none of the ships can really use them.  Let's take the Tachyon Lance, currently only the Paragon, Odyssey, Apogee, and Sunder ships can carry it.  Out of all the various ships only 4 can use it, and that's without stripping the ship of other stuff just to get the massive 32 ordinance space.  So pretty much the only use I get out of it is vendor trash, or as a replacement for a damaged Paragon.  Only the Medusa, Shuttle, Brawler, and Paragon ships carry the 'Universal' slots, that's a terrible selection.  While the Medusa and Paragon are no doubt good, there hard to get and the other two are rather rubbish. 

It's simply not possible to do something hilarious like make a frigate that has a Tachyon laser, which disappoints me greatly.

The problem is that it's too subtle and is imprecise.  Actually armor is a total, each ship has a certain amount of armor on different points of the ship.  So it can be quantified it just hasn't been done.

I have almost all the ships I mainly use at elite level, they're nigh invulnerable unless severely outmatched.  They're only bad at prioritizing targets which can easily be fixed by issuing a 'Strike' order for your ship (Which by the way there needs to be a lot more tactical options).  The only quirks I've seen with the elite AI is that they sometimes don't activate shields on minor collisions (Which do less than ten damage) when not in combat and sometimes firing off missiles and turning at the same time.  Besides that they're just as good if not better at maneuvering the shields and the ship than me at elite rank.  Speaking of maneuvering, try to make your ship come to a complete halt with absolutely no drift at all.  You'll find this is very hard, but the computer does it all the time.  While certainly not cheating, the AI can do a lot that a player simply cannot do in terms of reflexes.

That's because the AI only works within the parameters in which it was programmed.  Unless it's one of those fancy AI's that possess artificial curiosity and the ability to learn than of course it won't because it cannot learn or adapt to the task needed.

There is a priority list, it however will randomly choose which is the most fit if you have say.... 5 of the same fighter or frigate.  To the point where you'll have ships cross by each other because one started on the left and is heading right and vice versa which is incredibly annoying.  If you try to add multiple commands ships randomly switch what they're doing.

Chesse is a finite game, while complex it is finite making it much more easy to program you dont really need AI you just need massive computing power to try every possible combination. (thats basically what the current AI is, but its getting more complex in being able to rule out options and speed up the whole process.)

At any rate, i can and do outpreform the AI on a constant basis, and alex as stated the AI has no advantage over the player meaning they set up autofires just like us and can only control 1 weapon group at a time not on auto fire and that weapon group behaves just like one manual controled by the player. Ya i cant fire my pd weapons better then the autofire can, so i let the auto fire do it... but i can most cerntainly control my antimatter blasters or larger slower rate of fires alot better then the ai can. I am better at leading fast targets, knowing when not to fire beacuse of flux issues and when to fire based on the enemies state. The AI in this game is great but it needs a bit of a tweak its really bad at sheild managment when near full flux and it also does not like to take armor damage when it should to maximize firepower.

You dont know the exact amount of armour you have left but you get a good idea of what the state of your armor is like and that is indeed a graphical indicator what you are asking for is a numerical indicator (so dont shoot someone down for saying there allready is a graphical indicator) and i think thats not a good idea as armour is not just a chunk of points that has to go to 0, there would be no meaningfull way to represent this as a number since every bit of hull has its own amount of armor so having 1000 armor left means nothing if they are shooting you where you dont have any armor left, and the current "graphical" indicator shows us where we have armor. I think adding a numerical armor indicator like you asked would confuse things and actually provide little info if any that is actually usefull.

In your 15 battles to replace a loss statement you are forgeting that you can capture ships that are now free (minus a small marine and supply cost)... Factor in those numbers when you are doing your how many battles it takes to recover calculations. Its allready painfully easy to build a giant ass fleet and i am hopeing in the next realease it becomes harder. Personaly what i would like is to be able to capture more ships but have more costs asociated with capturing and repairing them so i can get access to more ships but have to make decisison on what ones i want and what ones should be skuttled. as it sitts right now you can have a good fight and double your fleet value (or more) that seems outragous.

There is nothing wrong with having ideas, i just disagree with some of the precieved problems you have with this game.

They indeed can do things that players cannot realistically do, you need to play with the elite AI some more.  The elite AI is pretty good at shield management with a few quirks I mentioned above.  I found that regular/green AI was about as dumb as bricks, but the Elite AI was about as tactical or better than I was, even possessing good flanking ability.

Even if that is the case that they can only use one at a time, that doesn't mean they can switch between weapons within a few milliseconds of each other. 

As for how armor could be better indicated?

Currently armor is either Green or Gray, some more variations between those points would help tell you how much armor is left.  Could start as blue (undamaged), green (>75%), yellow (>50%), orange (>25%), red (<25%) and grey (0%).

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Multiple carriers
« on: March 03, 2012, 04:10:29 PM »
Just steal borrow an elite carrier from the tachyons if you're playing the campaign they have 3 decks.

Bug Reports & Support / |Abnormality| Capture System
« on: March 03, 2012, 03:44:02 PM »
I do not know if this is intended, but if a ship blocks the capture of an enemy ship it will start to 'regain' it's control even if ships are still close enough to capture it instead of pausing or continuing to drain until neutral.

Suggestions / Re: Animations on ships?
« on: March 03, 2012, 02:19:10 AM »
Dunno if possible, but a fleet painter would be nice too.  Like able to change the color of the primary, secondary, and trim of your crafts.  Might not be possible with sprites but thought I'd mention it.

Suggestions / Re: travel
« on: March 03, 2012, 02:17:24 AM »
The overworld feels more like Osmos in the way fleet battles work between NPCs.

Suggestions / Re: Quick suggestion re: buying multiples
« on: March 03, 2012, 02:16:31 AM »
Yep - adding a dialog that explains stuff the first time you're on the trade screen is on my todo list. Definitely wouldn't expect someone to just know.

In regards to the inventory I have some requests if you wouldn't mind looking into these.

Make items stack up to 100,000 units so there isn't issues with clogging your inventory with a lot of different ranked crewmembers.  After a certain point I'd say make it say something like 10k for 10,000 or so with the specific amount shown when moused over.

Add the ability to buy items in specific amounts such as a prompt that asks you to fill in the number of items you wish to buy, rather than needing to make 200 clicks for 200 supplies.

Add the ability to 'max purchase' where it will give you either as many of a specific unit as are in stock, or until you can no longer afford them.

Add a 'Sort' button like is found in the inventory.  Possibly with multiple options like 'Sort by type' or 'Sort by expense' or what have you.

Bump up 'Destroyed'  'Scrapped'  'Repaired' ships to the top of the stack of the fleet when a battle ends.  When you have a lot of ships it's a bit of a pain scrolling down a lot.

General Discussion / Re: Your favorite Onslaught loadouts
« on: March 02, 2012, 01:00:53 PM »
I'll have to try the Onslaught some more... Haven't really played with it much since it is so slow.

Just don't raise shields until you see an enemy, you'll get the speed bonus.  It's not that much faster than a paragon, only 5 points.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions & Feedback regarding the Campaign
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:55:06 PM »

In a different context, that wouldn't be so bad, but in this context—you just tried to completely redesign their game for them! You're calling them out on "mistakes" that don't exist, or treating features and planned features as if they were mistakes. You propose space monsters, a pirate society, and an inter-factional war as though there weren't already an elaborate backstory in place (which has been in the works for years, I believe). You propose gameplay and graphical choices (no restrictions on weapon types, the ability to play the game from a completely zoomed-out perspective) they've explicitly said they don't want as features. You've asked for things that are already in the game (e.g. graphical indicators of damaged armor) or that are obviously planned (it should be entirely obvious that 200 FP is the intended cap for fleet size in the campaign right now).

And jeez, before you complain too much about the difficulty, you might want to practice a little more. The autopilot should not autoperform you, and losing one or two ships from your fleet should not be a crushing blow (nor should it happen very often).

I didn't 'call' them out on anything but gameplay issues such as the slowness of progression in the campaign.  Why not space monsters, pirate society (They're in the game already!), or inter-factional war (Also already in the game, read the fluff!), but that doesn't mean that I cannot suggest their additions.  I write down what I think would be best or would be something interesting to try out.  What's wrong with a customization that's actually customizable?  Currently there's not much you can do as all the variants are pretty much as optimized as they can get, unless they use the Salamander MRM which you just trade out for the Harpoon, but that's it.  Graphical indicators of broken armor aren't in, you cannot tell how much armor you have left in total, only your hull and flux capacities.

Auto-pilot is simply better in the area of weapons control, reflexes and mathmatics.  If it relies using more than one mouse or quick math calculations than computers will always be better.  There's a reason why in fighting games it's nearly impossible to beat an AI if the developers wanted to.  They can perfectly time counters, blocks, attacks, etc. at such a rate that you cannot.  Turrets in starfarer can attack several different targets whereas if you're in control they can only target what you aim at.  There's a reason why big blue was able to defeat the best chess player, and that's because it could calculate 200 billion moves in every 3 minute periods.  The main problem is that beyond things like maneuvering, shield management, and other such there's little reason not to leave your weapons on auto-pilot.  Sometimes the game's total auto-pilot is even better than the player, not always but it certainly can be.  Especially at the 'Elite' rank, I hope you realize that there's a huge difference between the strength of green and elite ranks.

Let's take an average frigate, they cost about 7,500 credits.  Most battles don't even generate that much especially early on you can earn as low as 300 per battle.  So that means at the lowest rate it takes 25 battles without a loss to either replace a broken ship or get a new one for the fleet.  However it's more commonly 500 credits so that's about 15 battles.  So, tell me how is not losing 1-2 ships not a crushing blow?  That's easily double what you could ever earn in a single battle against fleets that could easily destroy the entire thing.

Suggestions / Re: Suggestions & Feedback regarding the Campaign
« on: March 01, 2012, 04:31:56 PM »
that is a whole crap ton to read i think im going blind already  :P

but before i continue on. would like to point out that ships can be replaced in the station... though not very fast. and as such at this moment agree that its not a viable way to increase your fleet.

also agree that any victory that comes with the loss of a ship or wing of fighters is phyric and as such more of a loss than a victory.

so did a pretty quick glossing over the rest after the first post to just get the jist of the posts. (most of it i cant comment on as i dont know exactly where alex is going to take the game) but i can say is i would not expect the zoom level to become like supreme commander. alex has stated that it can greatly slow down the system if he makes it much larger, and as such likely will not be getting any larger than it is now.

also this was my third attempt at the mission ever. and my first victory with it.

Yes I noticed that, but the rate is very slow and doesn't always shave the ship you want.  Say I want Wasp Squadrons, they're pretty rare and very hard to obtain aside from attacking the Tri-Tachyon fleets.  I like their stuff, but I don't like having to make enemies with them to obtain their stuff.  

Also, while death should be more than a slap on the wrist, winning shouldn't be a kick in the teeth either, nor should losing be 'Game Over'.

The zoom levels can be obtained by switching out the higher quality images for smaller more compressed ones at certain visions.  That's what team fortress does and it works fine when they're working right.

Of course you only see the second version when players are really far away, to the point where the even with anti-aliasing you's see hardly any difference.  Also with surpreme commander zoom out far enough and they simply turn into easily recognizable icons.

Yes, I realize it's not actually impossible that I have a problem with is that the control over the ship I have is so little that I feel that I'm not so much controlling it as aiming it.  Sometimes I wonder if auto-pilot would win battles for me more often.

Case in point

I feel that this is a problem that needs to be resolved, human players shouldn't feel inferior to the computer.  The main problem is while the AI sucks at things like grand tactics it's great at combat, which currently is what the game really comes down too.

Here's my feedback:

I didn't read 95% of your post because you seem to have lost the forest for all your trees.

Do you really think the developers don't realise the first public engine demonstration doesn't have a constant difficulty curve, or that the system runs out of ships or any of the 100 other obvious limitations you highlighted?

Perhaps there's another explanation.

Three months ago there was no campaign whatsoever. The current build is an alpha -- most of the core features of the game are yet to be implemented, and there's a billion things on the TODO list to get the game "finished".

In the mean time, you should look up learning to code Java, then head on over to the Modding section and try implementing some of your ideas yourself. That's much more convincing that expecting others to do all the hard work behind your brilliant ideas.

Developers aren't perfect, they make mistakes.  They can't catch anything, nor can they think of all the wonderful possibilities that everyone else can.  I enjoy the game, a lot.  This isn't a bash on the game, which you act like it is.  I realize this is an alpha, hence why I suggest stuff be added now rather than when it's already released.  I know there's things like todo lists, but that doesn't mean that there's no better alternatives or features that the developers didn't think of.  There sure as hell are suggestions on this forum that I never would have thought of.  If the developers didn't think this forum would provide useful ideas than they wouldn't have it.

And no, don't tell me to go code that's not my job.  You confuse a Game Designer for a Game Programmer, which are two different fields of study

From wikipedia:
Game design, a subset of game development, is the process of designing the content and rules of a game in the pre-production stage and design of gameplay, environment, storyline, and characters during production stage. The term is also used to describe both the game design embodied in a game as well as documentation that describes such a design. Game design requires artistic and technical competence as well as writing skills.

A game programmer is a software engineer, programmer, or computer scientist who primarily develops codebase for video games or related software, such as game development tools. Game programming has many specialized disciplines all of which fall under the umbrella term of "game programmer". A game programmer should not be confused with a game designer, who works on game design.

While I'm certainly not Starfarer's game designer, my suggestions are more akin to the work a game designer would do than a game programmer so please don't give that response.

Read your posts and really like your ideas... But a lot of it is way to soon, the game is in alpha, not a demo, not even a beta. There is a lot of content and features yet to be added. Hopefully Alex will read your post and get some ideas for that content and features, but I'm pretty sure he realizes the "problems" with the alpha at this point.

Anyway, great ideas, I hope to see a lot of it implemented.

As I explained, the developers might not be aware of any bug or balance issue in the game, otherwise why bother with playtesting?  Same goes for ideas and suggestions, they can't possibly think of every great feature that could be put in Starfarer.

Few thigns from your whats wrong with the game part of your post (first page)

As long as you dont have a brawler (or mauler.... or whatver it is) the start of the game is not that hard (at least for me) i can in a lasher easily take on 2-3 frigates and win. Perhaps this is because i am well practiced i dont know.

I have played through to large fleet stage (capital ships) without ever using a save load other then when i quit the game itself. Just to see how it is, you end up picking your fights alot more and being very proactive about telling your ships to retreat, it is very doable to not just save before every battle and then reload if something goes wrong... yes sometimes you come out behind but you can still build up a fleet its just not as easy.

Lastly this alpha build we are in 1 system with tons of features missing... that fleet you have there would take a fair bit of fuel to move between systems i am guessing. Also it completely overshoots the limits to fleet size and what not, sure there is no penalty now to that but there will be so why not try and stay within that to get a more acurate gameplay sense?

Edit: I beat forlorn hope my first attempt with a decent score i fealt it was fairly easy and i killed almost every ship (cant remember if any retreated and if so how many so want say i killed every ship)

The start of the game isn't so much 'hard' as it is slow, progression is very hard to get and very easy to lose.  If you happen to lose your fleet you're might as well make a new save as your replacement ship will be made of cardboard and fire peas at enemy ships.  As pointed out by a previous poster simply losing one ship makes the 'victory' more of a loss than anything.  By the way I know how to play easily, I still use my lasher I started with, however since the ship is random the game gets harder or easier depending on your starting ship.  

Problem is that at that stage of the game it becomes incredibly easy, the only point I save and reload is to get the result I want (IE I want to be able to board the biggest ship and not the ten talons they have as escort).

I realize it's an alpha and not feature complete, that doesn't mean I cannot put forth ideas that I believe could improve the game.  In fact some of my ideas are already tied into existing but unimplemented mechanics such as the player's leveling.

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