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Messages - Daynen

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General Discussion / Re: How many duplicate ships do you have in your fleet?
« on: September 12, 2024, 10:42:15 AM »
I've got three Retributions in a fleet alongside eight omens, four monitors, and a smattering of hammerheads, sunders, a fury and...I think I still have an Apogee in there somewhere.  Haven't loaded that save up in a bit; I've been busy. XD

General Discussion / Re: Help with Pegasus loadout against Domain drones
« on: August 26, 2024, 01:22:31 PM »
Yeah if you're going pilums you kinda have to go all in.  Past a certain density they reach critical mass and just overwhelm PD as they surround the enemy and close in.  Below that, you're just mildly herding the target away from you and wasting time chasing it.  cyclone reapers?  On a Pegasus?  With the nonexistent convergence of those hardpoints, that's just asking for things to go horribly wrong.  Why not just load up four hurricane MIRVS?  They're guided enough to make it count, cover a wide area on the target and deal HE damage; they're perfect against derelicts.  If you've got them, it's not a bad way to use them.

General Discussion / Re: Salvage guidelines?
« on: August 22, 2024, 10:55:11 AM »
S-mod the ships you want to keep and use through your career; the extra OP you get back from a couple S-mods can elevate your fleet to a completely different level.  I don't S-mod most frigates except for perhaps omens and monitors; once built out they make phenomenal picket ships that can waste a TON of the enemy's attention, missile ordnance and PPT while they sit on objective points and just refuse to die.  S-mod once you've got a build in mind; story points are probably the most valuable resource in the game and wasting one on the wrong mod/ship can waste a lot of your time.

As for logistics, I look for things that make them more cost-efficient to run; solar shielding is my favorite since it removes those bursts of supply usage from storms and coronas, making your logistics ships not only cheaper but more predictable to maintain, reducing the variance and easing your guesswork on how many supplies you need.  Insulated engines is nice since capital logistics are otherwise a massive neon sign saying "CHASE ME!" to anyone onscreen.  I'm tempted to try S-modding efficiency overhaul and solar shields to see just how cheap I can make my logistics but that seems better suited for late game where you're not really running from enemies as much.

Never really felt the need to S-mod augmented drives; I'm comfortable with 18 sustained burn and with my skill spread I only need ships to hit 8 burn on their own, which is only an issue if you've got a super slow capital ship with a D-mod to get it down to 5 burn.

Ains Ooal Gown would like a word with you...

General Discussion / Re: Salvage guidelines?
« on: August 21, 2024, 09:45:33 AM »
I don't bother with ships that are regular and common.  Anything smaller than a destroyer is basically out; those are cheap and everywhere.  Only ships I'm specifically trying to find are worth a look, only if they're not loaded with D-mods and IDEALLY not costing a story point because I'd rather use those on things like S-mods, colony improvements, elite skills and evading bad engagements.  Besides, even the game tells you the math: salvaging and restoring a junked ship is going to return less value than the scuttling and that's BEFORE you consider the extra cost if you're undercrewed.  Hell, even if you brought tons of extra crew just for salvaging, you're paying their salary every month anyway.

In other words, I only salvage ships I SPECIFICALLY want AND don't expect to see again anytime soon.  The rest I can build with heavy industry anyway.

General Discussion / Re: Wow......just wow
« on: August 19, 2024, 01:03:37 PM »
Welcome to the sector, captain.  Think it's awesome now?  Just wait till you dive into the mods...

General Discussion / Re: Any ship build recomendations?
« on: August 19, 2024, 12:12:30 PM »
Screw the meta.  Get yourself an Atlas Mk II.  Put two mjolnirs on it with alternating fire and a locust on manual, then some vulcan PD on the front and back.  Leave the side guns empty.  Vent it up and get aux thrusters.  Do what you need to make it work and then revel in the sheer DEVASTATION of twin ammo fed mjolnirs on a capital class logistics ship that costs only 24 DP to deploy.  It's slow, it lacks agility and it's fragile but it'll teach you positioning and piloting skills and when you master it you'll laugh at ships of all sizes as you wreck their fancy fleets with up-gunned pirate trash.




General Discussion / Re: I think I made a friend.
« on: August 19, 2024, 12:06:31 PM »
holy crap, you've discovered an exploit to generate free crew!  YOU BROKE THE GAME!


General Discussion / Re: Some Hullmods for missiles are ... not good ?
« on: August 12, 2024, 11:31:26 PM »
Yeah, pre-firing some missiles can give you a serious edge because your enemy is charging into an existing missile volley and your missiles are already partway done reloading by the time they engage.  Good way to buffer a double burst.  Also neuters fighters when you pre-fire a locust; even the biggest swarms are popcorn if they get hammered twice before reaching you.

General Discussion / Re: can we talk about Kinetics?
« on: August 10, 2024, 09:51:15 AM »
I've come to enjoy the storm needler a lot lately, especially on the Retribution.  Two of those with a hellbore and two thumpers has proven to be a frighteningly good ship grinder when paired with a built-in expanded magazines.  Sure, the hellbore is technically the only anti-armor thing on there, but the sheer number of hits scored by the other weapons means that even if the hellbore is consistenly blocked by shields (and it isn't) I'm STILL shaving faces at a rate that would make Sweeny Todd proud.

It's true that pure kinetic ships can find themselves in trouble once the enemy starts dropping shields to fire weapons, but consider this: every hit on armor reduces armor, which cannot be regained in battle.  Every time your puny needles hit the enemy, they are losing damage reduction, bit by bit.  When you're hitting them dozens of times a second, that armor loss DOES add up.  You WANT them to drop shields so your fleet can start doing real damage.  If they don't, they're just reducing their own DPS by staying at high flux...or handing you the win by overloading themselves.

I think kinetics are generally in a good place.  The arbalest is the OP saver, the mark IX is its bigger brother, the needler is the all-in shredder, the gauss is the standoff sniper; overall they all seem to serve their purpose fairly well.  Tweaks?  Maybe, but I couldn't tell you what they should be at the moment.

General Discussion / Re: Waystation and profit
« on: August 10, 2024, 09:22:49 AM »
Don't underestimate the value of fuel and supplies at base market price.  Those tariffs can be rather rude at times, so drawing from stockpiles can actually be CHEAPER than getting stuff at most faction worlds.  Also, the waystation increases colony accessibility, which DOES act as a profit multiplier for your colony, so yes they actually DO help your profits a bit once your industries get up and running.

Just a tiny addendum in defense of missiles: tracking missiles can more often than not be fired into empty space with no target and will acquire a target automatically if/when one comes in range, pre-emptively disrupting the enemy's plans when they charge into your "untargeted" missiles.  So yeah, the missile mods having an S-mod penalty is...actually quite fair.

Haven't really used the manticore myself yet but I DO have a healthy respect for slightly overgunned vessels.  Shame it doesn't have an ammo feeder but I guess you can't have it all, aye?

General Discussion / Re: Plasma Burn AI
« on: July 30, 2024, 09:20:16 AM »
Yeah, you shouldn't be ramming with plasma jets.  You should be ramming with Orion Drives.  That retribution is a field goal kicking MONSTER.

Seriously though, on the one hand, when I see a ship with a system that makes it go fast, I just accept the fact that it's going to charge in.  The fury is an attack ship; I don't send it in unless I'm ready for it to go HAM on the enemy fleet.

On the other hand, it IS a tiny bit frustrating to know those ships could easily be dodging a LOT of incoming fire with plasma jets but only think to use them to get in weapon range.  Bit of a tall ask to throw in all the other behaviors with so much stuff already in the pipeline but...wishlist, you know?  It shouldn't be priority one but like... at some point it would be really nice.

It WOULD throw the current balance and average fleet engagement behaviors into chaos though; a whole class of ships suddenly hard countering ships that were previously dominating them is a great way to upset EVERYONE'S rhythm for a while...

General Discussion / Re: I'm SO sorry, my love...
« on: July 25, 2024, 06:15:45 PM »
aaaaand I stumbled upon a somewhat frightening build with it.  Two storm needlers, built in expanded mags, a hellbore, two flak cannons and...two thumpers.  God, now I just feel unclean.

But holy *** though...the needlers and thumpers just PUREE fighter swarms, grind frigates and destroyers to paste with unending streams of fire and almost INSTANTLY shut down the guns of any ship that dares to raise shields while the hellbore helps crack the harder armor belts.  It's not nice on its own flux bar and it's shorter range than mjolnirs but anything smaller than a capital ship simply cannot approach it without getting fluxed out and shaved to death.

Interestingly enough, minus the hellbore shots, the needlers and thumpers don't seem to trigger the same defensive responses in enemy AI.  Phase ships, for example, don't see the needles as enough of a threat to phase away from.  They just sit there and take needles until their meager armor is peeled back and the thumpers eviscerate them, making this a rather curious anti-phase setup.

Another thing the retribution is frighteningly good at?  Punting.  With the system charges up and a shield raised I can just flat out eject an offending vessel from the battle line or kick the annoying wreckage (which ALWAYS drifts right into my firing arcs right when I don't need it to) sending it flying into the enemy fleet for some free damage or at least out of the damn way.  Even wrecked STATIONS can be kicked across the map!  Insanity!

Gods, this thing is a monster...

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