« on: February 14, 2022, 03:53:56 AM »
i'm honestly surprised nobody talking about recent changes to IBB bounties and how last 2 are impossible to beat without straight out cheating / extreme modding. Let's talk about it then. First - all ibb bounties, as far as i'm aware - they all cheat. AI always deploy bounty ships even if it puts him way above what he can deploy so player already outnumbered before starting battle and no amount of officers/skills/control points change it. So in last bounty, ai deploys 3 capitals who i assume at least 60-80 each plus fleet worthy of 100-150dp. While player even at max battle size is limited to 240 if you capture all points. Then you add that literally every ship in this fleet is armed with weapons that should not be in hands of AI - the doritos OP weapons. And every single ship, every ship(!) even the smallest frigate is armed with them. Add officers from level 10 to 18(!!!) in each ship (alpha core is 8 btw) and you incredibly tough battle. But then there are 3 capitals and oh god, *** zeus overloads any vanilla capital ship from outside of screen in 2 valleys. Zeus literally wins duel with 2 paragons and there 2 more stupidly strong capitals you need to deal with not to mention smaller ship. This is like example of how you never should make fight.
I tried everything, from throwing 23 capital, spamming carries, spamming phase ships, abusing ziggurat which on it's own can delete 500dp fleet solo - no luck. Without having absolutely broken ships from others mods or simply cheating and raising allowed DP size to something like 800 it's not even doable. Maybe i'm missing some stupid tactic like spamming harbringers and dooms but really, nothing should be balanced around harbringer/doom spam.
Sorry, i'm a little angry after throwing fleet after fleet at final bounty. I beat every single bounty before with modest 220dp fleet and 1 capital in it and that even 3 hours of throwing everything i could at problem i achieved nothing. I even cleared all doritos in hopes that new weapons somehow solve this problem - noope.
Funny enough i remember beating this bounty 3 times before changes to skills and i don't remember having any problems at all. In fact, i never ever had problem big enough to force me spam capitals and still fail.