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Messages - Amoebka

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 94
General Discussion / Re: The Reason the Eagle (and the Falcon) Struggles
« on: September 15, 2024, 08:16:06 PM »
Nah, just s-mod rangefinder and mags, and go needler+pulser+m.blaster in hardpoints, buffed burst PD everywhere else.

General Discussion / Re: The Reason the Eagle (and the Falcon) Struggles
« on: September 14, 2024, 04:44:24 PM »
I mean, what do you really want? To use premium energy weapons on top of still having 3 medium ballistics? That's a bit much for a medium cruiser, don't you think? Eagle has plenty of flux for triple phase lance or a heavy blaster if you don't fit premium ballistics as well. These builds are not popular because medium ballistic weapons are just better, and there's no reason to give them up. Even if the mounts didn't have the range penalty, nobody would use them for assault still.

General Discussion / Re: The Reason the Eagle (and the Falcon) Struggles
« on: September 14, 2024, 04:08:05 PM »
Flux: It's fairly well known that Midline doctrine ships generally lack the flux that High Tech ships have to run the stronger medium energies, despite having those mounts.  That's intentional design.  It still has issues, but the reality is it just can't run everything.

Eagle has better flux dissipation and capacity than Fury, both at 20 DP. Eagle and Apogee have the same dissipation and same DP, while Eagle is more mobile.

Falcon has better stats than Medusa, although that's a lot less direct comparison.

Are these weapons counted as enery weapon exclusively? or hybrid ones can get ballistic bonus and synergy ones can get missle bonus?
The weapons say whether they "count as X for modifiers" in their descriptions. Hybrid weapons also always benefit from both ballistic rangefinder and bolt coherer.

General Discussion / Re: Methods to keep some ships more cautious?
« on: September 05, 2024, 09:27:12 AM »
Use the defend order instead of escort. Escorting ships attempt to engage enemies that flank their ally.

Minipulser can be used as a light needler substitute for smaller high-tech ships, like Scarabs and Shrikes. It also benefits greatly from bolt coherer found on LG and remnant ships.

Shock repeater hard counters salamanders, and you can often use one shock repeater instead of 2-3 pd lasers on ships like Wolves, Medusae, Shrikes, LG-Sunders, etc. This often saves some OP because you can leave the other pd mounts empty.

Cryoflamer is a dedicated SO weapon, so you might not like it, but it work very well on smaller ships as well, in place of assault chainguns.

In general, you want to use only a few omega weapons per ship instead of filling every slot with them. Missiles are the obvious exception, because they benefit a lot from the missile officer skill.

The question is way too broad, because most of these weapons are very good and can be used on many different ships.

A little something you might not have realized, is that rift cascade emitters scale very well with range extenders. An extra rift spawns for each 200 flat range below the maximum, and this requirement doesn't increase when the maximum range itself increases. This means Paragon is by far the best ship for it, and that advanced optics basically give you one extra rift with each shot.

A Paragon with advanced optics and gunnery implants will already create the maximum number of rifts possible at 1550 range, which is comparable to low-tech capitals with ballistic weapons.

Suggestions / Re: Tempest. Again.
« on: August 25, 2024, 11:21:59 AM »
I haven't really sweated too much over Scarab builds, but I tend to use double atropos, double IR pulse, ion cannon, and some pd in rear slots. Against heavier armor I replace one IR pulse with an antimatter blaster.

I wouldn't call Scarabs specialists, they can perform many roles well. When deployed alone on the flanks, they are really really good at assassinating smaller ships. Near the main death ball part of the battle they function more like bombers - can't accomplish much on their own, but can absolutely demolish any ship made vulnerable by something else. They are really good anti-fighter as well.

Suggestions / Re: Tempest. Again.
« on: August 24, 2024, 11:28:15 PM »
And even with that flaw it's still the best general-purpose combat frigate, and basically the only frigate that I can just let the AI run them and be reasonably confident that they'll come out the other side of the battle alive.
Idk about that. I find Scarabs both better and killing things, and better at coming back alive. Not to mention at 8 DP you have to compete with Shrike, which is a tough ask for a frigate.

Suggestions / Re: Tempest. Again.
« on: August 23, 2024, 08:10:06 AM »
The problem is you just don't want to trade the drones away. Each one is a flux-free IR pulse laser and a gigabuffed flux-free PD laser. The drones are a major part of your ship-to-ship DPS.

Suggestions / Re: Tempest. Again.
« on: August 22, 2024, 06:14:26 AM »
It had a powerful ship system (HEF) instead of the one that's actively detrimental to use.

In my experience, Pegasus is terrible against tesseracts. Or rather, terrible against the shards. Paragon and Onslaught with proper builds can easily outduel them and kill shards, though, so you should be fine. Don't bother deploying anything smaller than a capital until both tesseracts are split up, cruisers get killed in seconds and AI doesn't understand the danger and runs in.

Suggestions / Re: Smuggling: Transponder and Patrols
« on: August 19, 2024, 05:25:46 AM »
The problem I would have is that it might take me 2-3 minutes to coordinate a sneaky way in only to find the black market has nothing I want.
I think is the main issue, really. Spending 5 minutes holding S to dock at Kazeron only to find they don't sell the cruiser I want isn't fun.

Personally, I just think stealth mechanics in this game are completely unenjoable, sorry. Anything that makes them mandatory is a bad thing for me.

Suggestions / Re: Hyperspace Combat
« on: August 18, 2024, 03:47:07 AM »
The usual issue with terrain effects is that AI will need to be programmed to play around them intelligently. Maneuvering is already hard for it to do well, so anything introducing local effects will be tough. Ideally it would be something that just happens globally and doesn't demand any special behaviour, like random EMP zaps happening anywhere on the map randomly (clouds are bad because then AI needs to avoid them while still responding to move orders, engaging ships, etc).

General Discussion / Re: Missile Combos
« on: August 17, 2024, 08:59:48 AM »
we can multiply the projectile speed with the flight time to get their actual maximum range
Doesn't really work because most missiles don't fly in straight lines. Default guided missile AI has a wavy flight pattern, and their projectile speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector, the forward projection of which is shorter on average.

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