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Messages - Kohlenstoff

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I don't know. But you can make a copy of your save and try out.

General Discussion / Re: Handling Remnant Ordos with High Tech
« on: May 04, 2024, 06:31:42 PM »
The right answer to Remnants is Paragons. Either with endgame stuff or with 2 plasma cannons at front and 2 tachyon lances at side and 2 double barrel flak cannons and 2 phase lances (or 2 heavy blasters) at backside. Keep those close together, don't act inpatient and don't follow retreating enemies to deep into the swarm and the remnants are no problem.

General Discussion / Re: How do I force colonize a planet?
« on: February 10, 2024, 02:48:02 PM »
Try to colonize the planet where you found the ship and the anchor. This does not despawn and has a stable point where you can replace the anchor again.

I just pretend it doesn't exist. I tried to use it at times but the constant drain on resources (both volatiles and supplies as you wind up spending a lot more time in each system) was not worth it.
Its a shame because i like the concept of flying around and trying to triangulate things but the in game time it takes to really get immersed in this too much.

You don neither triangulate nor directly follow any spike. You fly sideways a few seconds instead of following a spike. If the angle of spike changes then you follow it. Otherwise it is a false signal. In this way you actually save time. If you spend more time using the neutron detector you are using it wrong.

Another big plus for ND is negative returns. You know you DON'T need to fly across the system to check if anything is orbiting the outer jump point or a distant gate or a big asteroid belt etc.

Exactly. It saves really much time. I know in few seconds if a system is empty. This saves time and supplies. Especially if the system is full of asteroids or nebula. The Detectors range is not reduced by those.

I have definitely found things that were not near landmarks as well. Particularly systems with large asteroid belts tend to have stuff like mining stations randomly in the belt in places you would not reasonably look otherwise. I would not say domain colony items from stations are 'crumbs', and I have found stuff like that on occasion that I would have missed. Also, domain era stuff can spawn randomly out on the edge of the system, far enough away that you would not find it otherwise. I have found survey ships that way before.

Exactly. The mining stations contain Catalytic Cores, Synchroton Cores and Pristine Nanoforges and are mostly in some belts. Or let me tell that in another way. Some People in this forum complain about often not having all of these items. I never had a playthrough were i did not have all of these at least once.

I use this Neutron Detector with great success. I can empty even large systems with just one or two rounds around the main star. Small systems just need to be crossed once and they are empty. The Neutron Detector found very often single ships or groups of ships or juicy stations in the outer rims of large systems which i would never found without it.

Without this the exploration takes 2-5 times longer to empty a system. Large systems can not be emptied reliably without too much excess time to spend.

You can see me using this during a whole playthrough. Here just one part for example:

General Discussion / Re: [SPOILER] Orion-Perseus Abyss Archive
« on: February 03, 2024, 08:40:25 AM »
Only 2 Abyssal locations are stable. All other objects are only there once and then never again. With a good equipped optimized fleet the discoveries take a few hours. But during early progress you better bring much more time and lots of stuff because the Abyss will take serious effort and requires lots of fuel and supplies. I think that is a really well made idea. Needs just some more repeated encounters with (materialistic) value. But even without repeated valuable encounters the things inside are worth it.

Here my very Spoilering exploration session (Full Spoilers ahead):

I do think the neutrino detector could do to be a little more useful. The mechanic itself is fun and interesting, but the extra sensor range is rarely enough to be useful at all, so it's extremely rare that it's actually helpful for finding anything. I remember having to reload a dozen times to find a large Derelict fleet that was in the same system as me before the bounty (which had 60 days left) expired.

During my current playthrough i use it in almost every exploration. When i use it i usually find almost anything in the system when i fly just one or two rounds around the main star.

Here an example:

The current skill system was created with intention of discouraging people picking the "best" build and allowing more diversity. That didn't work. As expected, people who pick the "best" build would continue to do so.

Actually the current system has multiple "best" builds depending on tactics and ships. And all of these do work with only small differences. During my current playthrough i changed my skills and focus several times on different ships and weapons. Despite my maximized flagship focus i still know several good skillsets to use. Others with command and officer focus know other sets. I think this game has a quite balanced skill three with only few "a bit better than the others" options.

General Discussion / Re: Juicy Alpha Core Loot
« on: November 16, 2023, 12:22:49 PM »
High Level Contacts give at late game Remnant fleet Bounties. They consist of only Alpha Core leaded ships. I call these Blue Ordos. These drop usually 3-5 Alpha Cores. The real fat double Ordos drop usually 2-4 Alpha Cores.

1.Eagle (and Falcon to an extent),despite receiving  decent buffs and a hullmod to specifically help with their  sustain firepower problem,still feels somewhat lacking behind other ships.People either still go with the "1400 su poking stick till the end of PPT" or the" fast as **** boy" build on them to make them feels worthy.

Eagle is a very decent cruiser! Especially in Players hand when skilled and equipped well. It can do wonders with and without SO.

Aurora (and Fury if it's actually being used) are still SO bait cruiser,and with the shield eff buff of the aurora,it's arguably getting harded to resist making it into an SO ship.

Aurora has hard shields and does work good enough without SO. It is a bit better than eagle in overall stats and possibilities.

I guess you should tryout other Loadouts and Tactics.

A decent fleet should be able to finish off double Ordos in around 5 minutes or less, with the best fleets coming in at around 4 minutes or less (Onslaught + Gryphon spam comes in at less than 3.5 minutes). It shouldn't take that long. Player fleet power is about maximizing your offensive power without dying, to chew through enemy fleets quickly and efficiently, and currently the best setup for that seems to be mass missile and long distance projectile spam.

A decent fleet should produce the best outcome per time spent. For me it is Storypoints per minute of gameplay.

I use 3 Paragons VS fat double Ordos to get the juicy 450% to 500% Experience bonus. It takes 10 minutes for a 750ish DP double Ordo but it results in 26 Storypoints in 1.5 hours without any losses. Not as fast as the gryphons but easier to oversee.

Yes, your Colony defense fleets consist only of basic ships with lots of D-Mods. The best ships of such fleets are Ventures and Mules. Your colonies cannot have any better because others don't sell their good stuff. That is almost as bad as pirate fleets and cannot defend against much. Strong pirate fleets will wreck your fleets if you don't have own production.

i mean you say that... but my 3 overdriven brilliants that smash through entire fleets and get catapulted around the map say otherwise

If the Player flies a perfect 100% CR brilliant with full Alpha Core skills and perfect speed optimization they can destroy unshielded pirate frigates with 2-3 crashes. But all the penalties to get the player on the pilot seat add up to make not even this scraphunting a viable tactic anymore.

And AI cannot handle ramming effective enough to do this properly. These things are maybe fun but consider all penalties including the loss of CR time for Safety Override. It is too much to be called effective. Other tactics do more. Like adding some weapons and strengthening instead of Safety Override. Then they can shoot stuff. This maybe a bit outdated tactic would still do much more in the long run.

General Discussion / Re: Remnant fleets Cuddling
« on: November 06, 2023, 01:16:36 PM »
Thanks guys :).   I am focussing now on finding a good fleet composition and then buffing those ships with smods etc.    Picking single fleets is allright - but I am not piloting a ship - that might be another big boost but I enjoy watching and looking for overall tactics more than piloting I think.

You don't need to pilot a ship to have a strong fleet. The skill system allows plenty strong alternative solutions with fully computer controlled fleets.

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