« on: June 12, 2023, 01:37:17 AM »
1) Are you asking about AI-Loadouts, or personal loadouts? Because nobody can teach you personal loadouts, its based on your play style.
2) i am currently taking out fleets of 5-8 frigates with a single frigate (tempest or scarab) and fleets of 1 cruiser or 3 destroyers and up to 5 frigates with just 1 cruiser and a frigate (heron and tempest). This is not because of some magical loadout that can beat anything, its because of battlefield control.
Use your commands!!!!
If ur outnumbered, set a waypoint near a corner so ur ships cant be separated and picked off when isolated (or order a control point to be defended).
If there is one VERY powerful opponent and a bunch of normal stuff, issue a harass order (or avoid order, depending on your setups) on the big boy while you take out the support.
Order fighter strikes on long ranged missile platforms, bomber carriers and phased ships (one at a time, in order of how badly they can murder your ships).
Don't be afraid to retreat ships when their PPT is finished.
Dont be afraid to retreat ALL of your ships and re-engage because ur PPT is finished.
If the enemy fleet has a lot of bombers, deploy a carrier with fighters, if the opposing fleet has lots of high powered missiles, deploy a carrier with interceptors, if the fleet has big slow ships and not a lot of support, deploy bombers (or avoid the big bad, take out the support and THEN deploy bombers)
3) A fleet is not just one loadout! make an agile long distance fighter, a close in nuker, a chaser, an anvil, a support. most fleets run around with 240 dp of combat units (since that is the skill penalty for most fleet skills) but u can ONLY deploy 50dp at a time!! That is *FIVE* SEPARATE armies!!
Deploy what has advantages against ur foe, because there is NOT some magic loadout that beats all. So have enough variation in your fleet to actually HAVE advantages in multiple situations.
Example fleet:
2 tempests, 2 scarabs, 2 monitors,1 paragon or conquest (long range, slow, tanky), 1 odyssey or onslaught (mobile shorter ranged weapons with more power than the tanks), 3 furies (fast close range fighters), 3 dominators (long range slow tanky), 1 gryphon, 3 herons (1 with interceptors, 1 with fighters and 1 with bombers), 1 astral with bombers.
U dont just have ONE setup and complain when it doesnt work in one battle (after it successfully worked in 10 other battles) have DIFFERANT setups for the battles where u favourite doesnt work!!!!!