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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Pushover

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I don't see the issue - just don't visit him. If you go to a bar and someone tells you about an amazing Volturnian timeshare opportunity, you are not obligated to meet the guy at a later date.

Suggestions / Re: feedback after 4 years of playing
« on: February 07, 2025, 01:02:32 PM »
Regarding the full name of the Hegemony... look, as a statement of intent, the “Persian Hegemony of the Fourteenth Battlegroup” is acceptable, what's bizarre is turning it into a faction name, for the reasons i've already discussed in previous posts. After all, the Hegemony is the successor State to the Domain; which intends to EXERCISE hegemony over the Persian sector.

I don't think it's all that different from The United States of America as a name. We still use 'American' as an identifier to mean a person from the United States of America, even though it could also mean someone from the continents of North or South America. If someone says that they are from America, you generally know what they mean.

If you want to argue that the Hegemony does not accurately represent them as the clear hegemon of the sector, I would point out the number of countries with 'Democratic' in the official name that are not, in fact, very democratic, such as North Korea or Congo.

Maybe from another angle - Germany in the 1800s was more or less under the hegemony of Prussia - people could still say they were from Bavaria, but if Prussia rallies troops from Bavaria, everyone will still say that it's Prussia's army.
Is it more clear if the Hegemony was renamed to the XIV Battlegroup?

In this case, having the PL and the like call them The Hegemony is probably less legitimizing and easier than the full name - we don't generally call North Korea by the official name of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, we just call it North Korea and everyone knows what you are talking about.

Regarding other points:
I feel like independents are a faction largely for gameplay purposes - you can't just screw over one independent colony and suffer no repercussions from other factions, which would largely be the case if every independent planet was its own faction. There would need to be additional systems in place to prevent that sort of thing, which currently just don't exist.

I do think it would be more immersive if the various independent fleets had names - we only interact with Tristar as the mercenary company, but I think it would be cool if fleets were differently named, instead of "Mercenary Patrol", it could be "Tristar Mercenary Patrol" or "Ko Combine Salvage Fleet".

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v9.0.10)
« on: February 07, 2025, 12:04:22 AM »
There's an issue with the AotD tech tree in that the Automated Station starts unlocked and does not require research (the tech does nothing as far as I can tell).

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Industrial.Evolution 3.3.e - Campaign content expansion
« on: February 05, 2025, 01:38:36 AM »
I was able to upgrade my Corporate Governance into a Cryorevival Facility when a Cryosleeper was in-system. Not sure if AotD was a contributing factor.

There's also weird interactions with Corporate Governance and AotD's updated Cryosleeper system since Corporate Governance causes the colony to immediately shrink from size 7 -> 6 and then the Cryosleeper causes it to grow back to size 7. This reapplied Luddic Majority each time, stacking stability and +production.

Are remnant weapons just better versions of normal ones with no drawbacks (except ordinance points and flux)?
I'd think most of them are worse in most situations because of ordinance points and flux. Most of them have some sort of EMP damage associated with them at the cost of higher flux, and then things like the Graviton Beam lose a ton of DPS and is only maybe better if you can get 4+ beams on target, which limits use considerably.

Saw some talk that if you are using TriOS, it used the latest github version of MagicLib (1.4.7 rc3) which causes this issue. rc2 supposedly works, or the one on the forum here, 1.4.6.

TT throws some mercenary fleets your way guaranteed.  If you disrupt their industries ASAP after their meter starts, this is the extent of their crisis.  I guess be strong enough to handle 200k bounties, or stealthy + fast enough to bait them into a station

You can talk to the mercs before they come your way, and pay then 1m to go raid TT instead, adding 100 to the resolution meter of the TT crisis. You can potentially follow their fleets in and get your raiding done with their assistance.

Bug with ruins:

The Hull Deconstructor appears to count as an industry while restoring the ruins (for the purposes of stability due to number of industries), despite not taking an industry slot once completed.

The Hull Forge has the opposite problem, it does not count as an industry while restoring the ruins, but does take an industry slot once completed.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.9.4
« on: January 25, 2025, 09:42:51 AM »
Is it a bug that the black market of a recaptured market is unavailable permanently (or until Vertex Station gets raided)?

I would assume that Panopticon Monitoring would shut down after the market is recaptured, or after the rebellion gets defeated. It doesn't show up in the building tab, yet there's no black market.

General Discussion / Re: Help wrapping my head around this
« on: January 24, 2025, 03:55:29 PM »
Thanks everyone for the suggestions.  It's gotten a little better, but I still have quite a way to go.

I've realized where most of my feelings of being overwhelmed were coming from.  I know at its core this is a "fleet battle" game, but the game doesn't really ease you into that at all.  Pretty much right out of the gate it throws fleets of a dozen or more ships at you.  It's very much like getting tossed into the deep end of the pool.

So... I suppose this is feedback of sorts to the devs.  I think the game is great, and I can see that the complexity of these larger battles is what makes it fun long-term.  But I would have been WAY less overwhelmed if it kept the size of the initial fleets I'm commanding and encountering on the smaller side at first.  Give me a 5 dimensional problem to wrap my head around instead of a 20 dimensional problem.  I'm sure in time I'll know exactly how to approach a fleet of 30 ships just by glancing at the overview, but it would be nice if the learning curve up to that wasn't so steep.

I'm assuming most of the focus has (rightly) been on nailing the core gameplay experience, but down the road somewhere I think adding a softer start would help with broader appeal.  Especially if this reaches the point of being released to the lazy/unwashed masses on Steam.
You don't have to fight everything you see and keeping a fast small fleet lets you avoid fighting at all if you get caught. allowing you to choose your battles. I don't think it's a problem with the game if the player decides they want all the ships and to fight the biggest opponents asap, rather it is nice that it allows that. Pretty sure there is already scaling for pirate and pather fleets anyway and bounties start out very small anyway.

To be fair, this is not super well explained/demonstrated by the initial Galatia tutorial questline, since it kind of rushes you into salvaging and fitting a junker fleet to fight.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« on: January 23, 2025, 09:13:00 PM »
Want to say this is the only mod that I think is a direct upgrade to the vanilla and should be in the base game. I know it won't happen but still.
I think the framework of swappable skill lists is great though I would like to comment on balance a little bit:

I think it would be in a great spot without Full Throttle. Full Throttle imo breaks the game balance making builds with no surplus flux from weapons extremely overpowered. The way I see it range, speed and flux vent of ships are the main differentiators within weight class. No ship can excel in all three categories or it would make other ships obsolete. Full Throttle allows slow and well armed (read lots of weapons and flux vent to fire them from afar) to also be fast, especially combined with Technical's Unlocked Engines.
I suggest reducing zero-flux-boost speed on it instead or reduce it only when 0%>flux>10% keeping the maneuverability as is.

10% to flux stats and Unlocked Engines speed boost makes it a mandatory in my runs as I tend to min-max all of my ships. 10% boost pushes most ships to even flux usage/vent which I find optimal for non-flagship (AI-controlled) ships. Reduced shield upkeep and -10% energy flux compounds in that.
Perhaps toning down the base flux bonuses and speed would allow for more specialized buffs for phase ships/energy weapons?

These two officers are really hard to live without imo as they give indiscriminate bonuses to all ships that are on par or even better than more niche skills from other officers

For me this whole officer hangs on Best of the Best skill which alone makes is worth picking it over the others. One more S-mod means custom-tailored upgrades for every ship, often with powerful S-mod bonus to boot. Honestly no idea how to make the officer more interesting. Perhaps changing it to giving 5/10/15/20 more ordinance points to ships instead while buffing some other skills?

Other officers imo way too specialized for the values of buffs they give.
Logistic officers are great

Sorry if you are not looking for feedback, I just really like this mod and wanted to share my thoughts
I would agree that this is a fantastic upgrade to the vanilla skill system, and I think it's a lot cooler to be able to specialize in one style of play rather than the 'jack of all trades' feel that you mostly get in vanilla.

I think the strongest skill in Tactical is actually Accelerated Barrels - instead of needing to kite the enemy with Full Throttle, you can just meet them with a massive wall of firepower. Mass Bombardment is even situationally stronger than Full Throttle in missile builds, especially if you can use the ammo regen. All of the higher tier skills are pretty competitive with each other, which is great IMO (Defensive Protocols would be strong in a full low-tech fleet, but is otherwise the worst of the 4).

I find your take on Technical interesting since I think Technical is fairly specific to High Tech. The initial skill is super powerful, but unless you are running high tech ships with high cost shields and lots of energy weapons, or some phase ships, most of the skills are pretty mediocre. Makeshift Drones is nice to allow collection of some automated ships before switching to full Automation, though. Warfare to me is roughly equal to Technical - Stabilized Targeting and Surefire Impact are great for low and midline builds, and Overwhelming Force does a good job replacing the flux from Flux Regulation.

As for Management, both of the capstone skills are amazing - the S-mod is nice, but so is the extra ~40 DP gained if you have officers on all of your combat ships (assuming a 240 DP battle). The initial +15% CR is also incredibly strong, but I feel like the rest of the tree has too much stuff relating to PPT, although I guess it's just leaning towards building an officer corp that all skips Combat Endurance?

I've found the playstyle-specific ones to be incredibly powerful if you lean into the playstyle, although I haven't tried Improvisation or Strikecraft (currently starting a new run where I'm aiming to be carrier focused).
That said, Automation, while powerful, has mostly unexciting skills as you'll invest 2 points for +120 automated points. Magnetic Shielding feels like a waste unless I'm building Solar Shielding into all of my non-automated ships, and Overclock, while good on Remnant ships, feels awkward with many other mods (e.g Dustkeepers or Abyssal enemies from RAT). Wide Range Transmission feels a bit strange as I don't often use AI cores on automated carriers when it's somewhat wasting the combat skills on the carrier.

I have mixed feelings about the Logistical officers. My main issue is that while they are clearly not mandatory to play, it's just annoying to swap around officers - if I'm flying any long distance, I'll want Starfaring, and probably 50% of the reason for that is Navigation to not have to slow down as much for Hyperspace Storms or Nebulas. Similarly, when fighting [ULTRA-REDACTED] or other ships with rare equipment, I always want to have Piracy to increase the drops. However, if I'm in for some major combat, I'll swap over to a 3rd combat officer. Paying the CR penalty to swap in the field often just means waiting for CR to recover, which is not exactly exciting gameplay, and not swapping means you just burn more fuel/spend the time you would be waiting chugging through/skating over hyperspace storms (and then waiting for your CR to recover anyways).

Furthermore, because the logistical officers are quite good at what they do, I almost never want to take a non-combat focused skill on a non-logistical officer, so those skills get ignored. I think I'd prefer if logistical officers had pure buffs for out-of combat, and non-logistical officers had buffs for in-combat.

I do not know - the expedition hub is not part of my mods! Sorry.
Well, it's a RAT building that has neither inherent bonuses nor can use Nanoforges, so it would only produce base quality by its nature.
It is a building with highly variable output though - the output very much depends on where the expeditions visited.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: January 11, 2025, 01:20:25 AM »
Really been enjoying my playthrough with this mod (skipped Questions of Loyalty as I was not planning on using a commission) -

Some feedback:

Minor bugs/unclear mechanics (I was on 1.2.0, I see 1.2.1 is out so maybe some/all of these are fixed):
- The Bulwark Foundry claims a cost of 40 Domain Machinery and 200 Refined Metal but it only appears to cost the 40 Domain Machinery while constructing. Unsure if there are other cases with megastructure costs not lining up.
- Debris Fields from Domain Era Research Facilities combats end up halfway to the star (I've noticed this issue in RAT as well, so it might be a mod API or Starsector related bug?).
- Trying to use the Bifrost Network while a gate is being constructed results in a NullPointerException.

- I think it would be better if the Domain Era Research Facilities had more varying sizes and difficulties. Making small/medium/large with varying sizes of enemy fleets and rewards would make earlier exploration more rewarding, since with a fleet that can handle most other exploration challenges (e.g. derelict remnants/pirate fleets) you just miss out on a lot of the planets.
- I would prefer to see a planet condition for (cleared) research facilities in the intel view, similar to how Random Assortment of Things has the ruins after you scan. It's annoying to look to colonize them if you already cleared them, since you need to match the planet name to a different page of the intel screen.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« on: January 09, 2025, 04:15:32 PM »
my biggest gripe with the mod that preventing me from using is the fact your non-combat xp only goes towards your combat skills and sort of forces you to murderhobo as much as possible to get those logistical skills you really need for an explorer/trade fleet
As someone who does a lot of trading, I didn't feel like this was a serious issue. It takes very little combat to hit level 2 on your officers. Bulk Transport is good enough for early game trading, and I'll get enough combat just incidentally from bumping into pirates or in the process of fixing my rep from smuggling to get level 2/3 for more exploration oriented skills. I would still agree that non combat XP should work for leveling XOs, or at least Logistical ones.

On a different note:

Minor exploit - you can assign yourself to an automated ship via the Neural Junction skill from the Automation tree, then swap that officer out to a different role (e.g. Technical) and continue to pilot the flagship.
EDIT: Typo - On Efficient Ordnance: "per ordnance point spendt on weapons".

Man, I have a lot of thoughts on how trade is simultaneously one of the more interesting systems while being one of the most frustrating. A few ideas regarding black market use:
  • Have limits on tonnage being shipped into the black market, based on colony size/stability/free port status
  • Have harsher punishments for greatly exceeding these limits, such as an investigation that causes more severe rep loss for major factions, or an enforcer fleets that tries to hunt down the player.
  • Offer better terms for trading openly. 30% tariffs on imports and exports makes no sense as an economic policy across the sector and makes the open market something I only touch if I just need sheer quantity of goods. Trading to a shortage should be profitable over the open market.

Pretty much all or my early game is spent flying cargo around the sector in bulk, since any shortage represents anywhere from 20-200k in profits to be made with minimal effort and risk. Delivery missions are also insanely profitable since you deliver the goods and then can immediately pick up discounted surplus goods to turn it around I to more black market trading, meaning you can get a few hundred thousand from a delivery and then thousands more with the cheap good price.

The missions asking for the raids or bombardments need much better target choices. Sometimes in the early game where I have < 50 DP of ships I'll be asked to bombard/raid Chicomoztoc.

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