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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - stormbringer951

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Mods / Re: [0.96a] Captain's Log 0.2.0 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: June 22, 2023, 04:05:29 AM »
Hi, is it possible to have Remnant battle station's location marked and displayed?

Yeah, made a note of that, it will probably be in the next release.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Captain's Log 0.2.0 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: June 09, 2023, 11:23:19 AM »
I'm having some issues with the download links, just shows "Not Found"

Should be fixed now; drafted the update messages before I actually posted the release so the download link wasn't the same :-\.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Captain's Log 0.2.0 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: June 09, 2023, 11:17:01 AM »


- Add GUI with multi-line text editing for writing Captain's Log custom messages
  - Accessible from the control panel in the intel screen or using the shortcut (default P) in the campaign
- Automatically log the location of Comm Relays located outside the Core Worlds
- Automatically log the location of Coronal Hypershunts
- Add version checker changelog support
- Add LunaLib support
- Add LunaLib settings to enable/disable each type of automated intel logging
- Add LunaLib settings to set whether Captain's Log custom log messages should be marked as important by default
- Rework intel reports to more closely follow vanilla style
- Removed console command support (most functionality ported to GUI functions)
- Change ignore hotkeys to use g rather than i
- Updated salvageable ship intels to use the ship sprite as the icon rather than the map icon
- Fix bug that allowed players to use "lay in course" button to repeatedly salvage the same object.


Potentially this could be listed as a bug? Starsector itself says that the mod list embedded in the save is the ones "last saved with" in the savegame mouseover tooltip, but the recorded version numbers don't change when it's saved with an updated version of a mod.

I also think the mouseover tooltip would be much more useful if it prioritized listed missing and different versions of mods to the ones it was saved with at the top. Currently it list them in alphabetical order which is much less useful.

Is there a chance that this mod will get its revival for version 0.96?

Yeah, I'm working on an update which should be released soon.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Captain's Log 0.1.6 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: February 07, 2022, 03:25:53 AM »

- Fixed crash to desktop when hiding icons on a message intel

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Captain's Log 0.1.4 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: January 06, 2022, 01:04:18 PM »
0.1.5 - The Pre-GUI Update

- Added intel reports noting the presence of ruins on unsurveyed planets with orbital debris visuals (PR from Jaghaimo)
- Added lay in course button and shortcuts to intel reports (PR from Jaghaimo)
- Added data/config/settings.json key captains_log_enable_automatic_logging for controlling whether automated reports are generated for salvageables and ruins.

- Inconsistent date calculation fixed

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Adjustable Skill Thresholds 1.1.0
« on: January 02, 2022, 03:22:57 PM »
Version 1.2.0

- Updated skills compatibility and default starting numbers for 0.95.1a, and added support for configuring Derelict Operations DP discount % (pull req by cmp831)

Will probably get around to refactoring the mod and letting you edit all the numbers in a day or two.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Captain's Log 0.1.4 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: December 04, 2021, 10:31:11 AM »
thank you sir. i hope your mod will be noticed more
I'm so glad I spotted this. A much better option than a document to alt-tab into.
Just found this mod. Nice!

I really hope this gets rolled into the main game at some point, it's super useful for tracking things that don't show up in the intel log or in other places like:
- unsalvaged habitats / research stations / etc
- if there's a system you explored but still has a heavy [REDACTED] presence, especially battleships for use with the Automated Ships skill
- good colonization candidates (not necessarily a Terran Eccentric world, but a good combination of multiple other high-value worlds or simply a system with 4+ not-terrible planets)
- you've stored all your ships/items for free at an abandoned station

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it ^^

just got reminded about this in the discord - will you be updating the mod to use the new text field stuff when .95.1 comes out?
it's a pretty minor thing but would (imo) greatly improve the mod

Yeah, definitely. It's one of the things that I've been waiting for; after that I can actually do a lot more with the GUI.

Any way to disable intel reports entirely and only have the manual command enabled only so I'm the only one making intel reports?

Not currently. I'll add this functionality for the next release

Could you put the other commands (those for deletion of logs and such) on the page?

Ah, done!

Suggestions / Re: API request thread (please read OP before posting!)
« on: December 04, 2021, 09:08:48 AM »
Would it be possible to add some method to register programmatically created variants with the methods used by the variant ID lookup so I can call these SettingsAPI methods on some new variant ID that did not exist at startup:

void addDefaultEntryForRole(java.lang.String role, java.lang.String variantId, float weight)
void addEntryForRole(java.lang.String factionId, java.lang.String role, java.lang.String variantId, float weight)

I would like to programmatically create variants, but since they can't be added to the variant id lookup, I can't dynamically create variants, add default roles for them and add them to faction's known ships & doctrines.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Adjustable Skill Thresholds 1.0.0
« on: October 12, 2021, 11:43:58 AM »
Version 1.1.0

- Added support for Bulk Transport (pull req by cman0014)
- Updated default values (thanks to Satirical)

I have a pull request to add Bulk Transport threshold, but here it is in the meantime.

Saw the pull request, realized it's been like 7 months since the last release :-[. Thanks, merged those changes.

This is almost exactly what I was looking for. Any chance there is a means of tweaking the "Special Modifications" skill to change the number of "Built-In" Hullmods permitted?
hey, could this have a version for the supply consumption treshold for makeshift equipment please?
Seconding this - my reaction to Auxiliary Support is that this skill would function and balance much, MUCH better if it was balanced on a per-ship basis, perhaps with the multipliers tweaked down a bit. However, being able to adjust both the DP scaling cap and the multipliers to prevent very stupid things happening with Ventures and the like would be a good runner-up and probably a vastly simpler code hack
I just want to echo the previous requests to allow tweaks to all threshold values in the skills branch.

I'll have a look at all these requests in this thread and put out another release with a bunch of the other params.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Captain's Log 0.1.3 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: April 13, 2021, 02:25:00 AM »
oooh this mod is pog! it even keeps track of all the old things you found

if I may ask though, could you remove the savageables from the fleet log? because it has it's own tab already. i like knowing where the derelict mothership is, but i want the fleet log to not be completely crowded to be honest. thank you anyways for making this, it's very useful

Done ;). Glad you're enjoying the mod.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Captain's Log 0.1.4 - Note-taking and Reminders
« on: April 13, 2021, 02:24:17 AM »
0.1.4 - The "I finally got around to doing a bunch of Avanitia's suggestions from a literal year ago" edition

- Nexerelin museum ships should not generate salvageable intels.
- Unexplored systems should not generate intel reports (fixes Seeker issue).

Usability improvements:
- Will no longer generate the same damn instructional log entry on every new game, since the forum topic exists now
- All Captain's Log custom messages are set important on creation.
- All Captain's Log intel entries (ruins/salvageables/captain's log entries) are no longer in default fleet log intel category

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Adjustable Skill Thresholds 1.0.0
« on: April 05, 2021, 07:51:56 AM »
Firstly, thanks a lot for the mod, it really makes these skills a lot more palatable.

I know the mod description mentions only "fighter bay and DP-related thresholds", so is it possible that you could give a hint on where in the files one would edit the thresholds for Bulk Transport manually? I'm experienced with modding, but not with Starsector specifically.

Ah, I'm adding the others, the mod description just mentions fighter bay and DP-related thresholds because those are the ones I got around to first and are currently in the downloadable mod. Several people have asked me about bulk transport  :P

To answer your actual question: most of the skill effect numbers thresholds are public variables defined in the skill classes in com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.skills - so you just need to change the associated variable for each thing.

Skill thresholds should specify that they are calculated using each ship's base recovery cost since they don't appear to be affected by d-mods (see the Omen's contribution to the total DP):

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