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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Armithaig

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(While this technically works with 0.95a, s' been a few changes that've been holding on to that'd otherwise be save breaking I want to push first)

S' good feedback bandit, enjoyed reading it! Especially the minor history snib I was ignorant of.

A minor flaw'm seeing in the logic here is that'd bump the destroyer to cruiser so it could flip the gunk to more frigates like it did in HW, but then'm also bumping the frigates to destroyers so we're back where we started if we ignore vanilla.

That aside your experience does largely mirror my own when making the destroyer so'll say you've shuffled up about as strong a case as possible reg. how that ship plays.
Gotta check my own bias here though, it is one of my favourites so of course'm inclined to agree with buffing it.
Largely thrown ship classifications to whatever animal preys on 'em already at least reg. HW's "super-capital" ships from the manual, which I suppose's an argument in your favour.

Will roll the idea around in my head but'll be straight and say's unlikely to happen, since's other things to consider like weapon mounts, maintaining relative ship sizes, weapon mounts, users confused by reclassification, save compatibility and weapon mounts.
Do work at a higher res than exported so the base sprites wouldn't take farming equipment to upsize, it's just the bloody mounts'd rather not have to redo/shove more of on these rail-thin sprites.

Nah, gonna be baked down into sprite variations like the Banika.
Were some flighty dreams to bandy ship systems based on what modules're installed but's not a possibility through the API, nor much opportunity for it through the interface.

the Tira has to be one of the most fun frigates/corvettes I've piloted myself, honestly...
Ahah, yeah they might need knockin' down a peg actually. 4 medium mounts for 4 FP's a tad over the scale, 200 speed with full weapon range's also a mite whoa.
Likely a FP increase and range debuff in their future, wish'd gotten this working properly since it'd naturally increase/decrease FP with the amount of wingmen alive, but hit a wall there'd need Alex to knock down.

This is a very well done mod and I love especially the Vaygr destroyer sprite. Can't wait too see what you cook up next update.
Thanks! Kinda started with all my favourites here but hell there ain't one bad ship design in HW2 so'm still burning for more.

Hmm, version checker's receiving a 403 forbidden on accessing the gitlab url.
Might be gitlab decided to block the default java user agent, but'd have to do some testing to be sure.
Will host it elsewhere if's still an issue by next update. Thanks fandango, kiwibear!

Damn right, were that'd have the time to make a HW total conversion. Been a bit distracted by my own game project n' mods for other games but'll hop back to Starsector eventually.
Big Vaygr focus for next update, wanted to differentiate 'em more from the Hiigarans and maybe not have all the void bins be midlines. Plus their black/white dazzle skins, not sure 'bout the elite black/red variants could try n' sell 'em as pirates if they got gunked up a bit.

And thank you, feel right sexy after ya buttered me up like that. Try to at least partially match the mod's efforts in presentation, glad's appreciated!

Pardon the delay!

Was caused by a base game bug/quirk where all variants're expected to have the same amount of modules. Having one variant with modules and one without caused a crash as it'd go looking for nonexistent modules on the bare variant.
1.3.1 adds modules to the bare variant as a workaround, will convert 'em to decoratives or bake into multiple sprites like Banika when 0.9.5 does a save sweep.

Great insights from my favourite electrical quadruped, thanks!

First complaint is that it doesn't use the fact that it can fly over stuff and shoot over allies like a fighter can all that often.
Hrm yeah's a Frigate in terms of AI still, lot of collision detection hinges on the ship's hull size rather than collision class've discovered.
Needs to stay a "frigate" hull so's pilotable/commandable in combat and the Fighter AI requires a "wing" which's not an instantiable object for modders.

Not much'll be able to combat this with at the moment save for rewriting the ship AI, which's a package deal: either ya rewrite most of the entire obfuscated AI stack or leave well enough alone.

Second complaint is that when the ship is brought into battle, the other 3 that spawn with it don't get into formation with it until the original is already engaged because of how fast the original moves.
Hear ya, it'll get hammered with this, spawn with/next to the leader.

My only complaint is that the AI seems to charge way too often, often smashing into allies.
Ah yah, the current FF check is pretty cheap/narrow, falls out of the arc target finding for free. Will slap on a proper collision check next time 'round.

Just gonna reaffirm that've run into the same here, videos included (panic, normal).
S'actually tied to HullSize not CollisionClass which'd found strange, think ya discovered as much yourself when working 'round it.

Suggestions / Re: API request thread (please read OP before posting!)
« on: November 21, 2019, 03:36:19 PM »
  • JSONObject getSpecJson()

Moved from DroneLauncherShipSystemAPI to allow for easy access of custom fields in .system files.
Realise's possible to do as much with generic JSON read functions, but if the game's already holding a json spec in memory which the DroneLauncher'd hint at, wasteful to load up the same file twice.

If top-level custom fields in system files're undesirable, perhaps like factions/terrain under a { "custom": { } } matched with
  • JSONObject getCustom()

Eh, sorry I talk weird. Since my IDE's set up for kotlin was doing what was convenient for me and not you, for that'll apologise.

Here's a working java example, mini-mod and video demonstration.
package data.shipsystems.scripts;

import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.MutableShipStatsAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.combat.BaseShipSystemScript;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.plugins.ShipSystemStatsScript;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipCommand;

public class SomeSystemStats extends BaseShipSystemScript {

public void apply(MutableShipStatsAPI stats, String id, State state, float effectLevel) {
ShipAPI ship = (ShipAPI)stats.getEntity();

public StatusData getStatusData(int index, State state, float effectLevel) {
if (index == 0) {
return new StatusData("i should be holding fire", false);
return null;

EDIT: Thanks legend!

Ah my bad about the russian, the ship.isHoldFireOneFrame = true is some syntactical kotlin glue for ship.setHoldFireOneFrame(true);
Will make an effort to convert things to java in the future.

Blocking ship fire in a ShipSystemStatsScript.apply() appears ineffectual whichever way'm cutting it except the deprecated USE_SELECTED_GROUP command.
Assume'd be because the scripts're advanced after weapons are, but might be out on a bicycle tourney.

Idea was to both dodge the screen clipping status effect list ya get from blocking most ship control (Maybe 3-state enums in csv instead of bool, e.g. DEFAULT|DISABLE|HIDDEN) and have weapons fire only blocked during a specific portion.

*cough* pardon the russian
class SomeSystemStats : BaseShipSystemScript() {
    override fun apply(stats: MutableShipStatsAPI, id: String, state: State, effect: Float) {
        ship.isHoldFireOneFrame = true

Cataclysm's one of those great gaming shames since've only ever looked at it longingly. Hope a remaster pulls through eventually, though they'd bonked up HW1 in a few rough ways mechanically.

And thank you for the pep, ain't about to misattribute to nationality what's really just nice individuals, but nederlanders've always been some of the first and most encouraging folks in every modding community've been a part of without fail. First donation was from there n' the two, three times've visited were golden.

Modding / Re: Flags for faction founders, requests now available!
« on: November 17, 2019, 10:21:45 AM »
Hahey, these look spiffy!
Real partial to the combination shaving razor/windshield wiper top center, hygiene's important.

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