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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Simbach Vazo

Pages: [1] 2 3
Modding / Re: [0.97a] Vexillographic Menagerie
« on: November 01, 2024, 11:23:15 PM »
More to be added as I make more for fun, but at the moment, I'm helping work on a different mod.

Modding / [0.97a] Vexillographic Menagerie
« on: November 01, 2024, 11:13:44 PM »
Vexillographic    Menagerie

Do you, yes YOU! often find yourself in need of a good flag? Do you wish there were more options? Go look at this mod!

If you're still here, you either didn't listen (for shame!) or you want to see some more flags (I'm so proud!). If that's the case, then I shall provide!

Note: If I ever get around to making a full faction mod, one of these is likely to be the first to go, and will be removed from the download if so. But it's not likely I get that far anyways :P

Download here :3

Mods / Re: Thog's Domain (THG) - More Explorarium Drones
« on: September 20, 2024, 02:02:18 PM »
I, too, love Jamaica.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: Luddic AIs
« on: September 13, 2024, 08:54:29 PM »
Well, not a flag, but the AI core in question, actually.

Modding / Re: [0.95.1a] Domain Historical Society
« on: September 08, 2024, 07:45:09 PM »
These are very pretty, actually! I imagine something like the Historical Society would fit in on the Prism Freeport or maybe even Galatia Academy.

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Luddic AIs
« on: September 08, 2024, 07:26:40 PM »
So, I just spent the last two hours making a flag, plus a half-hour or so making a portrait (thank you to SotF for the little guide on Dustkeeper-style portraits) for a little faction idea. As the title says, Luddic AIs. Or more accurately, AI-sympathetic Luddic faithfuls.
In short, AI core is rescued by Luddic Knights mistakenly thinking it to be a human connected to the CGR being tortured by Tri-Tachyon on some black site, the one in charge after the first officer dies in a mutiny attempt by some Pathers they worked with to breach the facility decides to not destroy it on sight, eventually a tribunal on a neutral world finds it guilty of being an abomination, it reluctantly agrees to listen to this interpretation of Ludd's word and self-terminates. The knight from before had made a backup of the AI without anyone, not even the core, knowing, and escapes to the fringe. Its gospel is spread along with the heated tribunal that ultimately decided to kill it, thus leading to a minor schism, drawing pro-AI researchers and more radical reformists of the church out to the fringe where the AI manages a colony. The distance and insignificant size of it leads the main factions to just give up and live-and-let-live after a few attempts to stamp it out die on the way from a guerilla war instigated by mercenaries and militia organized from the fringe colony.
A lot of the core points of this come from some others, made a post to the Starsector subreddit that mentions them all by username, that's here:

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: September 05, 2024, 10:03:51 AM »
So, having added this mid-save, is there a way to get the items without console commands or otherwise starting a new save for Gamlin to spawn? Understandable if not.

This may sound silly but is there a way to do the exact opposite? Keep the quest / Prism Freeport and gut Nexerelin mechanics?

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Seafood Shipworks 0.0.8a
« on: September 03, 2024, 01:57:53 PM »
I have fallen in love with the Nightbreeze. It is my ideal destroyer, thank you very much for making it, it is very fun.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Persean Chronicles, a quest mod
« on: September 02, 2024, 08:22:31 PM »
On that topic, are you meant to win the flashback/is there anything interesting if you do?

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Secrets of the Frontier (0.14.2c) - indev campaign mod
« on: September 02, 2024, 08:21:08 PM »
So, can/are you meant to/is there anything interesting for
beating "Eidolon, if you will" in the Wayward Star? I tried once with my full fleet, lost spectacularly, then reloaded and just ran Sierra into them so I could just recover the ship.
Oh and can I just say, the encounter was actually really cool, seeing the Tri-Pad take up the screen completely blank for a second. Chilling.

Edit: I see now what to do. Ludd save me, Ludd protect me.

yo, have you made/included a patch for that issue that's been listed with AOTD's cryosleeper module yet, or would it still remain as best practice to disable that module until further notice? also, how would one make sure to avoid the issue with TASC's station crashes?
I would like to know as well

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5
« on: June 30, 2024, 07:33:17 PM »
Love this mod, especially the Resplendent and the Iris. I was wondering if there's a specific place to get Iris blueprints, ie, if its in a specific bounty that was listed, or if I'm better off just buying Irises/scavving them.
I'm glad you like it. All the EX hulls can be found in a single very rare blueprint as random salvage loot, and the individual blueprints should also show up occasionally as salvage or Prism Station exchange loot. You could raid it from Tri-Tach industry as well since it's a known hull to them, but the blueprint isn't a mission drop.

Much appreciated, friend!

So, I installed mid-game, should it be expected that milestones aren't triggering or should I start toggling settings to see if they pop up?
Oop, they just triggered after a bit, nevermind. Good to note.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Emergent Threats/IX Revival v0.6.5
« on: June 29, 2024, 01:56:11 AM »
Love this mod, especially the Resplendent and the Iris. I was wondering if there's a specific place to get Iris blueprints, ie, if its in a specific bounty that was listed, or if I'm better off just buying Irises/scavving them.

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