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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - wodzu_93

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Unique Combat Scenarios
« on: December 06, 2024, 11:56:41 AM »
Secrets of the Frontier mod adds 2 more combat objectives. One is a stationary defensive emplacement (either a hangar platform, missile platform or gun platform), other periodically spawns domain drones as reinforcements. Spices up combat quite nicely, since those are active allies/enemies, as opposed to passive (de)buffs from Nav/Comm/Jammer.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« on: December 03, 2024, 02:08:41 PM »
I might agree with you if i could also recreate the issue myself, the weird part is that i know where the check is done, and i cant really tell what could cause it on some peoples machines.
Here's some info, maybe it will help you with reproduction.
 Mod list:
{"enabledMods": [
  "Adjusted Sector",
  "Terraforming & Station Construction",
Java 23, 4GB Ram allocated. Running below 60 FPS in hyperspace.
Since I have the bug, I could test a SiC version that removes "-30% to terrain speed penalty" from Navigation and report back if this indeed is the cause of the issue or not.

Figured it out. It's very likely framerate-dependent. If I have below 60 FPS and Idle 0% I get hit by storms while going slow with Navigation skill. I tested pure vanilla, SiC + libraries only and my modpack. Only the last case I got hit by storms, and it was the only game where I was below 60 FPS. Try loading up big enough modpack to drop FPS and try reproducing this that way. Adjusted Sector + lots of factions + Nex should do the trick.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« on: December 03, 2024, 05:03:50 AM »
Going to the fix the latter, no idea what could cause the former, its only increasing the fleet burn stats in the exact same way that vanilla Navigation does. I also can not replicate that issue, which reminds me of an Issue with the Nebula in RATs Abyss which increase speed but can deal storm damage, for some people move-slow doesnt work for them there either, and i could never replicate that aswell.
I'm shooting in the dark here but I think the culprit might be "-30% move speed penalty from terrain" part. All other +Burn work fine, but Navigation uniquely have that terrain movement buff. So what might be happening, is the game checks for actual movement speed, not burn level, when determining if you take storm damage, and that buff pushes you just enough over the speed threshold. Is it possible to decompile base game code and see how is this applied?

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
« on: December 02, 2024, 10:34:56 AM »
Two bug reports:
1) When you take Navigation in Starfaring XO, you can no longer avoid hyperspace storms EVEN WHEN GOING SLOWLY (Go Dark or holding S). Don't know why. I have burn 8 then +1 from Navigation. When Going Dark, I slow down to 4 and still get hit by storms. When I unequip the XO I no longer get hit. Please fix, it makes storms such a pain in the ass to go through, and makes Navigation a detriment instead of a benefit.

2) When you take Starmapping and hover over the sensor strength number to get the breakdown, Starmapping +20% buff is unlocalized resoulting in just a number being displayed ("+20%" instead of "+20% Starmapping".

I'd welcome the ability to remove them in vanilla, or even place your own beacons as nav buoys in hyperspace (to mark storm-free routes on the map). Once you clear the remnants, beacons serve no purpose other than being a clutter. Also Nex has a Remnant contact that has a mission to construct new Nexuses for them, would be nice to be able to place a beacon to mark that there is a new Nexus there.

do you tweak anything else or do you just double the sector size numbers. im wanna do this but im not sure if i need to change sosme other settings like accessibility to avoid breaking stuff.

Here's my settings for Adjusted sector. Size is doubled, but star count is only +50%, so density stays close to vanilla. Also tweaked stuff like amount of gates and scavengeables in systems. Hyperspace map uses the 246k_156k preset.
   #Change the number below to increase or decrease the size of the Sector


   # responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Ruin-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

   # these fields control the % probabilities for specific things spawned in Ruin-themed systems
   # 0.5
   # 0.25
   # 0.75
   # 0.25

   # this field responsible for the % probability to lable non-themed system as Misc, otherwise it remains themeless
   # 0.5
   "MISC_Theme_Probability_To_Add": 0.75,
   # responsible for not filling secondary star systems with content despite being labled as Misc-themed, vanilla value is 0.5

   # these fields control the % probabilities for specific things spawned in Misc-themed systems
   # 0.5
   # 0.25
   # these fields responsible for the amount of Motherships and Cryosleepers respectfully
   # this field controls the amount of Coronal Taps, default = 2

   # this fields control the amount of Gates outside of Core Worlds, default is 15 and 20

   # this fields control the amount of XIV Legion-class ships you can encounter outside of the Core Worlds, default is 2, 3, 1, 2

   #Random number of arcs apply to map
   #Vanilla value 20

   #Generate hyperstorms options.
   #"true" for generating hyperstorms for BIG map, "false" to generate default-sized hyperstorms.
   #Disclameer - might not work properly in "false" state if Nexerelin isn't updated (v0.10.5 or older) but enabled

   #Accessibility will be base - 1 at that many light-years from center of mass

   #If SAD is enabled, you can change the amount of SAD-themed constellations

   #If DME is enabled, as well as random generated blade breaker systems, you can change the amount of said BB-themed constellations.

   #If Prv Starworks is enabled, as well as random generated Agni systems, you can change the amount of said Agni-themed constellations.

The other problem I saw with anomaly and tankers is that it can become difficult to predict how far away you could actually travel because the game cannot account for fuel that will be lost to rapidly growing anomaly. So sticking solely to military ships (Apogee becomes even more valuable here as small fleet leader) is my current way to solve the issue somewhat - at least I can see how far I can go on my protected supply with fuel scoops and stock of supplies providing the the rest if neccesary.
This is incorrect. Fuel range indicator on the map is 99% accurate, it factors in increasing fuel drain just fine. Note, 99%, because what it doesn't factor in is the fuel cost of jumping into hyperspace from a system - but vanilla indicator also omits this. Not a problem unless your max fuel capacity is like <40 (frigate only start). Also note that increased fuel drain ALSO applies to gate travel.

Also it's worth mentioning that some modded ships designed to be exploration friendly tend to suffer here as well - like roider ships which are majorly considered militarized but not protected despite having civilian susbsystems removed and used by nomadic astrominers. So having an option for Lunalib to adjust what ships do and do not count as protected would be useful on player part.
This is adjustable. The category to which military ship gets assigned in (protected vs militarized) depends on their range (base fuel capacity / base fuel per L.Y.). By default this threshold is set to 100. So a Brawler is Protected (20 / 1 = 20 <= 100 ), while Revenant is Militarized ( 900 / 3 = 300 > 100). You can change this in Lunalib config (setting is under "Fuel and Anomaly" tab, "Max Travel Range For Ships With Protected Fuel").

After playing with this mod together with Adjusted Sector (double sector size, but vanilla star density and distribution), I'm not gonna go back to vanilla, ever. I love how your ability to explore further gradually opens up, either with fleet improvements (more cargo and fuels space and better upkeep efficiency), hyperspace topography skills (slipsurge is such a massive upgrade), the Janus Device, or resupply points (nebulae, planetary operations, colonies, RAT settlement, Nex outposts). So much more in-depth and satisfying gameplay than vanilla "get Phaeton/Revenant, GG, you can go anywhere".

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: October 24, 2024, 03:06:09 PM »
(I hope i'm asking on the right tread) Hi there! I was wondering if i was the only one with this problem :  The tech tree has vanished since i updated my AoTD package(tried twice), ctrl+T and accessing via colony UI doesn't work.  I even tried to load with Nex and no other mods and the problem persist.  Today ill be doing a fresh install of everything. Will keep you updated.  Thx in advance to anyone taking the time to read :)

**Update: Fresh install -> No change. Still cant open the tree :(**

It's been integrated with vanilla UI. Press "d" to open the command menu, there should be two new tabs after "Custom Production" tab, "Research" and "Megastructures". Also, there is a widget in the upper left portion of the screen while flying around (small vertical bar at the screen edge), click on that to expand it, it shows you current research progress and allows you to access the tech tree as well.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: October 08, 2024, 05:58:24 AM »
Since it is very long to test, i wish to ask clarifying questions regarding Crysleeper options

- Do i need to use Cryosleeper first for growing planet to size 7 in order to use Lost Ark for growing to size 8?
- can Lost ark work standalone, are there any drawbacks to doing that?
- Does it make sense to use Cryosleeper first before Lost ark, will it save any "charges" to use Lost ark more?
When you build cryorevival facility and revive process finishes, it SETS the pop to the size. Using a cryo to set to 7, then ark to 8 is a waste of a cryo. With 2 cryosleepers and an ark, you can get 2 7-size planet and 1 8-size. These ships are completely independent of each other. I'd suggest to not have both a cryosleeper and an ark present in the same system at the same time, don't know which one triggers first (since both use the same building for the process).

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: September 25, 2024, 10:18:39 AM »

you need to build the research facility in one of the colony for the research storage to appear
it should appear in the cargo menu while interacting with the colony

It's certainly possible that I'm just being blind and don't know where to look exactly, but I don't appear to have such a storage? The Research facility itself I've had for ages now. Here's how my colony screen / inventory look like. If I'm just failing to notice it and you could point out where I should click to access the storage, I'd be most grateful.

Is that colony governed (it says Persean League in upper left)? I think it needs to be a colony you own, belonging to your faction. In my current playthrough, I have Heg commision, but colony is mine, and storage button for the research facility is there.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] ScalarTech Solutions 0.9.1
« on: September 21, 2024, 07:26:24 AM »
hey just wondering if this will still work alright with forcing the version for 0.97a-RC11
Yes. Update from 0.96 to 0.97 changed very little when it comes to mods, vast majority will work just by updating the mod_info.json.

Mods / Re: [0.96-RC8] Legacy of Arkgneisis 1.9.12 [5/12/23]
« on: September 20, 2024, 02:29:33 PM »
The ARS does not hold markets other than the ones they are meant to, and are programmed to abandon any extra markets they come across.

I thought I fixed this issue by disallowing them to stage invasions, what even is a rebellion??? Is that a new Nex feature?

Nex has a feature where you can use Operatives (hired undercover agents) to stage a rebellion on a planet. If this is successfull, planet will change ownership to faction that instigated it.
So I guess ARS staged a successfull rebellion and took the market, which got instantly abandoned.

I think a better solution would be to transfer the ownership of any newly aquired market to another faction (Independents or Pirates) rather than abandoning it.

Thanks for making the mod by the way!

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Industrial.Evolution 3.3.e - Campaign content expansion
« on: September 08, 2024, 04:11:54 PM »
To get maximum benefit from the Hull Forge, you need 2 Alpha Cores - one in the Forge itself, and one in the Hull Deconstructor. When you place a ship and an Empty Forge Template in the Deconstructor, Alpha Core there will add a semi-random logistical S-Mod to the template. Then Alpha Core in the Hull Forge adds 2 semi-random non-logistical S-Mods to the printed ship.

Those S-Mods are considered "free", meaning you can add 2 (3 with "Best of the Best" skill) S-Mods with story points on top of that. 6 S-Mods in a ship is really damn strong. Also, if the ship placed in the Hull Deconstructor had S-Mods already, template made with it will inherit them, so you get more bang for your story points ( one S-Modded ship turns into 3, or 2 if capital ). This justifies an industry slot in my opinion.

Do you have a save right before this battle? What you can try, is to initialize the fight yourself while being as close to the station as possible - game should list your fleet "with allies" in pre-battle summary, with your station being included. When you engage a fight, both sides get ally help based on proximity to nearby assests - two parties that initiate a fight start close(r), while allied forces need to catch up. Note, you might need to turn on your Transponder for your faction forces to count towards this.

Recently, I got a fight where I attacked the pirate fleet while a friendly Hegemony patrol was right behind me. They joined the fight on my side, but needed to catch-up, since I started the fight. So this mechanic definetly works both ways.

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