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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - RaiDz77

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: modding idea Rouges, Rulers, Sovereigns
« on: November 26, 2023, 03:54:45 PM »
Cool ideas! Here's my two cents:

I would simplify the system, keeping the 3 tiers.

Rouge - Max pop size = 4, Max planets = 2
Ruler - Max pop size = 5, Max planets = 4
Sovereign - Max pop size = 6, Max planets = 7

You would be given a progress bar, which increases your tier depending on how many requirements you have fulfilled.
Here are some examples:
- Colony growth
- Commission (aka choosing a side)
- Defeating or solving one of the "crises" events detailed in the recent blogpost (
- Active Cyrosleeper or Coronal Hypershunt nearby one of your systems
- Support of a faction, which can be bought for reputation, credits, certain items, or perhaps a threat that leads to a tactical bombardment quest. Options are more limited or expanded on depending on commission status and the relative faction

My concept is that the requirements for leveling up the system are not too abstract or hard to do, I want the requirements to feel natural rather then a series of fetch quests. Shouldn't be too easy either though, there's a balance. This adds more weight to the players actions and fortunes, since they now also progress the colony stage.

Blog Posts / Re: Colony Crises
« on: November 26, 2023, 02:39:52 PM »
Question: How do your relations with the crises factions effect the event progress and resolution options?

Also, thanks for always walking us through most of the thought process in your blog posts! As someone whose dream hobby is making their own game, I love reading informative bits from people who clearly know what they're doing.

Suggestions / Re: A relatively silly idea.
« on: August 12, 2023, 01:13:06 PM »
OH MY GOODNESS, I want that so bad now. If I ever become proficient enough in modding to make this I will, although it sounds like a pain to code.

Modding / Re: Enable colony markets without Commerce Industry
« on: July 27, 2023, 04:56:00 AM »
There is a mod (Industrial Evolution) that lets you add an open market to your colony through the Senate features, however it has similar penalties to a commerce. It is not updated to .96 yet though.

For a military market, no, I have never seen one on a player colony.

Cute little story! One thing I noticed is you called Corvus a red giant, when it's a yellow star. Not a very important detail, but I thought I'd point it out regardless.

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