Really, really nice. Main critique I would offer are the things you already know, I should think. I.e. it would look better with time spent post-processing.
I'm interested to see how the fading-alpha blue light on the exjudicator works in the game.
In terms of the ship design, what are you going for?
- the two big ships look to be over-gunned generally (not saying this is a bad thing
, with the length of them meaning they will play more like the Conquest rather than the Onslaught, i.e. only bringing a lot of guns to bear at broadsides or at shorter ranges.
-Systems? Got any plans? How will this affect weapon placement, weapon types, built-in weapons?
I wouldn't want to offer any criticism of the aesthetics, but whether it works (or how well it works) as a ship could be all down to the weapons and numbers (flux etc) you give it 
Once again, great work! Get it in the game and have a play about, you can quickly change the sprite if required, get balancing! 
Thanks! I was hoping for this faction to play more like the old naval dreadnoughts.
On the other hand, the reason why I over-gunned the two large ships is mainly because they're going to have an exorbitant fleetpoint cost and be extremely rare and expensive (think the Titan from the IF mod). But yeah, I think I love the weapon spam a bit too much. Both ships also come with custom built-in weapons.
As for ship design, I mainly based the asthetic around rule of cool, but gameplay-wise, they're all going to have heavy defenses, deep flux reserves, but rather subpar venting (given how thick the armor is, and also for practical gameplay reasons) which makes them kind of like one-trick ponies - they don't maintain well in battles of attrition.
I carried over a bit of design craziness from playing BSF, (though I'm no veteran, unlike Cycerin) so the blue-alpha you see on the Exjudicator's pretty much a placeholder cover for a massive beam cannon (built in). Makes for one hell of an initiation tool, as least insofar as I've modified weapons for it.