I haven't played with most of the ships in this pack, but I wanted to talk about the ones I have tried.
The Maunder is easily my favorite, and I used it as my flagship when I was running around with frigates. I like using Elite Point Defense as my first combat skill, so I'm always on the lookout for ships with a bunch of small ballistics. I haven't used the Accelerated Ammo Feeder version, but I really enjoyed the pirate version. 2 medium missiles with Fast Missile Racks for 6 DP is quite a good deal, and all the small ballistics give it a lot of good options for outfitting. Both versions have plenty of OP, which you really need for the 2 medium mounts on a frigate. Tie it all together with good speed, and it is a lovely little thing.
I like running into enemy Maunders, too.
I didn't find space for it in my endgame fleet as 6 DP was just a little too expensive, but I think the DP cost is actually quite fair, and I might revisit it and hand it some high ammo missiles like Breaches to strip armor or Salamanders to occupy enemy PD and harass unshielded engines. The medium ballistics on the normal version seem promising too, maybe a Hypervelocity Driver and Heavy Mauler would work.
Carton (P)
The Carton (P) is a very fun addition to the pirates. I was quite surprised to find frigate/destroyer pirate fleets flinging Squalls at me, but it was a good surprise. It's limited well by its low OP and its unique hullmod that reduces missile ammo.
Dram Mk. II
Dram Mk. II doesn't seem to do anything special in LP fleets, but I haven't struggled fighting LP fleets at all this run, so I wouldn't say I could make a good judgment of it.
The Tercio feels calibrated well. Great turret arcs and good mounts with adequate flux stats but no shield. The front plate with the damper field is very cool but a bit funky as I have had it waste a charge on its own missiles. Burn Drive feels weird, but I don't know what else it could reasonably get. It suffers from the same problems that afflict all small heavily-armored ships (not enough armor or hull to stand up to big weapons), but that's not a tick against it in the right fleet. Might be strong enough to bring to Remnants, but I didn't find a XIV version to test it.
Gemini (LC)
The Gemini (LC) feels like a fair trade. Gaining one fighter bay is great, but you lose the medium missile, and it has 0.95a stats, so 10 less speed and 10 less OP, which make it much more vulnerable than the vanilla version. Not sure it would be fair if it had both, but it could probably get the OP buff without issue. It also still has Civilian-grade Hull, which is probably just an oversight.
Nebulae are fun to blow up.
I'm still undecided if the aspirant is decent or not. Its 40 speed is just really bad (worse than the Mora), and its acceleration/deceleration stats are as bad as the Dominator but with no Burn Drive. Turn rate is fine, basically the same as an Eradicator, though the Aspirant does have a hardpoint. I didn't notice it having any particular difficulty staying on target. The armor does feel too low for a low-tech cruiser, comparable to Aurora/Gryphon, though the Aspirant is only 18 DP. The turret arcs are quite good, and the large ballistic lets you use Ballistic Rangefinder, which is always good fun. I feel like I should give this one a second look.
The Ossifrage is just as frustrating as the description says. I can't find a loadout that doesn't leave it pointing its large ballistic hardpoint against a frigate 1500 su away while a cruiser comes in against its front. It turns superlatively well for a cruiser, but the AI is just so bad with this ship.
It has more OP than a Champion, but the mounts are really awkward, and it's not very tanky while being as slow as a Colossus Mk II/III. The ballistics have really good arcs, excepting the side hardpoint. The medium energy only overlaps with two small energies. The three small missiles don't feel worth the OP. I was trying to use Ballistic Rangefinder with this ship, but maybe it's not wise to use it for 4 turrets? It might be better to use 2 hypervelocity drivers and 2 light needlers or vulcans.
It doesn't really fit with the vanilla Midline set, which I do realize is intentional. They're all specialists, but the Ossifrage is explicitly not a specialist. It also has small ballistics, which don't appear in any of the vanilla Midline cruisers or capitals. Maybe it ought to get a medium missile too if it's supposed to be a generalist.
Maybe there's just a really good fit I haven't found, but it doesn't feel worth 25 DP.
Haven't used a Geoid myself, but I see them a lot in big scavenger/independent fleets.
Edit: adding a couple more. For context, my fleet is Support Doctrine with 1 capital, 3 cruisers, and a bunch of Escort Package destroyers. I basically only assign Capture orders at the start and then Defend orders on the big 'uns, though I do have to get more fancy when fighting tougher opponents, like special contact bounties or [REDACTED].
This seems really good. It definitely feels like a premium destroyer: it's tanky, mobile, and has a pretty good weapon package. I tried it with PCLs and Sarissa. I couldn't get quite enough OP to fill all the slots and have Expanded Missile Racks, but that seems fair. I used Pulse Laser on the medium, IR Pulse Laser and Ion Cannon on the small, but I'm not settled on this yet. Between Sarissa and Active Flare Launcher, it had enough PD. The Apsis held its own pretty well in general, and I got to see it bully a pirate Eradicator away.
Similar to the Apsis, the Sidebar is a premium destroyer with a good overall package. Fortress Shield is always strong, but it seemed to mostly use it for getting out of trouble than for tanking, though I never set an eliminate order. It stood up to a pirate Falcon for a very respectable amount of time and was able to back off when it was in danger. I went with Phase Lance, IR Pulse Laser, a Burst PD Laser, and a Salamander. I should probably have put Breach Missiles in the small missile slot instead.
My first impression of the Slider wing in sim was that it was too strong or had too far of an engagement range, but I think it's okay after seeing it in action against a fleet instead of just a few frigates. It's probably really really good in early game, though. Compared to the Warthog, the Slider has one fewer fighter, double DPS, shields instead of flares, double engagement range, and 70 more speed. Its IR Pulse Lasers have lower hit strength, which is inconsequential for frigates but limits its ability to punch up.
I'm not really sure how to outfit the Parabola. I tried Advanced Optics Phase Lances and Burst PD Lasers, but I don't know if that's even a good fit.
Honestly, it's probably just a poor fit for my fleet. Anyway, 3 hangars for 22 DP seems expensive considering it doesn't have a fighter system, but it does have reasonable weapon slots, flux stats, and OP compared to something like a Heron. My fleet can afford to protect backline carriers, so its mobility isn't very important to me since it doesn't usually get isolated. I should have been watching it more closely because I kind of suspect that it was needlessly sending its fighters to escort my big ships when it should have been sending them against frigates and destroyers.
I really like the sprite, by the way.
I really like this thing. I have a level 7 officer who is pretty much perfect (System Expertise instead of Missile Specialisation, but otherwise great), so I stuck her in it and took it out for a bunch of bounties. I S-modded Expanded Magazines and Advanced Turret Gyros, and I gave it Autopulses, Squall, two Phase Lances forward, and Burst PD Lasers in the smalls. I'm still not settled on what the rear medium energies should be.
The IPCs have a really nice hit strength, so they did a lot of armor and hull damage (compare its 300 to the Hephaestus' 120 HE). The Large Energies up front have really wide arcs, so it can drive away small stuff pretty easily if they approach from the front or side. I did have to assign it an escort, which I should have expected from its 200° shield arc. I used the Sidebar as its escort and was pleased with the pair's performance. Overall, I was really happy with it. It's great at punching down, as fast as promised, and it has really good slots. 40 DP feels pretty fair, seems like it compares well to the Onslaught or Legion, depending on what kind of fleet you have. Outfitting it felt pretty straightforward after I stopped trying to force Paladin PD System in the rear syngergy slot.
Sidenote, I do feel like the Ion Pulse Cannon is a bit too loud.