« on: November 01, 2023, 01:44:20 AM »
So, I'm playing with Diable Avionics (two Versants with Neural Interface) but this questions extends to vanilla aswell.
How does one keep their escorts on a TIGHTER LEASH? I desperately want my escorts to ACTUALLY ESCORT my bigger ships and whilst some can do it quite well, others are...They just *** off and get *** off of the mortal plain!
Like I said, SOME ships have been made to be escorts, omens for example. Many other ships though, they don't fare so well as escorts. Take my (modded) Versants for example. Great ships, very fast, very squishy. In their "speedy" form they have no shields and no backward thrust. Therefore, when my versant buddy flies a 1000SU away from me off my screen, she VERY OFTEN gets blown to bits in one or two shots. That's not good. I want my escort to stay very close to me, because that way I can exert greater control over it, but whenever I'm piloting one, the other desperately tries to kill itself.
This behavior of "exposing" themselves or the ship they escort extends to many other ships aswell. If I set a Vanguard to guard a Sunder, because I configured my Vanguard to be a PD boat, it's immediately gonna leave the Sunder and go do it's own thing. This happens with pretty much any ship I set to escort another ship.
They easily get separated and I really hate that. Therefore, I once again ask you all
Recommend mods, ways to edit the source files, I don't care. I want my ships to actually do what I want them to do and not just fly to the other side of the map because a goddamn mudskipper wedged itself between my escorter and the escorted