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Messages - Candesce

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 20
Suggestions / Re: Polarized armor
« on: January 11, 2025, 05:04:25 PM »
You misread. I wasn’t testing its value against armor,
I was testing its value against hull once armor is fully stripped. I should try it with a railgun or thumper too though.
Ah, right.

For it to matter when protecting hull rather than armor, you need enough residual armor left to reduce incoming damage below 15%. That's... a significant, though not unreachable, amount of effective armor for the likes of Thumpers, Needlers, and etc, solidly over 3k; you'd need significantly less for Polarized Armor to reduce the hull damage dealt by a Vulcan by a third, but that's still not really a situation likely to come up often.

Suggestions / Re: Polarized armor
« on: January 10, 2025, 06:28:41 PM »
Was saying I don’t think polarized armor does anything for hull as it is currently unless the minimum armor is somehow big enough to have that change be a factor.
Well yeah, you were using a Hellbore.

You want to see Polarized Armor's buff to how armor works in action, use a Thumper.

Suggestions / Re: Converted Fighter Bay reduces depolyment cost
« on: January 05, 2025, 10:40:26 AM »
On the other hand, 6 DP Tempests sound scary.
Still 1 DP more than the TT Brawler, which has more flux, more armor, more hull, more weapon slots, and can be faster in short bursts with Plasma Jets.

You'd better be making good use of the Tempest's higher burn and more reliable speed.

... Suggests that a DP discount for nuking the built-in drone wing might be pretty appropriate, though.

General Discussion / Re: Phase ships
« on: January 02, 2025, 03:25:32 PM »
Weird random thought: what if entropy amplifier affected damage sources from everything -BUT- the afflictor?  What would that game look like?
It would reward using the afflictor as a portable curse-caster and not actually engaging even more than is so right now, which is a step in the wrong direction.

Overperforming as a player ship is very tolerable, especially since DP wise a massive overperformance in a frigate can be matched by even a modest overperformance by a capital. A pocket warlock that provides massively outsized DPS with no counterplay is the boring kind of overpowered.

Making the Afflictor's curse fall off its target if it gets too far away would be a more interesting change.

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 27, 2024, 12:17:03 PM »
If there's ever a moment where you could have attacked, but didn't, anybody who wants your rank can get it by calling you a coward. Or a traitor.

They get promoted over your corpse either way.

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 23, 2024, 11:51:10 AM »
Oh, that's a neat name! Didn't know about that one.
The main character of a certain popular webnovel gets dubbed that at the end, so Khepri is a bit more widely known on English-speaking forums than you might expect.

General Discussion / Re: Theorycrafting Anubis loadouts
« on: December 23, 2024, 06:58:44 AM »
Paladin has 500 armor pierce (anyone notice the magical number?), so it doesn't even need any cracking.
Alas, the Paladin only has 100 armor pierce. Five beams, not one beam.

Blog Posts / Re: Anubis-class Cruiser
« on: December 21, 2024, 02:04:57 PM »
The DP cost increase comes from only the "extra" fighter, so e.g. 2x Xyphos means +4 to the DP cost, not +8.

Does this make the bay in which fighters are equipped matter, if you were to mount a Gladius and a Trident wing, say? I like the idea, but the implementation seems like it could get tricky.

Agreed.  I'm scanning every Gas Giant and Black Hole and anything else I come across trying to get the abilities.
Remember that you can use volatiles to overload sensor arrays for extra bonuses every so often.

Aztlan and Thule both have the bigger better arrays, though alas they're also close enough to lock each other out for the cooldown period. The arrays are undefended often enough that you could hit one every time you go back for resupply.

General Discussion / Re: About Pulse Lasers
« on: December 01, 2024, 11:35:28 AM »
On the subject of 700 range IR Pulses, there are some interesting things to be done with the Fulgent.

Has anyone tried mounting an Ion Pulser and a pair of IR Pulse Lasers and combining it with Escort Package? It's something I'd been thinking about playing with, but I've been busy playing other games.

Suggestions / Re: hospital ships
« on: November 29, 2024, 10:33:12 AM »
Yes, and, even bundled with a bunch of other small logistics buffs, it doesn't ever really get taken.
I take it whenever I take an Industrial capstone.

... Which isn't that often, admittedly.

Bumping the production on personally-held planets is just cash, in the end. And there's plenty of ways to get THAT.

General Discussion / Re: Smuggling and spy sats
« on: November 13, 2024, 07:58:46 AM »
I've never had the clunker ship bar "mission" ever raise suspicion, and it's the best way I've gotten cargo freighters reliably earlygame without paying a ton of money.
Strictly speaking, I don't think it raises suspicion, but it has a chance of sending a patrol over to scan you (there's a reason you're getting a cheap cargo ship out of the deal).

That said, if you're not carrying illegal goods getting scanned isn't a big deal.

do you have to pay for these fuel and supplies like colonies?
Less than you do for the same amount of supplies and fuel bought in the core, even before accounting for the supplies, fuel, and time costs of going there and back.

If you've just plopped a mine down on a barren, mineral rich rock, the colony will pay for itself and mind its own business while not growing past size 3, and at size three you can close shop and end the colony whenever it's stopped being useful.

Suggestions / Re: Buff Remenents
« on: September 23, 2024, 06:36:03 AM »
Tri-Tachyon lost to the Hegemony.

There's a reason the Heg puts up warning beacons rather than actually clearing out Remnant systems.

General Discussion / Re: Phase Ships aren't really scary
« on: September 17, 2024, 06:43:50 PM »
They actually are. If you are fighting 30-50 DP against 100-150 DP of pirate fleets, Gremlins are similar to Vanguards or rocket Kites, where you can't always instantly kill them and they might just send missiles your way when you really don't want them to.
Have to agree with this.

In the early game, Gremlins are one of the ships I don't want to see in the enemy lines - they're disruptive, dangerous, and unlike the other fast harassers, don't die immediately if you can just find a moment to focus fire on them. To make them go away permanently requires sustained fire, which can be scarce when you're fighting a sufficiently big pile of pirate scrap.

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