Can different crises be tracked and/or happen simultaneously? And if so, can they effect each other, like -/+ points for "The Hegs are real mad at this guy, better avoid being dragged into the crossifre"?
EDIT: nvm, the blog answers the first part.
I get what you're saying, yeah. Gameplay-wise though I think it's better if it stops. And, some smaller pirate fleets will still spawn; it's just an end to large raids - they tried it, it went disastrously, and anyone trying to organize another one isn't going to find any takes. Likewise with the Path - their cells still function, but the don't have the resources to mount another huge attack, especially not with the risk involved.
How about after a "defeat" resolution of a crisis, you get a "crisis" with a very long meter that would normally take many in-game years to fill up, representing a faction licking their wounds, with thresholds points decreasing the bonuses you got from defeating them, and once it fills up it will get replaced with the normal crisis, slightly or majorly altered or even a new one to account for revanchism?