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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - BaBosa

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Suggestions / Re: Safety net for recovered ships
« on: September 11, 2023, 01:53:29 PM »
I’d like like an option to halt repairs unless under 10% CR. Then you don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn maintenance back on.

Blog Posts / Re: Wormholes and Sundry - Getting Around the Sector
« on: September 08, 2023, 02:54:20 AM »
Given that Alex mentioned that systems push away deep hyperspace which look thicker and slow down ships and that the abyssal zone has less stars than normal. It makes sense that the abyssal hyperspace is even thicker than deep hyperspace hence the greater slowdown and it’s kinda like fog where a light amount doesn’t really reduce your vision but thick fog does.

General Discussion / Re: On SO Eradicators
« on: September 06, 2023, 09:30:44 PM »
I find with SO shunt eradicators that the problem is that your fleet tends to be built for anti shield kiting/sniping but that just doesn’t work against SO shunted eradicators. But once you add a bit more HE and missiles then they’re fine.

General Discussion / Re: Changing weapon stats
« on: September 05, 2023, 04:16:45 PM »
For weapon range, you open weapon_data.csv and edit the weapons range there.

Weapon arcs are based on the ship's mounts so you'd need to edit the ship file.

Suggestions / Re: Solutions to Pather-Pirate incoherency
« on: September 03, 2023, 04:52:17 AM »
Making pirates flee earlier than all the other factions would be cool. It'd help newbies, and it'd mean more chase battles.

Then you could make it you get a "bounty" put on your head once you've killed enough pirates and then pirates go back to being suicidal because they want that bounty money. Add in a option to pay your "bounty" amount so you can get away from pirate fleets and you keep the good gameplay aspect of suicidal pirates while having at least some explanation for pirates being more suicidal than pathers.

Someone also mentioned being able to pay Pathers off with AI cores which I think would be cool. Would it be possible to have Pathers demand cores or a radiant the first time you meet them after you take the automated ships skill.

Dazzled me too when I started playing and found out that apparently I can buy off Luddites but not pirates. I guess there is some sort of gameplay/balance reasoning behind this? In scripted pirate encounters throughout various missions you can always work something out, but not so much during sandbox encounters.
Fun fact: you can eject some cargo from your inventory to cause pirates cease chasing you and investigate the pods. Although probably not exclusive to pirates?
I suspect that pirates were made to be the beginner enemies when starsector first got a campaign, hence the suicidal aggression, and Alex just hasn’t gotten around to giving them a new purpose yet. Pathers came later and was given the bribe option to show their hypocrisy.

Suggestions / Re: Amazing game - here are my immersion breaks.
« on: August 30, 2023, 06:46:23 PM »
On the colony side, make the big resource deposits really rare and lock colony growth behind the cryosleepers (and make them easier to find late-game). Boom, player's markets are almost always dependent on the core worlds for the base resources and only 1-2 of them can be more than outposts.
(Picking up on this point because I think it's an interesting design discussion that I've run into more than a few times in my career.)

-- Per Soren Johnson's insight which has stuck with me ever since I read it, this would probably just makes exploration fifty times more tedious as players survey the entire map before choosing where to place their colonies.
What about making motherships and sometimes other derelicts point towards cryosleepers? Add a few more so like 1/5 of the sector is in their area and add that area to a map UI somewhere and then you reduce the amount of space people search. You could even give it a scaling distance effect and or add an industry that decreases the effective distance to a cryosleeper so people are pushed towards colonizing nearby but also have the option to set up further away if they want to. Derelicts already point towards very rich deposits so players don't have to explore every system to find them.

General Discussion / Re: Is this game for me ?
« on: August 26, 2023, 05:51:52 AM »
Alex has said that the starsector is focused on combat and other elements are implemented more for creating more opportunities and paths into combat.

Suggestions / Re: Better ways to get strong enemy fleets
« on: August 23, 2023, 05:47:27 PM »
Balling up actually does a good job at dealing with phase and fast enemies which would pick apart a more spread out fleet. It can also work against a long range opponent if they’re not overwhelming.

As far as I can tell the issues normally come when your fleet is a missile heavy or is long range and has enough firepower to flux out the enemy. The problem there is there’s no good way to respond over than rushing but then it’s easier to kill them. If you make the fleet AI rush if under some set of circumstances then I can see the new meta being to trigger that and then kite a bit while picking off exposed ships with some fast burst ship unless the AI was really really good. Which is really really hard.

Given that it’d be harder to code the commander AI to response this way and harder to update when new ships and weapons are added, I don’t see it being worthwhile for Alex to work on until near 1.0.

Suggestions / Re: Better ways to get strong enemy fleets
« on: August 23, 2023, 04:31:05 PM »
It’s unfortunate that good AI is probably one of the hardest things to code.

Suggestions / Re: Add improved ship repair hull mod
« on: August 23, 2023, 04:29:27 PM »
Repair and CR recovery are the same thing which is why I use them interchangeably.
When you recover 1% CR you repair 1% of hull and armour and if you have more % damage than CR loss then repair time and cost is the same as if you lost that much CR.
So repair rate and CR recovery are the same thing and increasing one increases the other.
The system doesn’t need more complexity. It just should have more ways to affect it.

Suggestions / Re: Add improved ship repair hull mod
« on: August 22, 2023, 04:04:04 AM »
Efficiency overhaul increases recovery/repair speed already. Though a dedicated faster repair hullmod would be good.

Right, I know there is a skill that increases repair speeds. I believe endurance or some other skill also make your flagship start with 50% hull after battle if it's below? But a hullmod would be nice addition. For example we have already efficiency overhaul hullmod and also a skill and they stack together.

Edit: and I guess this is more to add more fleet support abilities. I think we need more ships/hullmods that act like a passive fleet support which makes you consider bringing that non-combat ship with you that will add on supply+fule costs for a special bonus like the Salvage Rig
The field repairs skill increases repair rate by 50% and instantly repairs 25% for free after battle. There is already some support hullmods like high resolution sensors and survey equipment. They're fine though it'd be cool if they could be added multiple times for a scaling cost.

Suggestions / Re: Add improved ship repair hull mod
« on: August 21, 2023, 10:34:18 PM »
Efficiency overhaul increases recovery/repair speed already. Though a dedicated faster repair hullmod would be good.

Suggestions / Re: Smoothing out the player power curve
« on: August 21, 2023, 03:00:58 PM »
When I did a run where I didn’t let myself use any cheese (black market trading, mini fleet exploration and cheese ships like Falcon P) progression took a lot longer and didn’t have any spikes. So I think rather than creating anything new, just reduce the cheese.

For black market trading, have pirate fleets chase you after a large trade to steal your cargo or the credits you made from that run. Also while commodities and common ships should be cheaper on the black market. Make it so any ship not on the base, pirate and luddic path blueprints are more expensive because they have to be taken from a faction.

Actually just add a black market tags to ships and those show up normally in black markets but everything else is x2 and rare blueprint ships are x5 price as well as less common. Because it’s weird when a ship is “rare” but you can snag it casually on the right black markets.

For stopping players from just getting a hound and doing exploration missions until they get millions of credits. Make it so they have to defeat defenders before scanning probes and only have scan derelict ship missions in systems with enemies.

As for cheese ships, we only care about early game (in this discussion) and the main issue there I feel is Falcon P though I’m almost certainly biased. It doesn’t need a nerf though, just make it rarer. They’re too easy to get from black markets and when I get one it lets me breeze through until late game. Actually with proxie being nerfed next patch I don’t think Falcon P will be as powerful. No other easily acquired ship feels too overpowered.

Suggestions / Re: Smoothing out the player power curve
« on: August 20, 2023, 09:49:49 PM »
Rather than making early game more difficult because of a few exploits, probably remove the exploits.

I wouldn’t mind a DP limit that grows with level though. It would incentivise support doctrine and derelict operations earlier.

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