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Messages - SpaceDrake

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Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: April 18, 2024, 11:10:28 PM »
Fatal Weapon spec [armaa_prodromos_rightarm] not found! i get this error any time i try to launch the game with the current version and i have all required mods up to date and the main game up to date.

Are you attempting to load an old save? The Prodromos is a deprecated unit as of Arma 3.0.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: April 18, 2024, 03:01:47 PM »
Why do these ships seem to behave in a much more coherent way than vanilla ships?

You're going to have to clarify what you mean by "coherent" exactly. That said, the mechs generally have forward-facing main weapons and useful movement special systems; the AI generally does very well with ships of that sort (see my comments about the two Hyperions) and so yes, the combat AI is generally pretty good about using the mechs to good effect.

The starting parameters of the valk start are a little outdated with the MRC being a thing. The TT fleet still exists to intercept you, but what's currently missing is the dialogue that ensues that gives a few options with some different consequences + a mini plot line. Valk's location (both in the start and the derelict) is more than likely going to be randomized soon, since both cases it doesnt make sense to be in the current location anymore. I didn't want to implement it partially which is why its kinda in a weird state right now.

As for the 2x Hyperions, this definitely can be a very annoying matchup for a lv1 character. I'll adjust the starting composition

Anyway, I didn't interpret your message as hostile, it is a bit weird right now  :)

See, I thought I saw an incomplete conversation for them when I was poking around in rules.csv! It's good to have some confirmation that the Valk start is indeed "mid-conversion", as it were. That definitely colors a lot of my other feedback (which I need a little more time to write up).

But yes, that line of thought sounds pretty much right on par with what I was going to suggest: the Valk start being moved over to its own custom start, and the MRC getting their own Nex starts that emphasize their uniques. I'm looking forward to what you've got cooking on that front!

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector 3.2.1 - D&DSECTOR 2021-03-25
« on: April 16, 2024, 06:55:00 PM »
Well, part of the problem there (and part of the reason I and some others continue to use VS) is that the VS Bounty Module was actually three different components:

- The unique bounty system, which was subsumed and upgraded by MagicLib
- The pirate bounty replacer, which effectively allows polities to place bounties on each other when hostile to one another, which always felt a little more verisimilitudinous to me, particularly in the context of Nexerelin also being enabled.
- The bounty-placed-on-player system, which also helped the world feel a bit more lived-in.

Only the first of those has really been replicated. The other two remain unique features to VS (so far as I'm aware), and thankfully they at least still work.

Resurrecting the mod will almost certainly be a real big pain (lord knows I haven't had the guts to try), but losing VS to slow decay is going to be seriously frustrating. It always did so much more than "unique bounties", and if VS is going to be left to rot, it'd be nice to see other mods take up the mantle of a lot of its features.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: April 15, 2024, 06:45:18 PM »
So having restarted once more, I finally want to bring this up, as it's bothered me ever since 3.0 came out: what exactly is the intended game feel of the MRC start at this point?

As it currently stands, the actual experience is that, even if you bring out the swordsman Aleste, defeating the initial TT patrol by yourself is extremely difficult. Two Hyperions is a really big ask for a Valkazard that has few pilot skills and is nearly alone; in particular, the Hyperions can be escaped from in terms of weapon ranges, but they are very difficult to separate or get real distance from, because their teleport's cooldown is short enough to let them keep up with you. But they're also especially hard to kill, even if you swing around to their backside, because they WILL keep a charge of teleport banked to dodge your torpedoes. The fight isn't unwinnable, but it can be extremely frustrating.

But this isn't a complaint, so much as it is confusion: am I even doing it right, fighting them alone?

Back in the 2.x series of patches, where the 'Zard start was introduced, the TT patrol was mostly Alestes and a single Hyperion (if that), and that was far more like a warm-up demonstration of what the Valkazard could do rather than a serious challenge. This felt purposeful, because the Nekki system was otherwise empty; Meshan and Fort Exsedol were dead, the Nekki system was otherwise pretty devoid of life and was even a valid spawn point for pirate/pather bases and the Galatia breadcrumb probe. Making the initial fight more of a demo than a "real challenge" made sense because the player was totally on their own.

Here in 3.x, though, you begin with a commission with the MRC. You can just head "north" immediately and get some help in the form of an MRC patrol, who'll either scare off the 'Tachers or will help you out with the fight.

The "problem" is that the fiction hasn't really been updated to match this. It still kind of feels like the intent is to fight off this initial wave yourself, since you just woke up from cryo... but the actual gameplay reality of an immediate MRC commission and the MRC being present to help is a bit incongruous with this.

So basically: are you meant to fight off the double Hyperions yourself, or as of 3.x, are you meant to head to Fort Exsedol right away for some help?

EDIT: On reflection, I realize this can come across as a bit hostile, but it's more just that I'm trying to calibrate my baseline for other feedback (positive and negative!) 3.0 has changed how the 'Zard start and the "arma_pirates" work in toto, and I'm not sure I have a good handle on how they're supposed to feel at this point.

Blog Posts / Re: Save/Load UI, Autosave, Intel Map Markers, and More
« on: April 12, 2024, 06:55:28 PM »
Aaaah... I'm two landmark versions behind and was going to catch up... but seeing these QOL features make me want to wait again...

This update is probably a while out, still, so I'd just jump in and look forward to what's coming.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: April 11, 2024, 11:32:09 AM »
Correct. It just represents that the gun model on the mech itself will fire the weapon you have loaded into the hybrid slot.

(And there's a reason a number of the mechs, including some the new ones like The One You Eventually Get For Turning In The Valkazard™, have migrated over to that system:
thanks to the Omega weapons in particular, variable weapon mechs can end up out-performing the static-weapon ones in the late game. "Prize" weapons from things like HMI's Remnants or RAT's Abyss are also better-accomodated using this system.)

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: April 11, 2024, 10:56:15 AM »
Variable Rifle is mostly just a fiction tag - it explains how the visible gun uses whatever weapon you install in the medium hybrid slot on the mech. This is as opposed to the static/selectable weapons still found on some units (the Valkazard, the Altagrave, the Garegga, etc).

So it's been about a year since Keen posted here (or in general, aside from a Helldivers 2 post), but I really do hope this gets picked up again at some point. It's still a fun read and I really want to know what other adventures Hal gets up to.

And among my other fan projects, I should really start writing up the serialized adventures of Lin Eichel, mecha pilot from out of time...

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Tahlan Shipworks
« on: April 10, 2024, 05:44:15 PM »
Since you brought up "Miscellaneous Features"
Curious if you would be interested in adding a start option for the Jagdregallia ship thing that unlocks those.
Mainly cuz even knowing it's found in Black Holes I've still only found the damn thing once >.<

So as another little hint: the Halbmond will, in my experience, spawn around a gravity well/major landmark in the black hole systems. This can include asteroid fields and stable points, however, and might even be (I think?) at points inside an asteroid belt or ring system. So you don't even need the Neutrino Scanner, you just need to thoroughly check every point of interest in a BH system to be sure the Halb isn't there.

Also remember that, especially if the generated sector is short on black holes, the Halbmond can spawn in any pre-existing black hole systems added by other mods. I've had it appear in the Prester John system generated by HMI Supervillains and the Alicia system generated by HMI Brighton before. So make sure to investigate those too!

Blog Posts / Re: Save/Load UI, Autosave, Intel Map Markers, and More
« on: April 10, 2024, 11:03:26 AM »
So without being too reductive - basically Captain's Log and Autosave, but implemented in a more robust way that benefits from being implemented a little "closer to the metal" and with access to David's graphical prowess.

Super neat! I've considered those two mods utterly essential for a long time, so it will be nice to see something like them become core functionality.

I actually wonder if some things similar to Leading Pip, Ship Direction Marker (which doesn't seem to be on the forum at the moment?), and QoL Pack might also be considered for implementation. Leading Pip and SDR are really helpful for aiming and keeping track of where you're going (especially in a smaller ship), and QoLP's omni shield changes also feel essential to me at this point.

So here's another thing I'd want to have automatically marked on the map: any time there's a timed-out mission to scan a research station or mining station. (Why timed-out? Because there's no need for a separate marker if the mission is still active, and definitely no need for a separate marker if the mission gets accepted. But if it's timed out, I do want to know "There is definitely a research station in star system X".)

I actually wonder if this might not be good to look at from a different angle - should the mission be telling you what specific sort of derelict you're meant to investigate? Mods occasionally have issues with derelicts getting targeted for investigation missions that can result in huge spoilers, but even in vanilla, it's a bit weird that these missions can tell you "okay, there is definitely something of MAJOR value located HERE, but we aren't going to investigate it ourselves".

I feel like it would make more sense for the mission descriptions to be more genericized - you're sent to investigate a "potential abandoned Explorarium derelict", or a "rumored space installation", without revealing the precise type of entity you'll be investigating. It'll still tell you where the entity is, but the offering faction doesn't know in-universe what it really is, which is why they're sending someone independent (and expendable) like you to investigate.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Blackrock Drive Yards
« on: April 07, 2024, 04:08:11 PM »
Does that mean it's pretty balanced in regards to vanilla Starsector?

It means it's a bit all over the place. The last truly substantive balance pass was made in .91, with some minor adjustments in .95. So the mod hasn't kept up with some of the changes in .96 and .97, and so the balance might be a bit weird compared to .97 Starsector, going in several ways.

Modding / Re: [0.97a] WVNU ~ Willthefunpersons Visual Novel Utility
« on: April 07, 2024, 09:01:35 AM »
Very happy to see this is still around. Now I just need to begin actually producing my mod...

Do I have to check every invasion to see if the autoresolve strength at least vaguely resembles what gets spawned when the player is nearby? Welp, might have to do at least a few to see if this is a frequent issue.

Just chiming in to say that I've also noticed that distant autoresolve often has wildly different results compared to the player being physically present. It seems especially dramatic in cases where there's an "event" fleet helping to defend things (the "Ghost of Meshan" fleet guarding the MRC headquarters is a good immediate example - that fleet + a star fortress can deter most invasions if the player is present with ease, but they will struggle with just autoresolve somehow).

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Tahlan Shipworks
« on: April 05, 2024, 12:28:47 PM »
I don't think code was added to spawn Legio or Kassadar. For sure any salvage stuff won't be added mid-save, since that's all generated at sector creation.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6.1 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: April 05, 2024, 11:23:25 AM »
Meanwhile, however, a bug report: if you recruit Dawn and head to Volturn, her dialogue tree will reliably cut off after selecting only one option. Given the options are labeled "continue" and how other topics utilize the full dialogue tree, I assume this is in error.

More seriously, there are instances where her attempt at "interrupting" flight to speak with the player on approach to Volturn (and possibly other locations?) will instead result in a completely blank screen with just the "Leave" option, and then at the next port, her entire dialogue will simply dump out into the planetary description. I've had trouble pinpointing an exact replication case; at first I thought it was triggered by jumping into Askonia via the Salus gravity well, but now it seems to bounce between jump points at semi-random; on a new test save, the Sindria jump point produced it reliably for a while and then didn't, while the Salus L5 jump point was previously safe on the "main" playthrough but then exhibited this problem on approach to Volturn. I'm sorry I can't replicate this more reliably. It is definitely happening and repeatable, however.

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