Does anyone know how to , or if possible to :
1.Change universally all bounties range, so they well, are rarer to spawn the corner of the galaxy.
2.Have them spawn more locally to player to medium range, unless your in an area where they should spawn, e.g if your near hivers, you get vs hiver and also hiver requested bounties etc?
3. if 2 above are possible, then if it works with all mod bounties, unless preset locations.
ON A SIDE NOTE:if i was to get into modding, i have an idea for a mod, but wondering if with the coding ability and perimeters of the games code, would it be possible to:
----- implement lendlease feature, where you can lend ships from a faction if your rep is high enough, you can rent their elite and better ships etc, but you have to pay monthly, and if they get destroyed, you still have to pay, or pay a premium one purchase to stop monthly payments
, imagine running around in a lendlease fleet, that gets destroyed, and you cant make your payments so their corrosponding factions put a bounty on your head ^^, also add like a buy now pay later feature