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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Great Wound

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 21
Suggestions / Re: Allow systems to define orbits along a general ellipse.
« on: November 25, 2024, 10:51:59 AM »
Deja vu, I feel like I've just orbited here...

You know you want to...

Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Re: What are CP weapons? (CP-carbines etc.)
« on: November 08, 2024, 09:48:43 AM »
Just my take.

[CP] Conventional Projectile weapons: These are your old-earth weapons making use of a physical projectile. Easily manufactured and readily available.
[E] Energy weapons: Most commonly (laser) beam weapons, but also covers plasma projectiles, arc dischargers and rare experimental weapons such as personal particle accelerators cannons.
[BO] Bio-Organic weapons: Officially bio-organic weapons do not exist within the sector. Rumours of bio-engineered weapons should be reported to your nearest HEGINT official. Rumours of entire bio-enginerred meatships do not exist.
[X] eXotic weapons: These weapons often follow a prototype nature and are rarely seen outside of a restricted laboratories. While current trends lean towards utilizing phase-technology the development of man-portable weapons is still in its infancy.

I imagine that while Knights still use ballistic weapons Tri-Tachyon and the Lions Guard utilize E-Rifles that function closer to an Imperial Guardsmans flashlight.

Modding / Just a little bit of fun
« on: October 17, 2024, 01:52:07 PM »
Not sure if I want to actually add this but I thought it was too fun to not share.

I present, Project Reach-Around:

For the how to:
1st stage is "missileType":"MIRV",
2nd stage is "missileType":"MISSILE_TWO_STAGE_SECOND_UNGUIDED",

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Star Lords- Mount & Blade Campaign in Space v0.3.0
« on: October 15, 2024, 04:46:20 PM »
Quick Q for you. Is there a setting/command to add intel for all lords. Currently testing custom lords and it can be a pain chasing them down.

Got to echo Sterl here, editing vanilla behavior is generally bad idea. That's not to say you shouldn't but if you do tread very carefully.

I modified a vanilla Atlas, it carried over to EVERY Atlas in the modiverse. Bad idea.
I also modified the Mining Laser to become a hybrid and somehow that ended up becoming part of the base game, occasionally you get lucky... it's far more likely you won't.

That's not to say I won't help you cause chaos ;D

There's two ways to go about it:

You could clone a copy of each missiles file in to your mod (same file path) then in your mod_info.json specify to replace those specific files. If you want to see this in action check out my Koc. I did it with some .econ files. It's a brute force method but it works, in my case I resorted to this because, by default, Starsector tries to merge files and doing so resulted in unexpected behavior. I've just got to be mindful that if Alex ever makes changes to those vanilla files I have to update mine accordingly.

If you create a .wpn file for each missile in your mod you can remove all render hints for that missile with the following snippet of code.

Code: /mods/mymod/data/weapons/hammerack.wpn

Again, take a look at my Koc, I used a similar method with phasebeam.wpn to add(/merge) a script that makes the vanilla phase beam deal hardflux to shields on certain ships.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Everybody Loves KoC
« on: October 01, 2024, 02:54:16 PM »
I never noticed the names before, but I think you should consider removing them. Names like "Rockgroin" and "McBigJohnson" are jarring for a mod that is otherwise very lore-friendly.

If there were only one or two and they were rare, they'd be funny. But having half of my officers named after genital jokes detracts from the gameplay.

What's so funny? I have a very great friend in Rome called Biggus Dickus. He has a wife you know...

I don't intend to remove them but I've scaled back the weighting from 2 to 0.8 so they'll appear less often. I actually did intend for them to be a rare surprise but in my forgetfulness left it high after initial testing.

the mod seems pretty good, it feels very vanilla friendly and is pretty interesting. I'm not a fan of the ai portraits though, have spent like an hour trying to remove them.

Thanks, KoC is meant to be vanilla friendly first and foremost. I've received feedback in a couple of other places regarding the portraits. And, late but good news, I'll be looking going to revert back to vanilla the ones. I'll still keep a few around for potential Star Lords though. - Double good news. I culled them from the factions as I wrote this post for you. Will still be player selectable but that might also change.

Hey. I'm having a lot of fun with your mod, but I just realized something. When you start the game with Nex and go to select a starting faction, Bhilai Astra isn't included in the list. Is this intentional? I quite like their ships and weapons, so not being able to start with them is a bit of a bummer.

Semi-intentional. I don't consider Nex vanilla but others have put together Nex profiles which I'm more than happy to use. If your want to get your feet wet feel free and put one together I'll chuck it in.   

Modding / Re: [0.97a] Atlas Mk. III
« on: September 15, 2024, 07:26:53 AM »
Came here to perv on your Atlas, went home with a brother in arms:

Good job. Not sure if you're aware but hidden mounts can't be disabled. Sometimes you can work around this by making built in weapons that look like part of the ship or placing a decorative 'weapon' over the top.

Modding / Re: NEON's Ship Pack (v1.7)
« on: September 08, 2024, 06:08:34 AM »
That Praxidike is a thing of beauty.

Modding / Re: Help with Modding .skin files
« on: September 08, 2024, 05:26:08 AM »
There's a whole bunch of stuff here:

What's your goal? Sometimes it's easier to add a second copy of the ship.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Everybody Loves KoC
« on: September 04, 2024, 02:29:38 PM »
Nice catch! That was fast :) If I may ask, what does that guy even do?

**** me off!

Just tried this mod out today. I really love the new mini-factions and how they fit perfectly in with the game lore. Great work!

Always appreciated. If you ever find something that feels off let me know, feedback is always appreciated.

(Scratch this I'm really living up to my name, I forgot to unzip the mod mentioned, I am many things, forgetful most of all, i am very sorry)
(I'm leaving this as a mark of shame just ignore it please)
Hey, I'm using the "Content Unlocking Missions" mod from Timid, however there is a slight mod conflict with this as a few of the interactions from that mod involve Callisto, whom only shows the interaction from this mod. I was wondering if there was some way I could revert the changes this mod did or if there may be something you can do to remedy this if at all plausible as I really love this mod and all the factions within but it feels a little sad to lose access to the trades with Callisto

Interesting, I haven't played with Timi's CUM for a while but I just tried and she seems happy with both KoC and CUM:
Have you tried seeing Callisto without my KoC? If not, I would suggest disabling my KoC, starting a new game, go straight to Argeus and see if Callisto is willing to give you a reward. If she still isn't I would chase Timid.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Star Lords- Mount & Blade Campaign in Space v0.1.1
« on: August 30, 2024, 11:43:41 AM »
It's actually pretty easy to add your own lords if this mod becomes established enough that others want to integrate with it, but for now there's no plans to support modded factions.

Surprisingly easy, I already added one ;D Thanks for making your work easy to read.
I know it's a big ask, but do you best to keep this dependency-free, its a very strong aspect for me.


Suggestions / Re: Integrating the Independents and Nova Maxios
« on: August 30, 2024, 10:04:27 AM »
I'm honesty in favour of just rolling-up the independents and pirates into the same faction, and have their fleets be "neutral until proven otherwise" like scavengers.

That'd be pretty cool. I think it would enhance the atmosphere of the game to have fleets with nobody looking out for them, as well.

I'd be in favour of this. But if we were to do so I'd like to see patrol fleets tweaked to 'investigate' other fleets flying with their transponders off. As it stands, an 'independent' fleet could be transponder-off smuggling heavy weapons and the local patrols don't blink, meanwhile the player accidentally flick it off and on for a second and they're all over him. Throw pirates in with the independents and you have the awkward situation where a pirate fleet can potentially be flying trans-off attacking convoys unchallenged.

It would also make for a more interesting smuggling operation, you could shadow a larger smuggler and when the patrol stops to investigate them you slip past and drop off your bucket of organs.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Everybody Loves KoC
« on: July 11, 2024, 02:47:04 PM »
Quote from: ros
Error extracting:

Quote from: Sol-Draconis40k/Sunthios/Skitter
null pointer

Found! Fixed and re-uploaded! Link should be good now. I also added Angry Periphery which I forgot to include this time.

Want to know the problem... it was this guy!

You see this character! HE SHOULD NOT EXIST! The roaming butt-bandit squeezed his way in there and was waiting to ambush you folks in a very uncomfortable place! You can't see him normally and he causes the whole file to disappear from the .zip if you download it with Microsoft Edge (ymmv but it worked as intended with every other browser/OS I tried)! He was even invisible to the ever prying eyes of Google-Drive! But don't worry, he's gone now...

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Or just include it in the files lol.

Done  ;)

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Everybody Loves KoC
« on: July 04, 2024, 07:55:04 AM »
I've PM'd you regarding your issue.

 - note to all the other folks out there, don't modify starsector-core if you can help it, it makes bug-hunting a pain.

Awesome mod that makes the Core Worlds feel more lively

Anyways is there a chance we can get an alternative palette for the Mbaye-Gogol's Bastillon and Defender to match the other ships? They kinda stick out like a sore thumb compared to the darker, sleeker colors of the others

It's intentional, they're meant to be mistaken for [REDACTED] ships at a glance. The idea is it gives the Hegemony a false-flag to deny the existence of [REDACTED] ships.

HEG-COMM: Sir. We're intercepting reports of an independent trader who has spotted an unclassified vessel matching [REDCATED] designation.
HEG-INT: Send a patrol to 'inspect the vessel for smuggled goods', copy and purge their sensor logs, if they ask questions tell them it was an Mbaye-Gogol training drone that went off course.

Meanwhile Mbaye-Gogol are playing the other side:

Sensors Officer: Sir, I'm detecting a vessel at long range. EM Shielded, no life-signs, Automated, can't be certain but it appears to be a [REDACTED] drone.
Heg. Commander: [REDACTED] out here! At this time of the year! This system was meant to have been swept! Lay in an intercept course and broadcast back to Hegemony command, we can handle a couple of drones but if there's more we'll need to send a bigger task-force to secure the objective.
***15 phase ships out-of-nowhere and one dead task-force later***
Mbaye Commander: Silence the guns! The task-force has been eliminated. Subsequent communications were successfully blocked. Send recovery crews to secure the objective and techs to plant false data on any vessels with functioning data-drives. Hegemony command will chalk this loss up to another [REDACTED] encounter.

I did have a crack at it for you though:

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