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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Hansag

Pages: [1] 2
Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 1.0.11
« on: June 24, 2024, 07:38:45 AM »
The Screenshots seem to be missing (or links to them dead).

Was looking for a mod that makes all Stars and Systems outside the core unknown. Guessing this is not that mod? (Does anyone know of it?)

Anyway, going to give this a try :)

Lights Out! (
That's the name of it, sorry ^_^

*contemplates some more*

- Perhaps one of those paged like "Hostile Activity" or "Hyperspace Topography", but instead "Faction Traits" in part integrating the Admin Bonuses one gets in Nex (more colonies allows you to hire more administrators and operatives). Then certain Faction XP could be spent on certain buffs or whatnot depending on how many skill points the character has in Combat, Leadership, Technology and Industry (Similar to the Shadowrun skills giving new abilities depending on levels). Perhaps you can only have a raiding base if you spend all skill points into combat, while industry makes puts a cap on your colonies somehow (corruption eating away at all the profits, so you have to make up for it by flying)
- Battle Brothers also has a recognition system (renown?), so you have to have a certain level of recognition in order to take on certain missions.

...meanwhile I play Starsector more as a 4x.

Sadly I do not know how to make mods (the Ashes of The Domain has some interesting ideas with research), but a mechanic I have thought about that might relate to this is having "character skills" for your faction, combine that with something like Endless Space's government types.

Then sink all your Faction XP (generated from something) into "Pirate skills" to make your fleet better at pirating, but prevent you from building more than one raiding base station (IndEvo) that makes a mess in the core systems but brings back loot and booty in general.

There really should be a mechanic in the game to not fight pirates and just hand over supplies etc. to them (with insurance for loss of trade goods due to pirates).

Maybe I am digressing, but I end up using Nex and creating small confederations of somewhat large confederations (autonomous planets).

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: June 29, 2023, 02:53:43 PM »
Just curious. The framework you have developed here for researching buildings etc.

Would it enable the player to start with knowledge of just Low-Tech orbitals, and then enable the player to research and upgrade them to Mid-Tech or Hi-Tech? (same with Battlestations and Star Fortress)

Also, would it enable the unlocking of ships and weapons etc.?
With stations i have no idea tbh , with weapons ships etc. They would need to be tied up to some industry i mean they are to produce once research for example i dunno Auroran Experimental Ship Line. As for now only industries are included in API

Thank you.
I figured if farms and mines etc. were possible to downgrade in terms of starting knowledge, stations might be similar. But I guess then Infrastructure, Spaceport and Stations might be coded differently ::hmmm::

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: June 28, 2023, 03:21:55 PM »
Just curious. The framework you have developed here for researching buildings etc.

Would it enable the player to start with knowledge of just Low-Tech orbitals, and then enable the player to research and upgrade them to Mid-Tech or Hi-Tech? (same with Battlestations and Star Fortress)

Also, would it enable the unlocking of ships and weapons etc.?

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: June 25, 2023, 12:17:27 PM »
Interesting mod, though there might be some incompatibilities with the mods I use. Anyway, interesting to see how this develops.

Each unit of water seems to weigh 10x

Modding / Re: [WIP] Public Companies - work in progress
« on: June 06, 2022, 06:39:14 PM »
Interesting. Perhaps being able to invest in the "Exploration" or "Bounty" missions that become available, and get a dividend later if you sponsor the expedition?

As for investments, perhaps have a screen with a list of companies 20 companies, 15 being random (Independent) and at times go under (so you lose your money if you invest in them), value perhaps based a bit on the market size and the Resource they are tied to. The 5 remaining companies could be mega-corporations like Tri-Tachyon, Persean Fleet Systems, Sindra Technologies Engineering, Chicomoztoc Orbital Yards, Tech Duinn Thunderbirds (Pirates)

I suppose in the random 15 the risk is you lose your money, but they might be more affected by things happening on their homeworld etc. as well as random events; e.g. "Hegemony Security Forces raid Nostromosleds Solutions headquarters on Eventide - confiscates AI cores and liquidates assets"
(name from:

  • I guess companies need to be tagged as permanent or not
  • A home planet for their HQ (Independent, or possibly one of the factions)
  • Have a name allocated to them like a character (possibly related to their planet or star system)
  • One or two goods that determine their value and how much one might get in dividends (e.g. Ship Components and Heavy Equipment for an
  • Engineering firm, or just Ore for a mining company)
  • Something that tells how stable the company is (i.e. financially, but also how dodgy and at risk it is of getting attacked or similar, perhaps it needs to have a rating for size as well so one can see how many HP it has against bad stuff.)

My master's was in political science and I only have a BBA on the side

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] LowTech Armada
« on: May 29, 2022, 02:09:30 PM »
Lovely mod, I am getting a [v0.6.5b, invalid master version file URL "unavailable"] error in the version checker. Can I hotfix that somehow?

So this is what disabled the ability to add S-mods (that was a bit extreme). Well, easy to fix in starpocalypse.json with Notepad++

Suggestions / Re: Separate industry for producing ship hulls.
« on: August 25, 2020, 02:20:29 PM »
I like this idea. Granted I play with NEX and Industry Evolution (is that it's name?), with the later allowing for Salvage Yard as an industry (harvesting debris fields and derelicts for Metal and Ship Hulls). In addition, you can grant the colonies there autonomy and just get a small tax each month from them. But I digress.

I guess if you have Heavy Industries doing Ship Hulls, Heavy Weapons and Supplies, being able to then upgrade it to:
  • Orbital Works (Ship Hulls)
  • Munitions Plant (Heavy Weapons)
  • Space Chandlery (Supplies)

Even in vanilla, I found myself having 60+ Gamma Cores, and several other cores to which I probably had 20 Corrupt Nanoforges and several pristine ones sitting in storage. To this, you'll find more or less all the blueprints as well.

As such, I would even go so far as to say the tier you have puts a cap on the size of ship you are able to build.
Maybe a Scrap Yard or Heavy industry can give you some clunky Frigates or Destroyers (Lore: The Valkyrie can land on planets).
Want those Cruisers and Capital ships, build them in orbit at your Orbital Works.
Want some juicy high-tech ships? Build a Technologistry and make some AI-cores available.
No, just Midline floats your EVA-suit, okay then skip the AI-cores, but at least have a nanoforge of some sort attached to it.

So what if you have to specialize an entire planet to making the ships you want. Having low-tech d-mod loaded ones are the way this sector is supposed to travel. Would be nice if one could press a particularly offensive d-mod and be asked if repairing it is desired. But again, I digress.

Suggestions / Re: ai being an idiot
« on: August 12, 2020, 05:42:30 PM »
1. Domain collapse with gates collapse. Is it related to AI somehow - ask Alex, he keeps it in secret.
So Alex is the badguy in Starsector! He's clearly working with TT.

Maybe we can ask Skippy The Magnificent (Alpha++ AI) to compose an opera in his honour?
(Reference: Expeditionary Force)

Suggestions / Re: Planet Info: Show Industries
« on: August 10, 2020, 02:32:17 AM »
This, would be nice.
Filtering planets in general would be nice both for trade (industry) and colonization (e.g. Ultra Rich, Decivilized or Ruins).

I was contemplating when seeing things in the market; instead of having to F1 through all the items, having a corner box for them (for quick overview):
Green - Surplus (current market)
Red - Deficit (current market)

Green Border Box - Surplus (in system)
Red Border Box - Deficit (in system)
Maybe Cyan could indicate a better price in the system?

So a Green Border Box, with Red Box inside would mean there is a surplus in the system, but a deficit in the current market. (The inverse would probably be true if heading to that market)

A Trade interface and map would be nice though. Even a function to accept futures contracts further away from the local system, but I digress.

Suggestions / Re: Research
« on: August 03, 2020, 07:43:53 AM »
Interesting replies. One of the things I was hoping "R&D" would address, or whatever one desires to call it, is that blueprints (packages in particular) are fairly easy to uncover and then gives you the ability to produce fairly advanced fleets, making the low-tech tier of militarized civilian hulls obsolete for you. Slowing down the players technological advance in other words. (Forcing you to stick with improvised pirate designs if you want something with a bit of a punch)

I'd even go so far as to say the player shouldn't start with any blueprints, but rather have them be readily available for a price. Further, make blueprints for ships at least, a controlled good (i.e. redlisted), cuz you know the major factions are going to either want to get their hands on them (especially the advanced ones), or just prevent anyone from building anything not civilian (pushing the player to perhaps focus on getting blueprints from the pirates, or getting a commission somewhere to get faction-specific blueprints (which really shouldn't spawn randomly outside the core systems, or in domain-era craft/locations). Sorry, digressing a bit there.

My assumption is that the large factions who has a lot of engineering knowhow (blueprints) to make midline and hightech fleets, or even dedicated low-tech designs without d-mods, do not do research as such, but rather tries to piece together data of things that was once lost (thus requesting that players go out and run data-packages on derelict ships).


In response to Serenitis, I'm reminded by the end-game techs of Stellaris here. So, if having this type of research, it would probably have to be an effort taken over many years to a decade and involve a substantial amount of resources and AI-cores (i.e. for the major factions to balance against the player getting to OP perhaps, but also available for players though they might not see much benefit of it until they are the size of the Hegemony or has an edge like TT).


Morrokain, micro is definitely something one want to avoid, thus if having something like a Technologistry processing any that are in your Storage, rather than assigning them a project every time (unless you really really want them to work on one particular slab).
Also, maybe cracking the Data Slabs open requires an AI-core to be possible at all, and if so, perhaps it will require you to go out and find missing data from hulls drifting around unknown stars in far flung sectors?

Modding / Re: Flags for faction founders, open to requests!
« on: August 01, 2020, 08:13:29 AM »
Nice ^^

Reminded me of a TED Talk on the subject for future reference. Even more relevant since a lot of the colonies seem to be (extended) city-states in a way.

"TED Talk - Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed | Roman Mars" (sic.)

For the book (pamphlet?) he refers to: "Good Flag, Bad Flag"

Suggestions / Re: Habitats / Space stations
« on: August 01, 2020, 07:30:57 AM »
The reason why all stations cost the same is that they were designed to have the same power and, in the testing, proved to be relatively similar in power. High-tech station isn't supposed to be better than others and low-tech station isn't supposed to be worse, similarly to how ships are (supposed to) be balanced.

Yes, and they are seen from a combat point of view, they are very balanced and I like them. I am thinking more on a non-combat basis since they are described as being more than just combat platforms.

I'm just an enthusiastic Ensign at present Admiral ^_^

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