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General Discussion / Re: Looking for a list of vanilla-like mods
« on: April 08, 2024, 03:55:15 AM »
Alongside Ship-weapon pack,underworld and Interstellar Imperium (and Tiandong :'c), I sometimes enable Big Beans ship pack and I always use Tahlan with Legio disabled if I dont want a boss faction.

In my current campain I am trying to never press the execute a series of maneuvers button since I too realized that it's been 5+ years since I seriously had to run away, I play ironman so no savescuming allowed and I gotta say, retreating battles do need some reworking, I dont mind losing my civilian ships since thats the punishment for getting caught, I just dont like the linearity of running in a straight line while blasting music until you can press Enter to retreat. Also s-mods I see as a huge win, I get that some ships need buffs or whatever but I just dont care, this isnt a competitive multiplayer game and I dont wanna stress test all my fleets vs 12 ordos like some players, and S mods allows me to build whacky ships that dont make sense without the S mods.

For me, if the game isn't challenging, then it, sadly, quickly bores me. Limiting myself to only salvaging ships, not using markets and colonizing high hazard worlds on purpose to need more money always made my playthrough longer, but it always lacked some end-game.
Seeing so many posts about busted multi-fleet invasions trying to attack your colonies? Not simply an unending spam that quickly becomes a chore, but a clear event with a big invasion at the end? Like a dream come true :D

There should probably be a hard limit on how many fleets can spawn, especially with Easy mode for new players, but I wholeheartedly support more difficult challenges if you want them.
If you only want a colony to stash items and have your own ship production, you can just stay at size 3. (I think? Is it still safe?)
Imma be real wit you chief, you may have slightly more hours than the vast majority of people who play the game.

The rest of this isn't directed at you, and is more of a general statement.

I feel like the core issue we have here is that this game is... long. A single run can easily take 10-20+ hours to reach even the midgame, meaning that if you want to retain new players they have to be able to learn how to reach the end game and to a degree, shamble through the same things a player with 1000+ hours has to get through, but on their first run. A new player doesn't have nearly as much investment into the game as an old one, so if they get curb stomped (which is what seems to be happening as of .97) and their run is lost, then there's a decent likelihood they'll just stop playing. Easy is definitely a tone-down, but the core issue with the league crisis (The massive amount + size of fleets) hasn't seemingly been addressed. Until it's dealt with, threads like this will probably just show up again and again.
What's there to address? You already have multiple ways to deal with the PL crisis, some of which don't require combat at all.
You have three ways to deal with the Persean League crisis, and currently they aren't good.

There's the option of directly fighting, which is what most people seem to take if they don't want to larp as the persean league. This option has already been discussed in detail on this thread as to why it's not ideal for new players.

There's the option of capitulating, joining the league and taking a reputation hit with everyone else since they drag you into wars constantly. By the endgame, expect most other factions to be in the red with you. This is currently the best option for new players, but as it turns out, people are stubborn. Starsector is an open-world game, so don't expect the playerbase drawn in for that to enjoy being pidgeonholed.

There's also the third, normally untouched option of just tactically bombarding Kazeron. From what I can tell, this is the second-best option for new players, but is still not ideal in the slightest, since the league will become hostile through this action, and you get no reward from beating the siege this way besides a return to the status quo (minus a reduction in accessibility since there's less markets to trade with) and I think eventually being able to join the persean league at a cheaper rate. To me this seems like the nuclear option, and most people don't seem to want to lose accessibility so normally you'll find new players who dislike/don't want to join the Persean League throwing themselves at the brick wall that is the first option (also you have to destroy Kazeron station which, as a Star fortress, is going to put up a fight, to say nothing of the fleets guarding the planet).

Technically there's a fourth way, that being to just wait out the siege, but if we're resorting to just pretending the crisis isn't happening then we have some major issues.

These are the options, and there is no alternative.[/size][/size]

So what is your suggestion then? All Im seeing in these posts are people disliking the options the game gives to combat the crisies (especially the PL), to me Tac Bombing Kazeron is the best choice both in gameplay and in roleplaying since I couldn't care less if PL is hostile to me since they are already blockading my *** system, if anything I always just declare war on the PL after the blockade because even if tritach was raiding my commerce or hegemony was looking for cores at least those factions where conduction "grey" operations, the PL tho is straight up blockading my system with one of their biggest armadas so that is an act of war in my eyes. If you people dislike this system so much you should provide some alternatives so the developers or maybe some mod authors can take inspiration.

Suggestions / Re: My wishlist for the next update
« on: March 02, 2024, 10:35:28 PM »
I also hope for some more medium energy and ballistics next patch, I have no problems because I always play moded campaigns but the vannilla mediums do leave a lot to be desired, especially the energy mediums.
Wait really? I think medium energy weapons have the most variety than every other gun slot, excluding missiles. There's a weapon for every role and niche, something I cannot say about small and large energies. Smalls are basically all PD with 2 support options and one crazy damage melee weapon. Larges are again half beams, 2 projectile weapons (one working with charges, one sustained) and a Gigacannon which I was so excited for, only to see it's a useless weapon for almost all vanilla ships. I really wish it also had charges so you could at least improve the DPS with s-mod Expanded Mags. Or at least we could have a high tech ships with more large mounts than it needs, to promote Gigacannon and Paladin. But unfortunately high tech ships are either limited with medium mounts, or have good enough flux stats to not care about low power large guns.

Medium ballistics are good enough, community just wants another HE option.

For Ballistics yes I would like to see some more HE but for the medium energy maybe I'm just not as experienced with energy since I have been using mostly low tech since starfarer total biscuit era.

Suggestions / Re: My wishlist for the next update
« on: March 02, 2024, 01:06:29 AM »
    I agree with SO being overpowered and in general bad for the game, in my mind the fact that SO is the ONLY game mechanic I can think of that has to be kept "in check" by removing or gutting otherwise perfectly functional game mechanics shows its unhealthy. That being said in my mind SO was always important on making pather fleets more dangerous so if we get a rework for it
(I pray) the dynamic of Pather fleets having SO ships should be considered, maybe even after rework keep the old SO as is for LP ships alongside "ill advised modifications" or something?
    I also hope for some more medium energy and ballistics next patch, I have no problems because I always play moded campaigns but the vannilla mediums do leave a lot to be desired, especially the energy mediums.
    One funny idea I had the other day was that ALL SO ships would have the old ammo system with the explanation that the crew had to forego regular combat autoloaders for the safety overide equipment.

General Discussion / The StarFarter
« on: February 22, 2024, 05:34:17 PM »
So I was explaining the story of Starsector to my girlfriend and she misheard Starfarer and went:
"STARFARTER? Like the ship you used with the antimatter propulsion?(Retribution class) It goes like prrr and farts away"
So now I propose the Starfarter class.

Suggestions / Re: Ship AI Feedback Messages
« on: June 18, 2023, 09:31:28 AM »
Amazing idea honestly!

General Discussion / My build on the Dominator
« on: May 30, 2023, 03:18:41 PM »
I like running with 2 devastators, 3 railguns, 2 flaks, 3 anhilator rocket pods ( or proximities if you swing that way ;] )

The mods are: OMNI shield, armored weapon mounts for the recoil, heavy armour, ITU, Rangefinder, Flux distributor *with any of them S sloted depending on my officer*
(other mods I like: Reighforced Flux, Extended missile racks)
MAX Vents and rest on Caps.

I love these builds because:
1. These aim to help the AI as much as possible, the OMNI shield alongside the relatively low Flux per second and the constant anhilator fire help the AI stay in the fight and focus fire targets.
2. The flak cannons are more than enough since the devastators absolutely destroy incoming fighters.
3. I always have some spare lasher escort the Cruiser to keep pesky frigates from firing torpedoes from behind.

Discussions / Re: Starsector Community Map (post in the thread first!)
« on: March 07, 2022, 05:51:56 AM »
My regards from Athens, Greece  ;D

General Discussion / Re: .95 Pirate Raid Question
« on: January 12, 2021, 09:55:22 AM »
If you are using Nexerlin, you can always order a fleet and set it to destroy a pather or pirate base if you know its location. Mid to late game it can be quite worth while to spend a couple hundred thousant credits to get rid of pirates in the other side of the sector.

I know what feeling you suggest friend.
    In my current playthrough I started solo frigate as i always do, heavily modded campgain and after a couple hours i had an enforcer 3 lashers and 3 civiliaan ships so I felt like some exploration was in order. After 2 succesfull derelict missions on my way back from a fridge system at the far end of the sector I checked one last system before heading back seeing as how I was running low on sullplies and had low enough money as to not be worth burning on no sullplies for too long.
    So I jump in, do a scan and see a ping on my map so I head there, and there it is.... A PRISTINE quality Legion XIV... What I felt was a combination of excitment, and angery. I always loved finding such treasures in my runs, but I have never found a rare mod capital ship so early (Remember i only had a dram a gemini 3 lashers and an enforcer all D-moded). Deep in me I wanted to strip the Legion down, act as if it wqasnt salvageable since I thought having this basicly skips my favorite part of playthroughts, the early game and after 10 minutes of a break I came back and stripped it down.

Truly the hardest choices require the strongest wills xD

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.95a (In Development) Patch Notes
« on: October 24, 2020, 12:17:36 PM »
When can we expect a .95a realease? :O

I know everyone lost their track of time during the quarantine now, but cmon, you're responding to a 4 year old thread. Also necroing = bad. Also also welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay.

Sorry I didn't notice the post time, Thanks for the welcome btw, I am sure I will enjoy my stay here.

General Discussion / Re: Stupid question: how to change flag
« on: March 28, 2020, 11:56:23 AM »
Hello, if you are asking how to put a custom made flag as your player faction you can follow this guide, make sure your flag image is reasonably sized, for example I use a small BrotherHood of Steel flag and a custom colour for my faction.

Link to customisation guide:

First post here, I would advise you trying out the hyperdrive mod by Sundog. It allows you to jump forroward and use as much fuel as you would have done traveling and lose some CR, enemies can use it too and it seems pretty well ballanced on my 26 hours playthrough with it so far.

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