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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - KCR

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Modding / Re: vocaloid or ai voice acting
« on: December 19, 2024, 11:58:52 AM »
As far as i know, one genius dude already implemented some sort of it. There is a faction mod out there - Krysan Navy, from it you can grab a special officer with a special ship, and i believe that in a combination with Combat Chatter mod this particular officer will speak out all the stuff that is shown for this officer in comchat. It is actually a job well done, as there are not only narrations of the phrases from the comchat, but also some SFX's are mixed in, so in overall it creates a genuine battle atmosphere. I was truly amazed when i first encountered this. Highly recommended to check out, the faction and ships are also good.

Hello! Noticed an interesting issue when i enabled this mod with Space Truckin and UAF, and i do not exactly know which mod is causing this, but my assumption will be that it's RS.

I started new campaign with the comission from UAF, and immideately started my space truckin adventure. After doing some of the contracts and raising my rep with USL, i finally got access to Medium size deliveries, but Ruthless Sector did not want me to do them, and just lowered my rep with USL because i was commissioned by UAF and had friendly status with them. I assume that's because "loseReputationForBeingFriendlyWithEnemies" is set to true, and i do not have any positive relationships with other factions.

So i'm just stuck in a limbo where i cannot raise my rep with USL in order to get to more valuable contracts because every month all positive rep that i gain is reduced by this setting. I have turned it off for now, but overall i would like for it to be enabled. I have taken a look at the mod files and if i understood correctly, it is possible to whitelist/blacklist certain factions, but what steps i must do in order to achieve that i did not understood correctly. Even then, maybe it would be better for another hardcore space truckers to not do this manually every time, and whitelist or do something similar with USL on the mod side for everyone?

Regardless, that's just my observations that i would like to share here. Thanks and have a good day!

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Appro-Light 1.1.2 (Authorized Translation)
« on: May 03, 2023, 01:23:07 AM »
Where does this faction sit on the power scale anyway?  ???
I'm guessing... high?

Well, last time i have seen Approlight (like, 2-3 years ago) they were comparable to other High-Tech factions, like Polaris or ScalarTech, maybe just a little bit stronger. As of now, well... I see there are a lot of new stuff to discover, so i think the scale has shifted to be more like IX Battlegroup from Arsenal Expansion. And that's without Approlight+ and Foundation of Borken... In any case, the return of Approlight will be an insane addition to my next session, it's good to see this gem of a mod back.

Well, first of, mod is great, really enjoying it.
Secondly, i found an alternative to fix the issue with crashing pinaka. You go to Starsector\mods\Anex Weapons\data\weapons and open anexweapons_mtb_pinaka_turret.wpn with any text editor. And from this file delete "everyFrameEffect": "data.scripts.weapons.everyFrame.anexweapons_mtb_pinaka_turret_everyFrame", line and then save the file. I do not know exactly, but i believe this removes the callout to the script that is responsible for crashing. After deleting the line i was finally able to engage with the pirates without any issues.

Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Saving error after creating a new game
« on: November 24, 2021, 01:33:12 AM »
Good time of day to everyone! I installed a bunch of mods (something like 150), and after creating new game, when the last screen that tells that the game is saving appears, the game crashes and shows some error. Here is the logs, maybe someone can tell me what's wrong here?

1405956 [Thread-3] INFO  - Saving to ..\\saves/save_kekw_5214497571857607254...
1405957 [Thread-3] INFO  - Saving stage 2
1405958 [Thread-3] INFO  - Saving stage 3
1407439 [Thread-3] INFO  - Error saving game
1407439 [Thread-3] ERROR  - Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.RuntimeException
cause-message       : org.json.JSONException: JSON does not allow non-finite numbers.
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity.writeReplace()
com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.RuntimeException
cause-message       : org.json.JSONException: JSON does not allow non-finite numbers.
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity.writeReplace()
   at com.thoughtworks.xstrea

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Beyond The Sector - Endless Randomized Systems
« on: May 04, 2021, 01:14:37 PM »
You need to complete the main story quest to get the janus device, once you have it you need 5000 fuel and go to any gate and you can travel into a random new system.
Yea, about that...
Just started to investigating what the new version brought, have played quite a time, but still don't actually know where to find any clues or even story missions. Maybe some advices on how to come across those story missions, because i am really interested in investigating the opportunities this mod could give.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Beyond The Sector - Endless Randomized Systems
« on: May 04, 2021, 11:55:21 AM »
Seems like a cool idea, but i don't quite understand the requirements for this mod to work. Can someone please explain what i exactly need to complete first in order to access this out of sector systems?

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Neutrino Corp. (v. 1.86-RC3)
« on: March 10, 2020, 12:36:55 AM »
Neutrino is a big pushover against over mods as of recent updates, the invasion ships amounts are small and their planetary defensive response fleets are tiny also in comparison to most mods out there. They disappear from the sector completely after a few cycles

Actually, i have the opposite situation. If Neutrino present in a game, they are like 90-95% unstoppable (because they are still able to somehow lose their home system to Luddic Church). Still, Neutrino fleets are pretty strong and can easily get new systems, well, in my runs it's a common issue.

Actually, i think this can be implemented through a mod itself. Actually, Terraria already have one! In Terraria a problem with defining what content comes with which mod is even more annoying, so, some brilliant-headed person/s created a mod, which adds a single line of text to items/enemies with the name of the mod it comes from. I think something similar could be created in this game too!

I've never really had much success using the doom ship, never had a problem taking out the 1 i encountered in the wild either

Well, it's not really that hard to manage an enemy Doom. But it is very nice to have one in your fleet, because you can give it direct orders and prioritize targets, thus managing it battle impact. And, if your managing is good, you can end almost all battles before your AI driven Doom will run out of PPT.

Stormhawk Republic is god king of the battlefield, just because all of their fleets are made to have maximum possible number of carriers. Thus, making it an unstoppable mess. As for carriers alone, i do not think they are god kings of the battlefield and i don't use them that much. I usually pick maybe 1 or 2 just to give them escort orders. True Man don't rely on some wanky little spaceships, True Man rely on it's Brutal Frontal Firepower! Onslaught is life! Onslaught is love! 

Suggestions / Re: Low-effort QoL improvement for fighters
« on: March 06, 2020, 06:51:05 AM »
I believe there is a mod that adds a bunch of fighters with phase cloaking. Well, in most cases it becomes super messy to hear a bunch of ships cloaking/uncloaking every few seconds. Not to mention that some, if not all PD weapons will become useless just because they will not be able to prevent fighters from doing their job.

Suggestions / Re: White holes (random dungeon mechanic)
« on: March 05, 2020, 12:39:53 AM »
Oh, that's an interesting suggestion. Do you get inspired on this from Space Rangers? Because i remember some similar 'black hole' mechanics there, that has some enemies inside that you need to defeat in order to acquire some unique goodies. I think that's an interesting suggestion that i will totally like to see in game!

General Discussion / Re: What does "in the outer reaches" means?
« on: March 03, 2020, 12:14:45 AM »
All right fair enough, although being the maniac that I am I never pass on anything that could give me new blueprints.
Guess i have the same maniacal attitude! You just can't lose an opportunity to get another pack of juicy blueprints! I'll still hope that 'outer reaches' missions would give a bit more info so you would not just struggle for an hour loading save and searching every corner of the system to find that precious Research Station.

General Discussion / Re: What does "in the outer reaches" means?
« on: March 02, 2020, 07:39:29 AM »
Oh, thanks a lot for the answer! That's really gonna help me, because i find the exploration missions really nice and it's really interesting to take a bunch of them and try to complete all the 'chain' in given time, but i really struggle with the 'outer reaches' missions and have to just skip them and wait for another. But, now i know where to look for, so thanks a lot!

General Discussion / Re: Whats your favorite capital ship
« on: March 02, 2020, 06:06:29 AM »
For me Odyssey with 2 Tachyon Lances is the best option in FUN category. You can ram everything, you can EVAPORATE anything that dares to turn it shields off, and that's only 2 large mounts and the ship system i've described! Add to this 2 fighter bays, ANOTHER side of the ship and the fact that it is a CAPITAL, and you'll get it. The best option in "serious battle" category is Conquest for me. It has it's weaknesses, but c'mon, do you know any other ship that can fire 2 Mjolnir's simultaneously (and not die in like 1 second like Atlas Mk2)? Not to mention that i totally love to see a battle between two broadside capitals.

Agree with OP for Victory, love this one, but i think 4 Large mounts pointing at one spot is a thing that only Almighty Onslaught need to have. As for modded ones, i really enjoy the Nemean Lion from Scy Nation. Very versatile due to 3 universal large mounts, and the idea of modular armor parts is something that i'd be really happy to see someday in the base game (you can't pilot battlestations, so that doesn't count)! And the sounds, ooh, the sounds of armor changing from one position to another got right into my heart.

Some interesting offtopic here that i've noticed. So, there has been like 100 topics, where everybody was complaining about how strong Paragon is and how everybody is tired of seeing it and so on. And then, in actual "what's your fav cap" topic only 1 person put it to god-tier. Maybe it's not THAT bad after all. Still, i'll agree with some guys that already mentioned that Paragon is just dull. It's like opposite of fun, to me. Also, great respect to the guy that actually mentioned Atlas Mk2, now that he said this i'll totally go and try some crazy stuff with it, for Ludd sake!

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