« on: May 16, 2023, 10:04:24 AM »
The fact that it's a beam which deals soft flux should mean it's damage should be a lot higher than of hard-flux counterpart missiles. Instead, it's damage type is changed. All these beam missiles just must be spammed, they do not work on their own like sabots do or like harpoons do, these are not opportunity weapons, it's constant pressure to death ordinance. They look cool, and they are new, so i am gonna use them anyways. Dragonfire feels just too weak as it is not as easily obtained. And yep, if ship's pd would shoot down regular missiles, they certainly will shoot new beamy warheads too.
I'm already want to see fighters-bombers with such torpedoes, it wont be too imbalanced, it's not a harpoon bomber after all.