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Messages - Burvjradzite

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General Discussion / Re: Obsessively Optimizing Wolfpack
« on: February 25, 2024, 02:33:30 AM »
okay, i'm doing it
p.s. i'd want to see exactly blueprints of these builds pretty please?

to befriend pirates and add their GDP also knowns as accessibility

General Discussion / Re: Starsector Speedrunning
« on: January 15, 2024, 03:53:08 AM »
Awesome, i thought initially i'd see a destroying doritos speedrun, what would be a challenge, then i remembered theres a story line of cource there is

Personally i only use them for guns only, like, sabot pod or ion pulser. In time i'm up for a colony produced ships

General Discussion / Re: Astral feels like a waste of dp.
« on: January 04, 2024, 03:43:12 AM »
I'm always for in Astral because in my build it's the only way to deal with T3 stations with 6 tridents or 6 flashes. I'm running wolfpack frigates and adding legion seems odd.
Of cource putting weak and fast fighters is very ineffective on astral

So it was a bug after all, huh

I didn't saw there any personal attacks whatsoever and of course there's been no intent of any, but i beg my pardon nonetheless. It just infuriates me then players call something a bug sometimes. It's amusing how a non-native speaker can recognize game description slightly clearer.

Can't you read? It says on missile, how it would work on other weapons? Both logically and grammatically it should and is apply only on missiles

General Discussion / Re: Some Gryphons
« on: June 14, 2023, 06:33:48 AM »
Yep, that is a kind of build to which you go the entire run and which is once set not going anywhere. Exactly the kind i would be testing. If only some deprivated enough individual would make a silly montage of this build to show how it would perform to various game threats

General Discussion / Re: Why no Steam?
« on: June 08, 2023, 08:49:51 AM »
Imagine mods get workshopped, also all shipgirls on the illustration page, a man can dream.

General Discussion / Re: My Dominator is completely useless.
« on: May 16, 2023, 10:47:44 AM »
3x Proximity launchers would help a lot

General Discussion / Re: DEM Missiles - Impressions and Tweaks
« on: May 16, 2023, 10:04:24 AM »
The fact that it's a beam which deals soft flux should mean it's damage should be a lot higher than of hard-flux counterpart missiles. Instead, it's damage type is changed. All these beam missiles just must be spammed, they do not work on their own like sabots do or like harpoons do, these are not opportunity weapons, it's constant pressure to death ordinance. They look cool, and they are new, so i am gonna use them anyways. Dragonfire feels just too weak as it is not as easily obtained. And yep, if ship's pd would shoot down regular missiles, they certainly will shoot new beamy warheads too.

I'm already want to see fighters-bombers with such torpedoes, it wont be too imbalanced, it's not a harpoon bomber after all.

Scarab got two small missile slots, that's 6 sabots, goes to 12 with expanded missile racks and to 18 with missile specialization. That's 18 sabots with no cooldown, that's enough to taking any ship's shields and then strike a fatal blow with antimatters

I like to have major updates with new balance every year and do a playthrough each patch, and watching the game grow is fun also. They make me say that.

General Discussion / Re: I LOVE SALAMANDERS!!!
« on: March 12, 2023, 07:44:33 AM »
Shame there's no grass in space to touch

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