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Messages - Rave94

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Modding / Modding custom starting scenarios
« on: October 04, 2019, 10:33:51 PM »
Hey Guys,
i recently started playing Starsector and have now moved on to getting some nice Mods for it. One thing that has been bothering me are the limited starting scenarios. Just now i found a good one for me with the Spacer scenario, where you start off with a weaponless kite and have to find your way up the ladder. Unfortunately, this start comes with a loan shark like debt, which also scales with your characters level. I think its lvl*1000 credits. Sadly, if you are lvl 10 and your fleet gets blown up by bad luck, and you just invested your last credit for that nice new ship thats now blown to smithereenes, youll get to the fortunate point where your loan shark like debt collector wants 10k credits from you while you are running around in a weaponless kite, unable to muster such sums(never forget the scaling^^). Effectively this renders you unable to do anything but watch your debt grow, the effect growing more severe with every lvl you gained beforehand.
So long story short, im looking for a way to remove that debt from the starting scenario, but i cant find the file where this is handled. Could anyone here give me a hint in the right direction?

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