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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Topics - DelicateTask

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Suggestions / Intel Screen Exploration Clutter
« on: July 06, 2019, 07:59:32 AM »
I take a lot of missions to survey planets, analyze derelicts, etc. These intel items show under the Exploration filter in the Intel screen. However, after doing a fair bit of exploration, it gets clogged up with all the locations of other ships or resource locations. If I fly through the core and gather a bunch of intel for exploration jobs, I want to be able to look at the intel screen and be able to see what exploration jobs are grouped together so I can plan an expedition to a corner of the sector. However, the screen is instead cluttered with all that other information I've picked up and I can't tell what's what.

Some of this is that I don't think intel items for resource and probe locations goes away if you salvage the probe or survey the planet (although now that I think about it I've never tested that directly and I feel stupid.)

Could exploration jobs potentially be split off from general exploration information like resource locations, domain probes, distress calls, etc?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Bug Reports & Support / [0.65a] Can't set auto fire while paused
« on: October 30, 2014, 09:31:16 PM »
Okay, I went through the last few pages of bug reports, and I didn't see anything about this (although I probably just missed it because I'm tired).

While the game is paused, it is impossible to manually set auto fire on or off in battle. It can be set while unpaused, so it's not breaking anything, but I really don't like trying to set my weapons while being shot at. ;)

Bug Reports & Support / Installer automatically deleted [Win8]
« on: January 01, 2014, 12:53:57 PM »
I'm trying to install Starsector on my Windows 8 machine and it keeps deleting the installer as soon as it downloads. Windows Defender says it's shut off, and Firewall is being managed by Norton Internet Security (which is obviously installed and running). Thing is, I don't think Norton is deleting it, because Norton usually just says if a download is trusted and notifies me if it quarantines something.

General Discussion / Plot Twist?
« on: September 15, 2013, 08:27:15 PM »
So in 0.6a, I noticed that the faction colors have changed somewhat to match their faction icon colors more closely. The Hegemony is a light orange, and the player icon is now a more olive green. This got me thinking, is the player *PLOT TWIST* actually the Cult of Lud?  ;D

Yes, this is the most useless thing I could think of to start a thread about in the light of the long-awaited massive update.

General Discussion / StarSector and Real Life Similarities
« on: April 09, 2013, 09:28:51 AM »
So I was reading some news and I found this. It talks about a laser weapon being deployed on a navy vessel. As is describes it, firing the laser costs less than $1, whereas a missile or ballistic weapon costs considerably more per shot, just like energy weapons having unlimited ammo in-game. Also, the laser must have direct line of sight to the target, just like a beam weapon, unlike a missile which can track in a curve around an obstacle, such as an asteroid. While none of this is new or special, I am really enjoying seeing technological advancements in real life that mirror the in-game universe.

Anyone else have some good tech comparisons that spring to mind?

General Discussion / Fullscreen Windowed on Mac [Tutorial]
« on: March 11, 2013, 10:14:40 PM »
My apologies if this information has been posted before or if the steps given within violate the Terms of Service (although I don't think they do). If so, mods feel free to delete this thread and message me.

Most Mac-using players of StarSector have discovered firsthand the pain of fullscreen. The inability to tab out to other applications in fullscreen mode is infuriating, and if the game crashes in fullscreen your only options are to do a hard reset or pray for a miracle.
Thankfully, Alex added the ability to make the game window undecorated in the config files. However, for a mac user wanting to play fullscreen while in windowed mode there is still the problem of the Mac Menu Bar at the top of the screen. It appears over the game window and blocks useful information along the top border such as the framerate monitor and radar object distances. NO MORE.

After being irritated by this for a long time, it finally occurred to me to look into disabling the menu bar, and I was surprised at both how annoying and incredibly useful the Mac workaround is.

First, to set up fullscreen windowed mode:
Go to StarSector, right-click and select "Show Package Contents"

Then, find the file "settings.json"

Open the file
-Set "undecoratedWindow" to "true"
-Set "resolutionOverride" to your native screen resolution

Save your changes.

Now that that's out of the way, it's time to disable the menu bar. The great thing is that this works on a per-application basis, so when StarSector is selected the menu bar disappears, but all other applications will still show it.

Open "Info.plist"

Scroll to the bottom, where you'll see this:

Copy and paste in these lines

So that you get this:
Save your changes.

StarSector should now open in a fullscreen-like window with no borders or menu bar. Now the menu bar isn't completely gone, it will still show if you move your mouse to the very top of the screen, but at least now you can see everything unobstructed.

Now to find a way to keep the toolbar from popping up at the bottom of the screen...
My apologies if the contents of this post are in any way completely derped up. It's late, and I'm slightly comatose.

Suggestions / Objective capture progress visible from map
« on: March 07, 2013, 09:13:08 PM »
What it says on the tin. Simply that I'd like a capture progress bar just like in-battle to appear under the objectives in the strategic map. There have been plenty of times when I needed to know if I would capture an objective before or after I lost another because it would decide whether I'd be able to call in reinforcements. Currently there's no way of knowing the state of an objective unless it's in visible range.

Also, as a side note, it would be really cool if a percent number also showed under the capture progress bar. In a game that supplies the player with bazillions of numbers and stats, it almost seems out of place. Just a little visual representation here:

[attachment deleted by admin]

Suggestions / Better displayed save information (esp. iron mode)
« on: February 06, 2013, 04:05:50 PM »
I'm sure I could think of any number of things to display when selecting a game to load (suggestions, people?) but one big one would be normal/iron mode. I booted up an older save and had forgotten that it was set to iron mode. Fortunately, I didn't get into any scrapes that lost me critical ships, but when I went to quit I saw that I'd been playing fast and loose with an iron mode character and didn't know it. So if it could be displayed with the other save data in the load screen, that would be much appreciated.

General Discussion / Phase Ships - What Should I Do?
« on: December 20, 2012, 12:43:07 PM »
Quite simply, I dislike phase ships and would appreciate it if anyone could give me useful hints, detailed explanations, or even videos on how to properly enjoy these seemingly niche Space-Submarines. Some people really seem to like phase ships, but I always feel clumsy with them, wish they were faster, feel like they build too much flux, don't like the weapons slots, etc... You name it, I don't like it.

Bug Reports & Support / Custom variants info crash (variant not found)
« on: December 04, 2012, 11:21:33 AM »
Not sure if this has been mentioned before - I experienced this a while ago, but forgot about it until now.

I was in a battle and selected a ship that I had modified (not a mod, I mean that I had changed the loadout in refit) and clicked on the Info button in the command menu. The game instantly crashed and said something about a variant.

I just tried it again, and it crashed again.
Ship hull variant [exported_variant_eagle_(random numbers/characters)] not found!

This doesn't happen with unchanged stock variants.

Bug Reports & Support / Helmsmanship lvl 5 bonus not transferring
« on: November 29, 2012, 09:01:24 AM »
Maximum Power at Helmsmanship level 5 only applies to your designated flagship, and does not follow you when you transfer command.

Quite simply, if you kill the enemy ship and the tutorial tells the now disabled ship to fire, you crash. I'm aware that there was some sort of hotfix for the tutorial, but I made absolutely sure I had the latest version.

Bug Reports & Support / [Mac OSX 10.6.8] Whitescreen on exit
« on: November 25, 2012, 05:47:43 AM »
I hate reporting errors that I have no way of giving useful information about, but here it is.
Twice now, I've exited the game and the screen goes white. My mouse is still visible, normal cursor, not the game one, and it still moves. The computer doesn't seem to be frozen, but I can't interact with it, or perhaps I can, but I can't see anything. The only thing to do is force a restart.
This very occasionally happened in an earlier version, but hadn't happened in a very long time, and now 0.54a has one it twice in two days.

I'm using a MacBook Pro, OSX 10.6.8, 4GB RAM, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Nvidia 320m. I don't know how to give you any more relevant information, because I really can't do anything once the whitescreen happens besides restart.

Oh, I suppose I should clarify, I'm running the game fullscreen. I suppose this wouldn't completely screw me over if I was running it windowed, so I might try that a few times.

Bug Reports & Support / Entering combat, transferring command
« on: November 24, 2012, 03:28:49 PM »
When transferring command to a ship before it's fully on-screen, upon docking and taking control, it asks if I want to retreat. I know that it does this because the ship's off the edge of the map, but it's rather silly that it does this. I know that this isn't strictly an error, but it still shouldn't happen.

Bug Reports & Support / Second-in-command and Field Repairs lvl 10
« on: November 24, 2012, 12:57:44 PM »
In theory, with level 10 Field Repairs, any ships or fighters defeated in battle should have a 100% chance of being repaired, but when I let my second-in-command handle it, he lost several wings of fighters. Is this a bug?

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