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Topics - SgtAlex86

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / :o Did u know?
« on: February 25, 2012, 03:23:19 PM »
that u can increase your travel speed by moving your slowest ship to the first in the fleet so the most experienced crew is on the slowest ship making your fleet go faster ^^

dont feel like pirating exel so any good programs to modify the text files with that would keep the columns straight... trying to rebalance every single weabon & ship to my liking with notepad is bit.. FUBAR!  ;)
:/ open office?

General Discussion / AI when the underdog...
« on: February 25, 2012, 02:59:12 AM »
Yes its time to start new thread whining about something  ;D

AI works fine when u have more ships with flanking and vutnot but if u have less ships... AI seems to get so scared and it dosnt get anything done
my guess is that it has something to do with the AI trying to evade all "threats" and ends up evading till it gets hit from every direction at the same time... (if thers missiles it gets even worse)
and for some reason the "dodgedodgedodge loop" overwrites commands like "intercept" and "harass" witch means player is effectively on his own while his wingmen do absolutely nothing constructive... (if player commands intercept it usually means thers something coming that NEEDS to be intercepted no matter the cost (bomber wing coming at your carrier coughcough) but instead the screen just dances around evading enemy frigates fire lanes ending up outside the actual battle letting the target trough...  >:(
id rather end up loosing my frigates to escorts because my mistake giving the order than the AI desiding the orders "bad" and ignoring em.... -.-

deel free to hate... thats what rant threads are for  :P

General Discussion / Sabot srm
« on: February 22, 2012, 02:32:09 PM »
any reason for sabot to be so much crappier than harpoon with range and tracking? both do 750 damage sabot just does kinetic instead of exlopsive...  :-\
(besides sabot has awesome pewpew factor built into it) its ridiculous that sabots cant out run hammer head firing em...   :'(

thought only benefit for kinetic is that it does better shield damage? ???

(if sabots get buffed at some point they would brobably need to be called MRMs instead ^^)

General Discussion / shuttle love pirate bomber hate
« on: February 21, 2012, 11:42:56 AM »
Well i armed my shuttle with bigest cannon i could get the antimatter blaster with 1000 points of DAKKA
and it took 2 hits to kill 1 bloody bomber q.q (btw slaher died to 2 hits too so...)
bomber hitpoints are in serious need of NERFNERF plz  ;)
(shuttle needs more energy... took 99% flux to get that 1 shot off)

Suggestions / Repairing on stations... for monies...
« on: February 18, 2012, 05:05:33 AM »
Sometimes ur fleet gets totaly trashed and ur faced with 30+ days of repairs... so why not add repair function on stations that insta repairs ur ships for fee (obviously lot more than the supplies to fix it urself)  :'(

General Discussion / Combat Ai
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:24:16 AM »
its too good... how do i know it... cause it makes me scream "U CHEATING BASTERD!" after watching transport dodge 60 rockets trough some ridiculous maneuvering ^^
the collision detection thing alex did is just too good if there is way to avoid being hit by missile AI will find it and use it everytime so only way to hit em with rockets or torps is to make sure there is no way to dodge witch means point blank shots... q.q (or shooting at onslaught... that thing cant dodge moon coming its way ^^)

END OF RANT sorry  :-[

and that thing AI does when it has more than 1vs1 odds where it first circles around u and then attacks from every direction at once... how do i do it by commands... cant do it can i?  >:(

Suggestions / So... what about new battleship?
« on: February 16, 2012, 04:17:05 PM »
Onslaught is kinda iffy with all those tiny turrets and missiles... so why not add an real battleship on both sides with fewer but bigger guns with nice broad sides...  :D

Bug Reports & Support / Fatal:Ship Varian not found
« on: February 16, 2012, 03:26:33 PM »
so i was happily flying around with my new dessies kiling pirates... and this happened
black screen and fatal error
"Fatal: Ship hull variant[tempest_balanced] not found!"
cried a little (checked variant folder the tembest_Balanced was there so dunno.... ?
 hows i fix this :3

maby add auto save feature for every time player leaves station? 

Modding / universal slots...
« on: February 16, 2012, 07:29:38 AM »
So... anyone changed all slots on all ships universal jet?  :D
(would do it meself but... so much work q.q)

General Discussion / hotfix? :3
« on: February 15, 2012, 06:05:02 AM »
ther is ton of bug reports that end with alex riding in with his white horse and saying FIXED
but... any hope of getting hotfix up so we would get em fixed too?  ???

(dont want to be pushy i mean it came out yesterday...  :-X)

Suggestions / Remaining fule/supplies on travel screen
« on: February 14, 2012, 03:43:50 PM »
there should be some indicator so player would know when to refuel or restock...  :-\

Bug Reports & Support / Light carrier loadout bug
« on: February 14, 2012, 03:42:43 PM »
vought meself condor-class light carrier it had pilum missile rack installed (medium) on left turret took it out to check its stats and couldnt install it again... loading default fire support set installed it again but still bugs an bug! squish it plz  :D
the turret the default missile is on, is an small mount either chance the dafault missile rack to something smaller of make the mount medium  ???

Suggestions / frigates are too small...
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:06:25 PM »
so what about creating new class of ships between frigates and cruisers... and calling em frigates and then changing the name of current frigates to corvettes.. cause currently... they are just too small and have too few guns to be actual combat ships. but if u called em corvettes instead world would be better place.  :'(

Modding / modding ammo counts...
« on: February 11, 2012, 03:15:38 PM »
So lets imagine that i dont have an glue where to start...
but what i want is increase ammo count of all weabons by x10 and if possible increase reload time (to balance things ^^)
what file should i look up?
and as an bonus+ ^^ is it possible to change projectile weabons like chainguns to use magazines instead of general ammo pool so u would have to reload em  (cause having gazillion bulets would otherwise make em bit too strong :3)
and will there be an broblem with missiles that are placed on the outside of the ship with visual sprite when u "reload" em, when u would normally just empty the racks and thats it

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