Modding / [WIP] [0.8.1] TIC - Triton Invasion Coalition
« on: August 29, 2018, 11:18:14 AM »
Hello and welcome to the TIC where all your invasive needs can be met.
Wanna invade you mothers basement? TIC has you covered.
Wanna invade your friends personal space? Got you there.
Wanna invade the solar system? You're all set with TIC.
Here's some vague screenshots to show a couple things that are going on right now.

And a few images to show what ships are currently working

Of course some of these are still a WIP themselves but they'll be updated soon enough and hopefully some time soon™ I'll have a working version of it to show everybody.
In case you find some of these recognizable I made the frigate and the two bottom fighters as my first successful sprites with the help of some people from this very forum, looking back on them I wanted to make a mod based around their designs so hopefully I can make it all work. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at what I've got so far, expect updates in the near future.