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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Topics - borgrel

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Debt vanishes on quest reward
« on: June 17, 2023, 01:14:01 PM »

I created my own start where u start with 2 s-modded revenants (such beautiful cargo and fuel space without huge signal footprint from civ hulls that chases bounties away) but you also start with -$200 000 credits

Twice now on receiving a reward (once in a bar) and this time at the galacia outpost for handing in the sensor package u collect from the first planet u survey.
The first time I thought it I had received more rewards than i had realised and the credits were 0 as a funny coincidence.

However this time, i was still $158 000 in debt and recieved $18 000 reward for handing in the package and ended up with 0 credits.


When opening starsector, u get a splash screen (where u can set your resolution and add/remove mods)

If i close the splash screen before starting the actual game, I lose sound in the game.

My sound plays out of an IEC958 device and multiple starting and closing the game has no impact on sound playing.
However, if I close the splash screen without starting the game, then sounds stops working. In the pulse sound control settings the sound device for the game has been forcibly changed to HDA Nvidia (i'm not using an HDMI cable for graphics.....) and is unable to be changed back to IEC958 until after a reboot.

General Discussion / How to set help popups to off
« on: June 11, 2023, 06:48:37 AM »
Every time you start a new game, the help popups ALWAYS plague you.
No matter how many games you have played, no matter how many times you turn if off.....
Just one millisecond of inattention when you rush through starting a new game

When you miss that tiny checkbox your stuck getting spammed over and over and over and over by popups that you no longer need.

Does anybody know of any way to PERMANENTLY disable those annoying things?

Modding / Testing Framework
« on: February 20, 2022, 02:54:25 AM »

Has anybody written a testing framework for SS?

Is there an existing way to shortcircuit SS bootup loading (to run a mission directly, preferably without graphics - but definitely with the game mechanics code still operating correctly)

I'm sure I could do it myself with mockito (i found a lib for 0.8, but thats 5 yrs old, and who knows how good it was) but I would rather not have to since I shouldnt need to.
(Alex should have a way already programmed to run parts of ss independently of the others for his testing?)

Not sure if this is a bug or not.
I realise it is a modded commodity ... but the economy system is the same regardless of what added the commodity to the system?

There is both a deficit and stock available to sell?
Its also the highest deficit and the lowest price?

Bug Reports & Support / Multiple screens detect incorrect resolution
« on: December 22, 2021, 01:17:42 AM »
When using multiple screens (i'm using an ubuntu gnome derivitive - but its probably not OS dependant)

If your primary monitor is not monitor 0 then the game uses the wrong monitor to decide what resolutions to offer
I need to use the settings resolution override to have 1920x1080 ....the game only offers up to 1440x900 since the secondary monitor cannot support 1920x1080

Suggestions / Seperate Logic and UI
« on: December 20, 2021, 02:35:17 AM »
In 'ship_data.csv' and 'ship_systems.csv' etc, there are no descriptions or text that gets displayed to the user, because all of that data is stored in 'strings/descriptions.csv'. This is good and proper design.

However, some other files (for example hull_mods.csv) all of this is mushed together. Leading to very messy adaptions for other languages. And inconsistent logic on updates because the translated hull_mods.csv was not updated with the changed logic.

Obviously to keep backwards compatibility you cant now remove the description fields from the other .csv files.

So i suggest that you expand the descriptions.csv functionality ... support addition Types, like hullmods etc.
And if a value is present in strings with the correct id and type of the hullmod in question, use the values found in the descriptions file instead of the hull_mods file.

Mods / [0.96a] Automated Commands
« on: May 09, 2021, 09:29:03 AM »
Automated Commands
Download link
Chinese link (old)
(Chinese version needs more translations for combat messages)


This is a successor to Autonomous Ships as well as Automatic Orders as both of these are no longer being supported.
(And i'm sick and tired of missing the 'This ship is about to run out of PPT messages') ...

This mod adds new hullmods that allow the player to set predefined battle commands for AI-piloted ships in their fleet.
e.g. The Auto retreat command hullmod will force the ship to retreat when below a certain hull integrity level.

The command hullmods cost 0 ordnance points.

Current features
  • Retreat when the ship is below a certain hull integrity level. (90% or 60% or 30%)
  • Retreat when the ship has exceeded its peak performance time.
  • Retreat when the ship is below a certain CR level. (60% or 40% or 0%)
  • Retreat when the ship has no missile left. (the hullmod can only be added to ships with least one missile weapon equipped)

  • Override the personality for non-officered ships (should work for flagship on auto)
  • Vent when flux above 80%. This does not activate while the ship is manually being piloted by the player
  • Carriers will automatically toggle between engage and regroup when their replacement is at 20% or 80%


Just download the mod and unpack the ZIP file into your mods folder.

Possible next features


  • Combat Objective Capture
  • Direct Retreat modifier ?
  • Randomised Personalities for unofficered ships in fleets
  • Version Checker integration ?
  • Escort Orders ?
  • "ALWAYS_PANIC" (and other) hullspec tag
  • Carrier wing stance modifier
  • Focus fire on flagship's target would be a good one
  • Prioritise attack (ship size)
  • Only use missiles when target ship is fluxed out
  • Disable combat log personality assignments in config file


  • hqz (original idea)
  • HELMUT (icons)
  • Histidine (API advice)
  • Wnsmds(Chines Translation)
  • Tellurium(New Personality Icons)
  • Tecrys(Carrier Regroup Icon)

Suggestions / Make Sector Seed relevant
« on: May 02, 2021, 11:54:15 PM »
As it stands right now showing the seed so users can share amazing RNG sectors doesnt work.
It is completely useless.

Firstly: settings like sector size, etc affect the generation. Settings like these either need to be encoded into the seed, such that they override the game settings when the seed is used
or the proc generation needs to be done in such a way that the values like sector size do not affect the result (ie. if the same key is used in a 10k*10k sector and in a 15k*15k sector the 10k*10k map would be identical to the 'inner part' of the 15k*15k map)
(values like mixed/old system would obviously have to be encoded into the seed, since they directly affect the procgen)

Mods that use procgen also affect the results of the seed, this also needs to be corrected (by creating a new random instance for mods with the seed so that the mods dont 'corrupt' the main random instance??)

Suggestions / Show Mercs in Officer Screen total count
« on: April 30, 2021, 01:10:43 PM »

At the moment at the bottom of the Officer screen it shows "8/8"
but to actually find out how many you have you need to manually count your employees

Please change it to show:
"Officers: 8/8 (+5 Mercenaries)"

Suggestions / Show free storage in colonies / income screens
« on: April 21, 2021, 12:01:48 AM »
In the colony screen ( 'D' -> '1' ) if shows u all currently applicable colonies
Including colonies u dont own but have items / ships currently in storage at and are therefore paying a fee for
And if u hover over an item if shows u what is in storage

Please also include all storage that doesnt include a monthly fee (like the abandoned station in Corvus)
And possibly all locations that u have paid the once of fee for, even if ur not currently using that storage

Suggestions / New Intel Tab: nearby
« on: April 10, 2021, 06:40:29 AM »
Can we have another intel tab that shows everything listed in intel that is within 10ly of ur current position (maybe 15ly?)
(all accepted, all explore, all bounties, all etc)

Suggestions / Showing which mod ships come from
« on: April 10, 2021, 03:55:00 AM »
When u hover over a ship it says "Design: Midline" for example

There are a lot of mods that add additional Low Tech, Midline and Hightech ships
it makes it impossible to know which ships are which

Please add additional information to these statements, somewhat like u would expect in real life

'Design: Low Tech: pre-collapse'
'Design: High Tech - SWP revision'
'Design: Midline - Thyrok Designs'

Suggestions / Changing the sort order when u press 'sort' in inventory
« on: April 10, 2021, 03:44:53 AM »

Currently sort sorts weapons by value? or possibly hardpoint size and then value? except for LPC's they get nicely moved to the bottom of the list and clustered together

Could ALL weapons get sorted so they are clustered by type?

Sort by hard point size and then weapon type (ballistics/energy/missiles) and then damage type and then possibly range? (or damage)

Bug Reports & Support / When SS crashes, the popup doesnt wrap
« on: April 05, 2021, 12:41:05 PM »

when the game crashes (for example error loading .............) all text is printed on 1 line, without any word wrap (so it can stretch more than 3x the width of the screen)

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