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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Topics - CrazyDave

Pages: [1]
Modding / Naysmyth Armouries - An update??!? [v0.3.1] [31/12/16]
« on: March 07, 2015, 10:37:30 PM »
>> Login Accepted
>> Security Level PUBLIC RECORDS Authorized
>> Security Level 2 Authorized
>> Security Level 3 Authorized
>> ...
>> Server v0.3.1 - updated 31/12/2016

>> Server DOWNLOAD here

Welcome to the Naysmyth Armouries Interplanetary Network.

Craft Currently in Production - Level [PUBLIC RECORDS] Access

Ship Designation - Alfa Class
Ship Role - Heavy assault frigate

Ship Designation - Pchela Class
Ship Role - Combat freighter

Ship Designation - Tyazhesti Class
Ship Role - Missile twin-frigate

Ship Designation - Tyazhelyy Class
Ship Role - Light support twin-frigate

Ship Designation - Zheleza Class
Ship Role - Heavy combat destroyer


Craft in Development - Level [2] Access

None Currently Planned
Ship Designation - Latun Class
Ship Role - Heavy tech destroyer
Ship Designation - Rossiya Class
Ship Role - Support Cruiser
Ship Designation - Sibir Class
Ship Role - Support Cruiser
Ship Designation - Komissar Class
Ship Role - Heavy Battleship

Server Files Download - Level [3] Access
Download Version 0.3.1

Suggestions / In-Battle EMP Storms
« on: October 15, 2014, 04:14:58 AM »
Heyoo! Here is an idea i came up with a short while back while brainstorming mod ideas and i thought i'd post it here coz why not?

Basically, what about creating a hostile environmental feature in a similar fashion to the slowing clouds (i forget what they're called). i was thinking along the lines of a 'lightning storm' or 'ion storm' that causes random... er... lighting strikes (for want of a better term) that can inflict variable EMP damage to an unshielded hull. i reckon that this system would add a great dynamic to space battles, perhaps sectioning off parts of the map, or making certain objectives more risky to capture than others. Keeping your shields up means you are likely to negate a 'strike' but also means you're not moving as fast or venting hard flux.

Now im not sure if this is even possible, but hey, no point in keeping it to myself. Thoughts?

Modding / Need a Little Help Adding My Ship - [SOLVED]
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:47:21 PM »
Okay, so I've been trying for the last few days to add my own ships to the game, and try as i might, i simply cannot get the game to launch.

From what i can tell (from my untrained eyes i might add), I've done everything right: I've got my .ship, .variant, .png and ship_data files all done but whenever i try to launch the game, BAM i get a "Fatal: null" error.

im sure im not the first person to have this problem, so if you could shed some light, it would be much appreciated!

Modding / Sprites - Some Pirates? Or Something?
« on: July 09, 2014, 03:40:53 AM »
Hey all! Im very new to the spriting scene and i thought i'd share my first attempt at making some. I tried to make them unique and fun, and are really not supposed to fit in the starsector universe or anything.

I dont know what these ships are really, but i figured that they best fit a pirate theme so i thought hey why not, lets make them pirates. Im not sure on the sizing or look of the ships but i tried to keep a common theme throughout. Please leave some feedback on what ive done as i'd like to improve. Thanks!

Here's what i've made so far (in order of creation):

Ship 1: Frigate thing

Ship 2: Fighter craft

Ship 3: Supplies ship?

Again, what do you think? :)

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