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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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General Discussion / The Wasp sucks
« on: September 16, 2018, 01:43:32 AM »
The Wasp fighter is the second best interceptor in the game just behind the Spark. It is fast, its PD laser don't miss, and its proximity mine will create a death zone against any other fighters and missiles. With 6 fighters by wings, they also tend to outnumber any other crafts. All in all, without a doubt an ideal interceptor.

Or at least in theory.

For some context, in some of my recent campaigns, i have been experimenting eschewing Point Defenses on my ships. To compensate for that, i assign an interceptor filled carrier as an escort to whatever needs it the most. With the escort order, the carrier will send its fighters to protect its designated target when in danger. And it worked! I was now flying a PD free fleet, delegating the anti-fighter and anti-missile duty to a bunch of escort Mora filled with Interceptors.

Initially, the Wasp seemed like a perfect fit for that role, unfortunately i quickly noted how... Absent my interceptors have been in all of my battles. They properly showed up for the first clash between fleets, and then started to disappear, leaving my PD-less ships vulnerable to missiles and bombers. Surprisingly, that issue was much less noticeable with say, Talons, or some other mod interceptors, which were steadily covering my butt for the entire fight.

After a digging a bit deeper, i found the issue with my Wasps, and it wasn't the interceptors themselves, but the carriers. The replacement rate would quickly reach the 30% mark, only trickling down a few lone fighters once in a while to the frontline. With other fighters, it would rarely go below 50%. There's one reasons for that : Wasps are fragile, half as tough as a Talon, so they tend to die a lot. And because there's 6 of those per wing, that makes for a lot of dead fighters, which degrade the replacement rate very, very quickly. Once the carrier reaches 30% RT, the interceptors can no longer fullfill their role, and getting back up to an acceptable RT level becomes nearly impossible, especially during hectic battles.

Two solutions to fix this. Either makes the Wasp tougher to prevent it from dying in droves. Armoring it doesn't seems appropriate for a high-tech drone, as for a shielded Wasp like back when Starsector was Starfarer, that would make it too much like the Spark in my opinion.

The other solution, much simpler and appropriate in my opinion, would be lowering the replacement time. It will still die by the bucketload, but i would matter less. I tested it with a modified base replacement time of 2, then 3 instead of 5 (like the Talon). BRT of 2 allows for a constant screening around 90/100% replacement rate in small skirmishes, and would go down around 40/50% in intense battles. BRT of 3 doesn't makes the replacement rate go below 80% in small battles, but will eventually reach 30% during larger encounters.
For reference, i did most of my testing on the missions Hornet's Nest and Nothing Personal with autopilot, with a Wasp loaded Heron as the escort in both scenarios.

Also, kinda off-topic, but not completely. I would like the ability to target a friendly ship on the tactical screen. It's possible to do so for enemies, but not allies, and would be useful when you want to send your fighters to cover one of your ships that is too far to be "targeted" normally.

Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Excelsior phase bug
« on: August 19, 2018, 10:02:55 AM »

Despite needing flux to phase in, the Excelsior can stay cloaked at 0 flux if it stays on top of a ship, unlike a standard phase ship that'll eventually get pushed out or even phase out (and usually die) on top of the ship.

General Discussion / Soloing the Remnant Battlestation
« on: August 19, 2018, 05:24:11 AM »
While we're waiting for 0.9, i felt like trying a new challenge. Those that plays with mods might have heard about the Excelsior, the super-frigate from the Ship/Weapon pack mod. In the mod, this ship is introduced in the mission "Duel of the Century" where the Excelsior must face nine super-frigates from various mods and vanilla.

For those that don't know what i'm talking about, let me explain how it works.


By the way, i tweaked the recovery rate here. It should be 8% instead of 35%.

A phase glass cannon with many intricacies. Unlike every other ships, the Excelsior flux system works the other way around. The cloak and flux shunt cannons drains flux, while its system absorb surrounding projectiles, and depending on how much damage those projectiles deals, convert them into flux to power up the ship. The more flux it have, the stronger the Flux Shunt Cannons becomes.

Of course, there's a catch, if you absorb more projectiles than your flux capacity can handle, you overload, and overloading will deal damage to the ship, but getting that flux bar as high as possible also allows the FSCs to fire at full power. Risk and reward. Also, with active venting, the Excelsior will create electric arcs around it. The higher its dissipation, the more damage those arcs will deal, of course, a high flux dissipation means it can't stay cloaked as long either. On the bright side, damage on both armor and hull can be repaired when phased.

To summarise, the Excelsior is the personnification of risk taking. It wants to be in the absolute heat of battle at all time, threading the thin line between absorbing as many projectiles as possible to power its guns and heal its wounds, and overloading to death due to greed. Here's a video of the beast from StarSchulz in the Duel of the Century to see how it works in practice :

As for me, here are the skills and loadout i used.


This is probably the most unsafe thing i ever flew.


Now that everyone knows the Excelsior, time to meet its opponent.


Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.

A fully functional Remnant Battlestation, with a cold and unfeeling hatred for human life (thanks ChildServices for that one). Because of Dynasector, its loadout is different from the Vanilla variant. Which is better for me, since there's no way my flimsy flagship can hope to get past the original variant's Guardian PDs. Still, by no mean this is going to be easy.

Anyway, let's start the fun.

Once the combat start, there is no time to waste, the CR clock is ticking fast. You can see in the video, i went straight for the carrier modules. For my combat strategy, i imperatively needed to get rid of most of its indirect firepower, as well as one of its shield generator that i took out with the Reaper splash damage. After that, the armored modules are the next in line, once removed, this leaves the battlestation with a large blind spot i can exploit. 

From now on, the battle greatly slow down, but this is where things get difficult. Thanks to my high dissipation loadout, my ship active venting can deal large amount of damage through the indestructible main structure, and allow me to safely take down the two remaining shield modules. However, venting at the wrong time would leave me helpless to the Trebuchet LRMs (the yellow missiles). Venting too close would leave me in the explosion radius of the neighbouring modules (i died so many time like that). Venting too far and... Uh, well, i won't reach my target.

One module left, the hardest part of the battle. Because i only have one source of enemy fire, my ability to gain flux is much more limited, and my firepower and survivability greatly reduced as a result. I can't destroy the last module from the blind spot with active venting either, the station final explosion would take me out. Only one solution, facing it from the front and killing it with the FSCs, while absorbing the plasma cannons shots before they reach me.

And after many, many, many attempts. The metallic frame of the titan finally crumble in an explosion.


Victory !

Bonus : some gifs i made when i tried to fight it fair and square without exploiting its blind spot :



Bug Reports & Support / "Flying" station module
« on: July 21, 2018, 02:28:31 AM »

Destroyed the gun platform of a Remnant station without touching the armor module. Technically not a bug i suppose, but still...

General Discussion / Starsector beginner guide
« on: November 11, 2017, 06:22:43 AM »
Starsector beginner guide

Starsector is a hard game, especially when you have no idea what to do. Hence, i decided to write this little guide to show any new players the basic guidelines to get started with the game. While there's no wrong way to play, here i'll focus on what i think is the easiest career. Let's play as a scavenger, shall we?

0. Avoid mods for a first playthrough

Mods are great and all, but they usually increase the difficulty of the game, and may or may not cause issues depending on what you decide to download. The basic game is quite good as it is, you'll have plenty of time to try mods later.

1. Do the main menu Tutorials

Really, if you want to survive, you gotta play the tutorial.

2. Do some missions before starting a campaign

Not all of them of course, and you might not even win a single one. But it's a good way to get a feel on the various ships you'll fly and encounter.

3. Start campaign with the Wolf frigate and Shepherd freighter, use easy mode

No shame in using easy mode here, the game is still going to rough you up with it. As for the starting ships, The Wolf is a proper combat ship, and even as a scavenger you'll have to fight your way through. The Shepherd is equally capable of carrying your supplies as well as keeping its opponents busy in battle thanks to its Drones.

4. Do the campaign tutorial

It'll show you how the "overworld map" works, so don't skip it. It's also the occasion to gain some "free" ships at the beginning.

5. What skills should you choose?


Technology tree -> Navigation up to level 3
Industry tree -> Field repairs and Recovery operations up to level 3

While those are not the "best" skills available, they'll help reduce the maintenance cost of your fleet. The other skills depends on your preference. Want to fight a lot? Combat skills might be handy for you. Want to field a large fleet and use Carriers? Leadership might be better. Want to salvage ships and explore things? Industry and Technology are good too.

6. Save often !

Bad things will happen, a lot. And you'll need to reload, a lot.

7. Mothball recovered ships

If you do not have a surplus of supplies and crew in your inventory, it's better to mothball your newly acquired ships to avoid the unnecessary supply drain. You can go to a station to un-mothball them and repair them more safely later.

8. Do not sell salvaged ships

Salvaged ships aren't worth much, even when repaired. You'd be better scuttling them for a few ressources or not recovering them in the first place.

9. Turning the transponder ON and OFF is important

The transponder is like your licence plate, you want it ON when you're in civilised space. You do not want to be seen and identified when you're in hyperspace and uninhabited systems though, unless of course you want to signal your position to every pirates in the Sector.

10. Avoid hyperspace storms

Storms will make your life miserable, avoid them at all cost. Turning off Sustained Burn to better maneuver around them is better than diving straight through them. Also, a simple trick to avoid being caught in deep hyperspace :


11. Don't take a commission with any factions

Taking a commission with a faction will makes others groups hostile, preventing you from (officially) docking their stations. Commission are useful if you want to maximise your profits while bounty hunting, but in general, you'd rather want to keep it low and avoid annoying the big players in the sector.

12. Get a tanker

No matter what you're planning to do, you'll always need a tanker for hyperspace travel. The Dram tanker is the smallest, cheapest one, available pretty much anywhere. Get one of those.

13. Pick analyze derelict mission

In most station's comm directory, you can choose missions for a faction, you'll gain reputation and money from completing them. "Analyze derelicts" missions tends to be the easiest to do, and require you to travel in deep space to find a specific object to scan (it will appears with a "!" on it). Avoid taking missions where the target is located in the "outer reaches" of the system, finding those can be hell. Be sure to load on fuel before doing those, you don't want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere, don't you? You can activate the fuel range indicator in both the Map and Intel Map to see how far you can travel.


The inner ring shows how far you can go and have the fuel to come back to your starting point, it's recommended not to go too far beyond that limit

14. Avoid unnecessary battles

Fighting for the hell of it is going to cost you many supplies and leave you in difficulty later on. Only fight when you can't do otherwise (or when the target have a bounty on its head).

15. Avoid systems with a warning beacon

Yellow beacons with one ping are okay even at the beginning, orange and red ones (with two, and three pings respectively) are not.


Pictured here, not your friendly neighbourhood.

16. Keep a safe distance with the neutral Scavengers


In deep space, there's no law, and frustrated scavengers are quick to turn to piracy when the opportunity comes.

17. Don't hesitate to explore systems

Even after completing your Analysis mission, it's not a bad idea to stay in the system a bit to explore with your Active Sensor Burst. Inhabited systems usually have a bunch of derelicts drifting around, some full of expensive loot.

18. Dump metal and other cheap commodities in priority

There's only so much stuff your fleet can carry, and being overcapacity (both in crew and ressources) will drain more supplies than usual. Be ready to throw away the cheap stuff (metal, ore, organics, volatiles, etc) to make room for more interesting ressources.

19. Use the black market

Law abiding citizens get the short end of the stick in Starsector, don't be a law abiding citizen when you don't have a reason to. Black markets usually offer interesting ships and weapons for sale, and the reputation penalty for buying there is usually small enough that you can get away with it. A good compromise is to buy at both the open and black market to reduce the reputation hit.

20. Get officers whenever possible

You can hire officers in the comm directory of stations/planets. Officers will level up as they fight and greatly improve the capabilities of your ships. Officers have personalities that modify their behaviour in combat, in order, try to hire officers in that way : (Steady>Cautious>Agressive>Timid>Reckless)

There! You're good to go now! Of course, there's more than this, derelict analysis missions will sustain your fleet for a bit, but you can later on switch to different careers depending on what you want. There's probably a few things i missed as well, but if you have questions, the Starsector's discord usually have quite a few people active willing to answer those questions.

Hopefully you'll enjoy your first campaign. And if you still want more, well, then i'll direct you to this thread instead :

Now with part 2! With bigger and badder enemies!


Today, i'm going to talk about a pretty cool hullmod that i recently started to use, Operations Center. I recently tried an "admiral" campaign, exploiting the advantage of regenerating command points the hullmod offer, and pushing it as far as possible.

The campaign went well, even though the strategy was unfortunately showing its limits during end-game battles. Very large fights tends to be a race against the CR clock, killing enemies to gain the number advantage as soon as possible. With the number on your side, AI controlled ships behave more aggressively, and victory quickly follow. Having a strong flagship is a good way of killing enemies fast, unfortunately i wasn't directly flying my flagship in this situation, and even if i was, the expensive OPcenter would have severely limited the efficiency of my ship. On top of that, most of my skills were support based, making my admiral a poor combatant.

I needed to find a way to decrease the "Time To Kill" of my fleet. More than that, i wanted to find a solution that is better than a skill-boosted flagship of doom. And i found it.


"You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like."

10 Officers, 10 Capital ships. Combat endurance, Helmsmanship are the most important skills for my officers. Ordnance expertise, Gunnery Implants, Target Analysis, Evasive Action were mostly what i picked for the Odyssey. The Astrals, obviously have carrier skills. Here's what i tested them against :


The tenth son of the Dickerson dynasty, from the underworld mod. The closest thing there is to a final boss.

There's a few things the Dickersons have for them. The first one is CR attrition, i needed to take down all those ships down before running out of CR. The second was dealing with encirclement tactics, the enemy can field many more ships than i can and they'll try to surround me. Thirdly, i need a way to stop 22 capital ships from rushing me. Here's the tools i used.


"All the world will be your enemy, O Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And if they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you."

First of all, five Odyssey battlecruisers. Why the Odyssey? No amount of flux, shield efficiency, firepower or armor matters against such an absurd amount of opponents. Speed however, will ensure that the Odyssey won't be caught. Those five big guys have one purpose, pest control, their jobs is to rush in and destroy as many frigates/destroyers as possible during the first part of the battle. For this, DPS burst is favoured instead of armor penetration, which explain the Autopulse lasers. For the missiles, Sabots and Typhoons proved pretty good to crack open hardheaded destroyers and even cruisers. Claws are here to catch and immobilise a target, leaving them vulnerable, also not bad to buy some time for a caught Odyssey to run away. Also some dirt cheap mining lasers for PD duty, just in case. Once they're done with killing the small fries, they retreat to leave the place for the next ships.

"There is no "overkill". There is only "open fire" and "I need to reload.""

Now that those pesky fast ships that threatened to surround me are gone, it's time to deal with the big ones. A bomber loaded Astral hurt like a truck and doesn't care about running out of ammunition. With 4 Tridents and 2 Longbows, the Astral can quickly and reliably bring heavy burst damage at a very long range, enough to scare even the biggest capital ships.

Now put those 5 Astral in a single control group, and order a Fighter strike order on whatever you want to die. That's 20 Sabots and 80 Atropos fired all at once, which can be reloaded. Definitely improved my fleet's TTK i guess.

The Tempest you can see below are just here to escort the Astrals, in case the Odysseys fails their jobs and couldn't destroyer enough ships. Nothing noteworthy about them, i was more interested in the Terminator drones than the frigates themselves. They were deployed but didn't actually fought.

"The greatest victory is that which requires no battle."

What a frightening beast, isn't it? Disregard the ECCM package, for some reason i expected it to work on the whole fleet. The flagship had two jobs, capturing unguarded strategic points, and otherwise sleep on a corner of the map. Its sole purpose is to regenerate my command points. I could get OPcenter in an actual combat ship, but that would imply bringing it to the frontline, leaving it vulnerable to CR degradation, also taking precious deployment points that my combat officers could use better than me.

Now that i got everything i need, here's to the main battle ! I have enough points to deploy 4 Odysseys and the Hound. The Hound try to snatch one or two strategic points before retreating to the edge of the map, the Odyssey, all crewed by Aggressive and Reckless officers, tore through the Dickerson's vanguard.


The screenshot doesn't do it justice, the Odysseys are complete savage when it comes to destroy smaller ships. Even the big ones doesn't hold very long, especially when i order them to focus fire on a specific target. I avoided doing that though, not only i didn't needed to destroy the big ships but i preferred to hoard my CPs in case some of my Odyssey found themselves in tricky situations, which regularly happen given their reckless manoeuvres.



A single Odyssey can rip apart even 4 or 5 ships together, but more than that is asking for trouble. In those screenshot, i'm trying to spread my ships to prevent the enemies from surrounding me and herd the pirate armada into smaller, more vulnerable groups. Unfortunately, some mistakes were made.


I sadly lost of 3 of them like that. Fortunately for me, they still performed very admirably, destroying the majority of destroyers, and even some cruisers and capital ships. Time for them to retreat, and bring the rest of the fleet for the second phase. Five fully operation Astrals ready to rumble, without the risk of being surrounded (why i can deploy those five now, despite costing the same to deploy, but not five Odyssey at the beginning? Seems like i gained some additional deployment points during battle, but i don't know how).

I place the first fighter strike order on a Renegade battleship, and watched the firework.


I still have to place some waypoints here and there for my carriers, but overall the threat is minimal, and eventually the Dickerson's armada run out of capital ships.



Victory !

To conclude, let's say that OPcenter is a fun hullmod, and pretty strong too. Combining regenerating orders with the flexibility of carriers seems like the winning move of 0.8.

Mods / [0.9.1a] Safety Override for capital ships v1.0.1
« on: July 09, 2017, 09:50:32 AM »

A mod that enable the Safety Override hullmod for capital ships, obviously. Possible side effect of growing a manly beard. The installation is the same as another mod.


* Compatibility with the Ship/Weapon pack mod.

* Initial release.

Special thanks to MesoTroniK to help me figure out how to make it works.

General Discussion / Overall feedback on ships and weapons
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:18:05 AM »
Part 1. The Frigates

I realised that even though i regularly give feedback for the modders, i haven't really done so for the base game yet. Which is why i decided to play a (mostly) vanilla campaign and experiment a bit more thoroughly some aspects of the games, mainly the ships and weapons.

As i said, it's not a purely vanilla experience, here are the mods i used during my campaign :

-Console commands, for occasional testing shenanigans.
-Save Transfer, just in case.
-Dynasector, for randomised AI fleet and loadouts.
-Combat Chatter, invaluable for managing a fleet.
-Common Radar, because Alex is planning to add a campaign radar anyway.

I probably won't talk much about the fighters, as it has been hinted they'll change quite a bit in the next update. What i'm going to say in this post come from my personal experience during this campaign, if you have a different opinion, feel free to share it. Another thing, i'm not that much of a smuggler player, so this campaign is mainly a bounty hunting playthrough. Also, i will often talk about early/mid/late game. In my eyes, early game is up to the first destroyer or three/four frigates in the fleet. Mid game roughly goes up to cruiser clashes and the first capital ships encounters. Late game is everything beyond that.

Oh, and i'll talk a lot about Safety Override, because i love Safety Override.


My starter ship for this campaign was the Centurion, i was curious to see how it would fare alone.

Early game was rough, hella. The Centurion makes for an amazing wingman ship, thanks to its inability to die. But as a flagship? Not that much. Picking a slow, undergunned frigate made pirate hunting tougher than it needed to be. Even with Unstable Injectors, i rarely was the one leading the dance and i had to capitalise on my enemies mistakes to damage them. Winning a duel wasn't really hard, i could beat any frigates through sheer endurance. Several enemies however...

I started with the default, asymmetrical Assault variant, which could have been an interesting broadside fighting style, if the Centurion didn't turned with the grace of a brick. It works in theory, show the kinetic side for the left hook, then switch to the HE/ion one for the right uppercut. Unfortunately it can't do it fast enough and i had to find something else to collect my bounties. Switching to a pair of frontal IR pulse gave me a functional, if lame, way to grind down my opponents.

Alternatively, this was my clunky, yet surprisingly fun attempt to make a SO Centurion :


Like a spinning brick

Same idea as the original loadout, a kinetic side and a HE/frag side, which worked better thanks to the mobility boost from SO. I used a Swarmer instead of an Annihilator, because aiming becomes hard when you're spinning like a weather vane all the time.

Later on in the game, the Centurion still holds its own thanks to its fantastic durability. I personally fitted mine as a PD boat for the fleet, probably one of the rare cases where the LR PD can be useful.


My second ship and first wingman was the trusty Hound. A cheap freighter and also the fastest ship (tied with the Tempest) in the game. Shieldless ships rarely want to take part in combat, but an early game Hound can survive small skirmishes thanks to its mobility. A long range weapon was the only reasonable choice here, a Mauler or HVD allow it to safely bombard enemies from afar. Unstable Injector is a must to increase further its great speed, but due to its limited mounts and OPs, the customisation never get really far with this ship.

While it can fight small battles, it would be suicidal to deploy it against mid-game fleets. Like many frigates, its usefulness rarely get past the early game.


The Kite is another interesting wingman ship to get early on. A cheap, very mobile missile platform, perfect to annoy enemies with Salamander and Swarmers, or mount Torpedoes, depending on your mood. Similarly to the Hound, the Kite rely on speed to survive. Even though it's protected by a shield, it overload fast, which usually result in death due to its lack of armor/hull.

Again, only good for early game, rapidly becomes cannon fodder against larger groups of enemies.


The Lasher rapidly replaced the Centurion as my new flagship. By itself, the Lasher is a very average combat ship with limited survivability in the hands of the AI. Its main strength come from its numerous weapon mounts, fortunately limited by its weak flux stats. Pretty good starting wingman, but tends to overload itself a lot if you put too many "big" guns on it.

When properly fitted however, the Lasher is a monster capable of taking down even cruisers by itself.  


"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

A perfect combination of strong HE burst and massive kinetic/frag DPS. And thanks to the SO/UI hullmods, the Lasher can now casually fly at 260 speed for more than 80 seconds. Ideal for early/mid game battles, where it can rip apart half of the enemy fleet before the CR start ticking down.

That build doesn't works that well with the AI though. Also, even the SO Lasher rapidly shows its limit during late game battles against numerous, bigger enemies. A perfect starter, but i had to find something else eventually.


The Shepherd is probably one of my favourite wingman ship. Cheap, large cargo hold, shielded, an universal hardpoint (tends to mount a salamander/swarmer) and a bunch of defence drones. The Shepherd is slow and fragile yet surprisingly capable of keeping the enemy at bay, thanks to its long ranged, annoying drones. Unlike most frigates, the Shepherd still have its place in the fleet during mid-game, making an ideal PD platform against missiles and fighters. Its limited survivability prevent it from going on the frontline, they are better at escorting a carrier that will sit relatively far from the danger, letting only their drones engage directly.


I was lucky to get my hands on the Monitor, given how rare this ship is. Its purpose is more or less the same as the Centurion : being an indestructible wall, stubbornly surviving whatever the enemy can throw at it. There isn't much to say about it, it's a good AI ship to have at your side that will dutifully perform its PD/distraction purpose. It can even be a fire-support by mounting missiles on its universal mounts. Just like the Centurion, it's still pretty good even during late game battles.


Not so lucky with the Wayfarer, i got this one too late for it to be useful. My opinion on it didn't really changed since then :
The Wayfarer is a safe Cerberus, Their cargo stats are almost identical, but the Wayfarer is a tiny bit more expensive to deploy. Not the kind of vessel i'd use as a flagship but it can find its purpose as an early game wingman, a Kite with cargo in some way. I outfitted mine with a pair of frontal railguns, two sideways PDs for missile interception, and then a pair of Salamanders or even Swarmers on the rear for further fire-support despite their weird turrets arc.


The Cerberus, in my own opinion, is an inferior alternative to the Hound. While it is definitely more armed than its lighter counterpart, it's also much slower, one of the slowest frigates in the game actually. The lack of shield and mobility means the Cerberus tends to be one of the first casualties in battle. It's not completely worthless though, with its burn drive and larger cargo, it makes for a very good blockade runner, ideal for smugglers.


The Brawler was my biggest disappointment this patch. I liked the old one. The recent system change from Accelerated Ammo Feeder to Damper Field transformed the Brawler into something... Boring? I always considered the Brawler as some kind of slow, sturdy sniper that could unleash a truckload of bullets if left unchecked. Now however, it is more or less a Centurion MK.II, and while this may have made it more viable for bigger battles (it's harder to kill), it also made it so much more aggravating to fight.

Encountering a Centurion is fairly rare, but a Brawler? You'll see those everywhere. I had the misfortune of encountering two pirates and a Pather fleet one after the other, each one with a Brawler, while i was still cruising alone with my Centurion. It felt like fighting the old phase ships, the battles were fought with CR rather than guns. No fun was allowed that day.

As for the builds, something similar to the Elite variant (HVD+Mauler) plus whatever missiles you need is never a bad idea for a wingman. During the period i piloted one myself, i went for something slightly more agressive :


It's in these situations that i dearly missed Accelerated Ammo Feeder.

Also, because of the technology skills, i had just enough OPs to add Unstable Injectors on top of that. Not quite as beastly as the Lasher, but two angry chainguns will still scare anything that lower their shields.


The Vigilance is the only frigate with a medium missile launcher, which means it will always be good at any points in the campaign. Whether you strap a Harpoon, a Salamander or a Pilum on it, the Vigilance will perform wonderfully. The medium energy is almost an afterthought and rarely had enough OPs to fit a proper weapon. Everything was dumped in both Expanded Missile Racks and Unstable Injectors (it's a glass cannon, of course it'll get UI!). Ideally, a Graviton beam or a tac laser would be the secondary weapon. A point defence gun wouldn't works, as the AI tends to do get closer than necessary when a PD is its only direct weapon. Close combat isn't the right place for a missile boat.


The Mudskipper MK.II


The Wolf was a late addition in my fleet, possibly too late for it to become useful, unfortunately. It's a pretty good starting ship if you can find one for sale, very agile with a lot of potential firepower, despite being limited by its few OPs available. The old front shield nerf from 0.65 still hurt it quite a bit. With its paper armor, the Wolf is incredibly vulnerable to flanking. Getting a wingman when piloting a Wolf is one of the most important thing to do at the beginning of the campaign due to the way missiles react to phase skimmer. Without any allies on the field, the missiles will still follow you even after "jumping". With an ally however, the missiles will switch target, which is worth more than any PD system you can get.

As it is a very vulnerable ship, the Wolf doesn't scale really well in mid and late game. It is still possible to defeat bigger opponent with a long range "Wolf pack" fleet, but the 25 ship cap severely limit that strategy now.


The Mercury and Hermes. I'm putting both of those in the same category because they're basically the same, if you forgo some madmen experiments . I can definitely understand that those are not combat ships and shouldn't (ideally) ever see a gunfire. My complain come from their freighting abilities, or rather their lack of. There's currently no reason to pick one of those two over a Hound or a Cerberus, they are slower, more fragile, with less cargo, less crew and fuel capacity. Yeah, they're a bit cheaper to maintain but that's all.

I'd really like if those two had at least something going for them. Being mostly defenceless shuttles, i think their abilities to transport stuffs should be at least equal if not superior to those of a combat freighter. Not that i want each ship to perfectly fit in its dedicated box, but at least not letting them being worthless.

I also wanted to add the Mudskipper to the list, but given it can carry more crew than any other frigates, i suppose it will eventually find its purpose in future updates.


The Omen is a strange one, it's definitely supposed to be a support ship dedicated to escorting duty, similar to the Centurion and Monitor. Unlike those two however, the Omen rarely, if ever, survive its job. At only 75 armor and 750 hullpoints, it is the most fragile ship in the game (if you exclude D variants). Add on top of that a very light armament and a short ranged EMP emitter, the Omen doesn't have much going for it. That thing would require many buffs to start being worth fielding.

Fun fact, EMP'd missiles don't detonate and bounce on impact.


The Tempest can be seen as the direct upgrade to the Wolf. Barely more expensive, and in my eyes quite a bit more powerful. Faster, better flux, omni-shield, and also come with the most infuriating drone in the game. I like the dual pulse lasers to hunt down frigates, switching them for heavy/mining blasters also works if more burst damage is needed. No point defence required either, as the drone equipped with a burst laser can be quickly recalled.

Probably the strongest among all "conventional" frigates. It doesn't scale as well as indirect fire support ships like the Vigilance later in the game, but can still do a very decent job if given long range weapons like the ion/graviton beams. That drone never get old either.


The Scarab is among what can be called the "weird" ones, and a damn strong weirdo at that. My opinion is more or less the same since last time :
The Scarab was much more interesting. It worked for me like a high-tech Lasher, lot of small mounts that encouraged a very aggressive melee play-style. And because of the temporal shell and its really good shield, even the AI could get out of tricky situations. I used it as flagship for quite a while, and gave it 3 IR pulse on the front, coupled with a pair of Annihilators, and two PD lasers on the rear. The sideways mounts felt very superfluous to me, punishing arcs that can only mount more costly PDs that the Scarab doesn't even need, i left them always empty. Also, strapped SO and unstable injector on top of that, because with that much speed and temporal shell, the enemy can't even land a single hit. Later on, when i passed the Scarab to the AI, i replaced one IR for a ion cannon and removed SO. Not the greatest killer of our time, but it survived a lot of pirates.
Despite being a very strong frigate, it felt more at home during early and mid game, as it cannot really deal with the big ones you tend to see later on. I even tried an AM blaster loadout to compensate that, but its limited flux capacity prevent it from being really viable.


The Afflictor... The ninja of 0.7.2. Phase in, disrupt, kill. It's as simple as that. Can either bring torpedoes to immediately kill the enemy flagship (pretty good to win a bounty without dealing with the rest of the fleet), can bring AM blasters for more staying power, or can even bring ion cannons for a more supportive role.

Also works surprisingly well as an AI escort, the quantum disruptor can really give you a noticeable advantage even in large fleet encounters.


The Shade is the all around inferior sibling to the Afflictor. It's not a bad ship per say, the Shade is actually quite strong. A ship equipped with an EMP emitter that can sneak behind a target is never a bad addition. But it's sadly just overshadowed by its direct competitor.


The Hyperion, or the ship where your finger is locked on the vent button all the time. With its phase teleporter, it is by far the most mobile craft in the game, and thanks to its extremely short cooldown, theoretically impossible to catch. Theoretically of course, because it's easy to screw up with such a twitchy combat style.

For a flagship Hyperion, a dual mining/heavy blasters tends to be the ideal, thanks to their huge burst and very fast projectile speed, allowing to bypass even omni-shields. It basically plays like in a cowboy duel, teleport in, bang! Teleport out before the enemy can fire back. I tried to do that with the Ion Pulser, and while it "works", i found this loadout to be more expensive (require expanded mags) and risky (shorter range, less burst) than the blaster alternative. The two rear turrets feels a bit superfluous now, PD would be redundant given that missiles switch target when you teleport. Those can still be used for an AM blaster boat for a very high-risk, high reward playstyle. The very slight charge up delay on the AM blaster makes bypassing omni-shields harder though, and you have to be sure to have enough energy to teleport out after an attack.

An AI controlled Hyperion could also theoretically works if we omit its ludicrous supply cost. Strapping long range, energy weapons like the Ion Beams/tac lasers/whatever missiles can makes the Hyperion a pretty good support ship, the bane of everything with a front shield emitter. Unfortunately, both the price and peak performances prevent this loadout from being practical.


Part 2. The Destroyers

Okay, i finished writing the second part, about destroyers.

By the time i got to those ships, i also started to shape my fleet combat doctrine for the campaign. Usually, i tend to go for a more traditional (and safer) hammer and anvil strategy, but this time i wanted to try something a bit new. Instead of having the hammer (my flagship) crushing the enemy against the anvil (a fleet made of very hardy ships that can hold the line), i decided to ditch the anvil for more hammers, going all in with overwhelming alpha strikes.

I haven't quite reached the very end game of my campaign yet, but so far this going quite smoothly.


My first destroyer purchase was the Mule, mostly because it was the only thing available at that moment. While not a formidable warship by itself, the Mule is still a credible threat to the lowly pirates squads i was fighting early on, and was unlikely to get overwhelmed thanks to its omni-shield and heavy armor. Not only i got decent freighter, but it could also join the battle alongside me.

Its original Standard variant is quite good at dissuading enemy frigates from approaching, thanks to the all-around Pulse laser and the ever-annoying dual Salamanders. I needed something a bit more aggressive though, and filled the sides turrets with Railguns, and replaced the Heatseekers with Harpoons. Given how short the battles were (my Lasher was still mowing down everything), this flux expensive loadout worked quite well. I didn't have to worry about my high flux leaving me vulnerable to a counter-attack if the enemy was destroyed in the first exchange.

Soon, my entire fleet became based around this idea.

Despite its heavy armor, the lack of mobility and firepower made my Mule less and less suited for the increasingly dangerous frontline. Somewhere around mid-game, i had to find it a replacement.


The Buffalo MK.II always have been considered a crappy ship due to its lack of shield and paper armor, making it one of the least survivable ships of the game. Despite this, the ol' MK.II have its qualities, the main one is the ability to mount more missiles than any other destroyers except for the Harbinger. Still, i always had a lot of troubles making it works, and i recently found out one of the reasons why.

Those two ballistic turrets on the sides, perfect placement for cheap point defenses on a ship that mostly uses its missiles, right? Heck no. Those two turrets will broke the Buffalo's AI, forcing it to bring its PD in range to the enemy, resulting in the common mess we know the MK.II capable of. Long range ballistics like the Needlers are a much better (if expensive) fit for the Buffy, but due to their weird, middle/rear placement, i now prefer to keep those empty, choosing the thousand range tac laser on the prow. At least, my missile boat will survive the battle a little longer.

Still, the Buffalo MK.II stays a low tier ship, quickly reaching obsolescence at the end of early game. By the way, does it still needs its civilian-grade hullmod? If some mechanics managed to strap a bucketload of missiles pods on that ship, they can surely make it less of a sensor lighthouse as well.


The good old Enforcer, possibly one of the best destroyers ever. An ideal blend of thick armor plates, outrageous firepower, surprising mobility and inexpensiveness. You have to try hard to find a reason not to take one of those. Either as a flagship or a wingman, the Enforcer never disappoint. Thanks to its toughness and potential long range firepower, it also scale very well into late game, capable of punishing even the capital ships that dare to ignore it.

Needless to say, i had more than one of those in my fleet. Like my early Mule, i outfitted my Enforcers with a mix of cheap kinetic weapons and Harpoons. Overloading against my Enforcer's squad was akin to commit seppuku, as swarms of Harpoons would suddenly cross the screen to delete the unfortunate target. Of course, even with Expanded Racks, the missiles were limited, but most of the enemy fleet would have been obliterated by the time they would run out of ammo.

Naturally, i would eventually use one of those as my flagship :


The bowling ball

I wasn't much of a fan of the SO Enforcer before, mainly because burn drive vent cancelling was so important. Now that this is no longer possible though, i decided to have my fun with this one. The loadout change quite a bit depending on the available skills, switching from one to two chainguns, adding Unstable Injectors, etc... I even tried with Thumpers! Frag damage on a SO build, sounds legit, right? Unfortunately i still wasn't convinced, and that was with Ordnance Expertise and Gunnery Implant on top of it. Even the very flux expensive Chainguns felt more efficient.


The Medusa is the high-tech substitute of the Enforcer, and works quite differently, preferring mobility and surgical strikes over endurance and brute strength. Due to its twitchy and tactical playstyle, the Medusa arguably makes for a better flagship than most destroyers. It is fast, with strong shields and come with a deep flux pool, making it an obvious kiter rather than a brawler. It is still a very decent wingman, although i found the AI builds to be rather limited. Fortunately, i managed to find a fairly efficient (and safe) AI loadout exploiting its strengths :


A slow and insidious killer.

A weird, asymmetrical thing that becomes exponentially stronger when fighting in packs, and will slowly grind down its opponent while staying at safe range. The tac lasers offer low but steady DPS, the Ion Beam paralyse the target as its flux rises, the Light Needler (a second one can be added if you're fighting more high-tech ships) will raise the said flux. I wanted to add a Graviton Beam there, as its "impact" stat had the ability to slow down the target. Unfortunately, the impact value is just way too low to make a difference, even when stacked with several other Graviton Beams, which is why i ditched it for another Tac Laser. As said before, this loadout only really works in larger groups, and will rapidly show its limit later on due to the 25 ships cap.

This build, while effective, didn't fitted at all with my current strategy. My attempts at making an alpha strike build for the Medusa were met with failures (sadly, AM blasters didn't worked out very well), therefore the Medusa never really found its place in my fleet. As for a Safety Override variant, the results proved to be extremely unsafe :


No seat belts on that thing.

Starved on OPs and appropriate weapons, the SO Medusa rely on its speed and phase skimmer to survive. Very twitchy to play, every mistakes are paid dearly and enemies with wide turrets arcs are hell to approach. A pair of dual MGs for breaking shields, a pair of blasters (can be switched for the heavy variants) for breaking armors, and that's all. Charge in, teleport to the most vulnerable spot, pray it can't turn fast enough to catch you. The lone ion cannon is just there to give you some room to breath. No point defence, you can't afford them, phase skimmer is all you have against missiles.

The Medusa is probably not a very good candidate for Safety Override, but i still managed to outmanoeuvre to death a few cruisers with it.


The Hammerhead is a ship that i regularly see spurned here and there, considered as a mediocre alternative to its high/low tech alter egos. It's true that the Enforcer and Medusa are formidable competitors, but i still think the Hammerhead is a very decent destroyer by itself. It sits as an intermediate of mobility and firepower between the other two, while being the cheapest of the bunch. I personally think the Hammerhead is the "easiest" destroyer to fly. Fast enough to pick its target, with enough firepower (thanks AAF!) to overwhelm it and just enough armor to survive a few mistakes. A newbie ship in some way.

As a wingman, i got something similar to the Elite loadout, although an all ballistic variation tends to be better to benefit from its ship system. A pair of long range kinetic weapons, coupled with Harpoons was what i choose to go with. While it didn't had the raw power of the Enforcer, it still performed decently.

Here's what i got for my flagship build :


Stop! Hammer time!

Quite similar to the Enforcer's SO build, but easier and safer. Switching one of the chainguns with a HMG is also a very sound alternative. Can engage/disengage faster than its low-tech brother, can manage its flux better (thanks AAF, again) and can hold the shield a while longer.

The Hammerhead did an admirable job in my campaign, and scaled surprisingly well into the late game. I still preferred the Enforcer for its firepower and toughness advantage, also its quad missile mounts fitted better my current "balls to the wall" campaign strategy.


The Sunder is the team's glass cannon, with heavy frontal firepower and spectacular flux stats. Anything with heavy kinetic weaponry is a serious threat to the Sunder, as its mediocre shield will overload really fast, and its meagre armour won't provide much protection either. Fortunately, it is reasonably fast can kite decently its opponents. The biggest danger the Sunder have to face is the risk of being flanked, with nearly all its weapons facing forward, it have trouble catching enemies that can circle strafe it to death. Fortunately, Auxialiary Thrusters can be unlocked reasonably early to compensate this.

It can be outfitted both as an interesting wingman or a deadly flagship, nearly every loadouts works on it. Autopulse to pulverise shields and unarmoured threats, HIL to crack open heavy armour, Tachyon lances to fry the systems of a dangerous target... And that's when you decide to take a large weapon! Even a triple medium energy does wonders on the sunder, and usually at a lower flux cost on top of that. For a wingman, an asymmetrical, beam/needlers variant very similar to the Medusa's worked best for me. Mine was equiped with a mix of Tac-laser/Ion Beam/Tachyon lance (can be switched with a HIL)/Needlers/Swarmers (to counter its allergy to broadswords). I think i liked it more than the Medusa, not as safe, but packed quite a punch.

As for a SO build, it was the chance to try the biggest, baddest gun possible :


Not even compensating for something, i swear.

I could have gone for a triple blaster loadout and it wouldn't have been wrong, but i found this one to be even better. The plasma cannon have the surprising advantage of a longer projectile "fade" time, allowing to cheat the Safety Override 450 range limit. The projectiles can definitely reach around 600/700, allowing you to soften a dangerous target from afar while still dealing a hefty amount of damage. Add High Energy Focus on top of it, and the SO Sunder hit like a freight train, even capital ships have a reason to fear it. The biggest difficulty with this build is to actually find a plasma cannon.

Strangely, its description describes its shield as "powerful" despite its very weak 1.2 efficiency.


The Harbinger is the logical evolution of the Afflictor, a bigger, meaner executioner whose job is to assassinate the most dangerous target. I talked before of the triple Typhoon build and its absurd alpha strike potential, even more if you consider the Entropy Amplifier and the Increased Yield perk. I still think it is the ideal Harbinger loadout, not only it can backstab in all impunity most front-shielded targets at the start of the fight, it can also brute force them head on, thanks to its immense burst. Alternatively, a blaster/phase lance variant can still perform a similar role, prioritising staying power over raw damage. I wanted to makes the Ion Pulser works here, and tried different loadouts with it (triple pulser, or an asymmetrical mix...) but its flaws were too numerous to be worth it. Too expensive, limited ammo, low range, low damage per impact... Considering the other excellent options, this weapon didn't convinced me.

Like the Hyperion, the very expensive Harbinger isn't ideal for a wingman. If you forgo its cost, the Harbinger could be very good support ship, thanks to the very long range Entropy Amplifier coupled with its 3 medium Synergy mounts... In theory. Practically, the Harbinger's AI left me quite dubious, behaving in strange, unpredictable ways. Those weird mannerisms ranged from abusing the cloak at long range for seemingly no reason, venting immediately after using its ship system (and cancelling it), sometimes refusing to use it at all, and on some occasion to hug the target while cloaked. All of these made the Harbinger an unsafe choice for the AI, as i could never predict its actions. As such, it eventually found its place on a dusty shelf on Asharu's terraforming platform.


The Gemini and Condors are the two carriers in the destroyer category, and usually the first ones the player can afford. Each one have their own strength and weaknesses. The Condor is the cheaper carrier, more armoured, with a higher burn speed. Probably the better option for long range fire support, thanks to its Fast Missile Racks, although a close range variant equipped with torpedoes caught me off guard once.

The Gemini on the other hand, have a slower burn speed and lower armour, compensated by a better shield, bigger cargo holds and improved close range combat capabilities. A fairly interesting alternative if you want to bring a mobile launch bay doubled with a decent gun platform for early game engagements. A pair of Maulers supported by the mg drones can make the Gemini a tricky opponent to approach for pirates raiders.

I personally prefer the Condor. With its Fast Missile Rack, heavy armour and longer peak performance, i think it scales slightly better during the late game than its mid-game competitor. Although not by much.


Finally! Quite a wall of text again. I voluntarily left out the civilian ships as i couldn't find much to say about them. Unlike the two previous shuttles, each destroyer freighters have their own strengths and weaknesses (Buffalo have higher burn, Tarsus is tougher and have burn drive, etc.), so no one seems completely useless.

Part 3. The Cruisers

It took a little bit, but here's about the cruisers.

At this point, my campaign strategy was in full-motion. Numerous destroyers commanded by agressive officers, mounting a mix of kinetic guns and harpoons (or atropos), overwhelming enemy fleets on the first exchanges. The battles were short and brutal, and i was now looking forward to acquire even bigger, badder ships. It's cruiser time.


The Venture was my first cruiser purchase, mostly because my Gemini previously exploded in a clumsy engagement. I needed something to resupply my fighters and the Venture's ability to boat many harpoons interested me. Pretty tough, well armed and surprisingly cheap, this combat carrier have quite a few things going for it. Its main weakness is its low mobility, as much on the battlefield than on the campaign map. Going from speed 9 to speed 7 was rough, especially since i still had to pick my fights carefully. Fortunately, a tug could compensate a bit for that weakness.

Unfortunately, i realised i already reached the 25 ships limit.

The Venture didn't stayed very long in my fleet, as i later decided to ditch my few remaining fighters, and as such, the carrier soon followed them to the abandoned station. It still managed to do quite well in the few battle it fought, an agressive loadout with a pair of HVD, a pulse laser and a bucketload of harpoons made the Venture an unexpectedly threatening opponent, especially when properly backed up. A more reasonable build would have asked for some PD in the form of flak cannons, but i judged its heavy armour a sufficient insurance in this situation.


The Heron never really found its place in my fleet, not only i already contemplated the idea of selling my fighters in the soon to be future, its lack of proper firepower was also out of place for this campaign.

Still, it stays a very good carrier. Two launch bays, one medium universal mounts for lrms, PD drones, fiendishly fast... The Heron have everything a carrier could ask for, it can support the fleet flawlessly, is absolutely infuriating to catch and surprisingly tough to bring down. If needed, it can also be built with a more direct weapon loadout during early to mid game and jump into the fray, but will rarely be more than a fire-support ship in most cases.


The Falcon is a destroyer in cruiser's clothing, and as such, should rather be compared to its smaller brethren than other cruisers. For a fairly noticeable maintenance cost increase, its overall stats are boosted. Not enough to punch above its weight class, but good to bully anything weaker than itself.

I'm personally not a fan of the Falcon, and consider it condemned to be a niche pick due to its "light" cruiser nature. For some reason, i always thought it came with a burn speed of 9, making it an interesting choice for a raider themed fleet that must stay mobile at all cost (which would more relevant in a modded game than the current vanilla though). Alas, it's not, and while the Falcon isn't technically a bad ship, i can't really find a reason to field one either.

As for its loadouts, a HVD/beam combo tends to be a fairly safe and efficient to slowly kill things while staying out of range. But everything a Falcon can do, its bigger sibling, the Eagle, can usually do it better.


The Eagle felt like a much more interesting option to me. Bigger, tougher, meaner and obviously, more expensive, the Eagle is the basic cruiser that fit in nearly every fleets. It can bring a reasonable amount of firepower, survivability and mobility, making it a good, but not extraordinary option. A jack of all trades, master of none.

Like the Falcon, the Eagle can opt for a heavier variant of the safe HVD/beam loadout, or even a mix with heavy maulers. Alternatively, i managed to make a working SO loadout for it :


Don't judge a ship by its empty mounts

Looks clunky, and yet surprisingly deadly. The SO Eagle is fast, reasonably armoured, and can deal huge burst damage to its unfortunate target. The loadout can be tweaked depending on the skills. At higher level, i was able to add a third heavy MG and two more ion cannons. The trick is to lower the shield to benefit from the additional 210 flux dissipation, the ion cannons can thankfully helps you keeping the target docile enough in the meantime. I know those two annihilators here almost feel superfluous, and they are in some way due to the distant position of the missile mounts, they can be ditched in favour of point defence if needed.

I tried to make a blaster variant, but the Eagle tends to suffer too much from low OPs and vent points for it.


The Dominator is probably the king of cruisers, and the new backbone of my fleet. Heavily armoured and covered in guns, the big Dom was a perfect piece for my aggressive fleet, thanks to its ability to vomit countless kinetic rounds and even more harpoons. An amazing ship either as a flagship or for the AI, its only main weakness is its difficulty to turn and deal with flanking manoeuvres. Other than that, it's very similar to its smaller cousin, the Enforcer, you have to try hard to find a reason to not get one of those.

A Gauss/HVD/Needlers/Harpoons was the basic loadout i choose for my fleet, anything with a shield couldn't keep it up very long, and anything relying on their armour had to deal with a swarm of missiles. And because it's not awesome enough, it also loves Safety Override!


Bear hugs for everyone!

Not as good as other SO ships at catching small targets, but that's not its job. The SO Dominator purpose is to find the biggest enemy ship and stick its rocket covered prow as close as possible to it. Thanks to its heavy armour, it can even survive encounters with enemy capital ships, and will vaporise anything smaller that couldn't get out of its way in time.

Also, switching Unstable Injectors for Augmented Engines as soon as possible is wise. You will ram things a lot (voluntarily or not), and UI will make the ship flame-out all the damn time.


The Gryphon was another welcome addition to the fleet. A powerful and cheap missile boat would complement my kinetic heavy fleet very well. Like every indirect fire support ships, the Gryphon works from the early to very late game, making it a sure bet in every situations. The loadout i used was an unsurprising mix of harpoons, Hurricane MIRV and HVD, allowing it to punish everything that lowered its shield, and sometimes brute force through it. An important thing with the Missile Autoforge system is its flux cost : 4500, almost the ship's entire capacity. It's why i think the Gryphon benefit more from capacitors than vent, as it will allow more flexibility to use its system even when under pressure by the enemy.

A reaper loadout isn't bad either for a flagship, with missile skills and its system, you can fire 4 single shot torpedoes. I still don't think the Gryphon makes for a good flagship though.


The Apogee, with its powerful shield emitter, large flux capacity and dissipation is an adept of the flux war. It also comes with two sensor drones, increasing its range and fending off close opponents with their ion cannons. All of this makes the Apogee an exceptionally tricky opponent to approach and take down, making it the closest thing to a "backbone" ship you can get among high-tech vessels. Oh, it's also a freighter too! Always handy to have enough room for your supplies and fuel.

Its weird weapon loadout also gives it a surprising sting, covering all its flanks without neglecting the prow. Again, an all beam Apogee is as safe as you can get, a Tachyon lance backed by tac lasers and a Hurricane does a good job at keeping enemies at bay. Something with an Autopulse also works if you need more oomph and tanking for the rest of your fleet.

As for Safety Override, here what i got :


It's like using a fork like a shovel

Probably not a good idea to begin with, but it somehow works! Kinda... Investing in Technology skills is an obvious need for this loadout, as way too many mounts are left empty. Juggling between the plasma cannon and Cyclone launcher isn't always easy as well, but a successfully achieved combo can ruin the day of whatever stood in front of you.

Fun fact, the sensor drones bonus allow you to go beyond the SO 450 range limit.


The Aurora is a ship that got a lot of flak recently. It's not technically a bad cruiser, but its weird, asymmetrical layout, coupled with a 180° shield on its elongated shape (which surprisingly clash with the ship's description) make the Aurora a tricky ship to properly outfit. Being nearly as expensive to maintain as a battleship isn't helping either. Granted, its large OPs pool allow it to equip the hullmods to compensate for some of its vulnerabilities (Extended shields, stabilized shields, etc), making it usable, if still a bit underwhelming.

Loading the Aurora with a bunch of blasters and missiles works, but it wouldn't be wise to put it against anything bigger, or even of its own size. For a much more reasonable price, the Apogee is arguably more efficient at killing things and staying in one piece.

Everything isn't black though, while the Aurora makes for a fairly poor AI wingman, it excels better than anything else at one specific build :


One-Punch Man

12600 energy burst, 18900 with HEF (22680 with lvl10 Ordnance Expertise), plus 4000 HE (6000 with Increased Yield) from the Typhoon. One of the highest alpha strike possible in the game. Giving it to the AI probably won't works, but the player can makes good use of the overwhelming burst damage. The main difficulty is to approach the target without raising your own flux too much, having allies to draw the enemy's attention is quite useful. It's also the reason why my Aurora got Safety Override at higher level, not really for the vent bonus, but mostly to keep the 50 flux boost even with the shield on, making it easier to approach my target. For the biggest opponents, i prefer to aim for the shields for a guaranteed overload, letting my missile heavy fleet finishing the job.

The ability to one-hit-kill nearly everything even replaced my SO Dominator for the flagship role. The Aurora isn't much of a brawler and require more subtlety than the Dominator, i had to rely a lot on my shield, and overloading meant a certain death for me.

So yeah, a weird, overspecialized cruiser that is underwhelming at nearly everything else. I'm not sure how i feel about that.


The Doom's purpose is the same as its smaller siblings, phase in and backstab the enemy flagship to death. The Doom is also probably the trickiest to use among phase ships due to its slowness and humongous cloak upkeep. Fortunately, its heavy armour allow it withstand quite a beating even if caught with its pants down.

For its loadout, it tends to have better staying power than the smaller phase ships even if it still focus on powerful alpha strikes. An annihilators/typhoons/phase lances/ion cannons is a basic, yet efficient loadout to bully anything with a front shield. Alternatively, the Doom can also be outfitted as an AM blaster/Typhoon boat similar to the Aurora. Unlike its shielded cousin, the Doom have no trouble approaching its target thanks to its cloaking ability. However, its flux capacity is noticeably lower than the Aurora, making the AM blaster build quite difficult without a high level officer.

I found the Doom to benefit much more from capacitors than vents. Venting doesn't do anything against the 500 flux drain of the cloak, and you'll need all the flux you can when you'll be behind your target, as well as retreating safely.

As for Interdictor Array, i have to say i very rarely used it. 2400 flux per use is a lot for an "almost" flame-out, especially for a ship that desperately need this flux.

Funny thing, the Interdictor Array effect seems to be an AOE, you can flame-out entire fighter blobs with it. Sadly, it doesn't affect nearby missiles.


There! Asides from the clunky Aurora and the underwhelming Falcon that struck me at odd, i don't have much to say about the cruisers.


Part 4. The Capital ships

Alright, now we're talking about the big ones, the capital ships.

By the time i got my first capital ship, every frigates and fighters have been decommissioned to make room for the bigger vessels. The fleet finally reached end-game size, and i still could defeat my opponents even when outnumbered. My only weakness at this point was the cannon-fodder the AI  threw at me at the start of the battle (frigates and fighters). Not that they were a menace, but they acted as missiles magnets, draining the ammunition from my ships, making the later encounter with the bigger threats more difficult.

I also said there would be funky experimentation. For some reason (balance, i suppose), Safety Override have been disabled for capital ships, so i decided to dig in the files and make the hullmod available to see whether or not if SO should really be prohibited for those.


The Onslaught was my first battleship for good reason. Dirt cheap, tough and with many, many guns. Also surprisingly mobile thanks to its burn drive. Its poor flux dissipation is the only thing that keep it reasonable. Even at high level, the Onslaught can't really afford an all-big-guns loadout at the risk of choking on its own flux.

It works on the same principle as the Dominator. Point it in the right direction and keep moving there until there's no enemies left. And just like the Dominator, it's as good as a flagship as it's a wingman. My AI variant was in the same vein as its low-tech brethren, a lot of kinetic guns to open the show, followed by a barrage of Harpoons for the curtain call. The TPCs also bring some needed anti-armor power in long engagements when missiles run dry.

As for Safety Override...


Unstoppable force

Actually looks a bit tame at level 0. It becomes noticeably scarier with skills and additional OPs. The idea is the same as the Dominator's SO build, you go hunt the big one and engage it in a brawl that you'll invariably win. The improved dissipation helps you keeping pressure on a target, the additional speed is a nice bonus too. The 450 range limit however is a penalty common to all capital ships, and will prevent you from engaging anything but cruisers and other capitals. You can still burn drive in the melee if needed though.

If you need more OPs and less flux, swapping the Mjolnirs for Hephaestus is an option, even though i clearly have a preference for the Mjolnir.


The Paragon is the high-tech competitor of the Onslaught, relying more on defense, thanks to its exceptional shield and flux stats. Despite being noticeably more expensive, the Paragon is arguably a better (easier?) ship to use. It's still heavily armored, pretty much impossible to flank, and if needed, can pack massive firepower. Thanks to its inability to die, the Paragon makes for an ideal wingman.

My AI loadout was a mix of frontal plasma cannons and Tachyon lances in the turrets, coupled with a Harpoons in the universal slots, the rest was mostly cheap PDs to fill the side/rear mounts. The plasma cannons could brute force anything bigger than a destroyer, the T-lances could catch anything smaller than a cruiser. A perfect combination. Still, screwing up a Paragon build is hard, as it can mount nearly all kind of weapons and makes good use of them.

It's also probably the best candidate for Safety Override among capital ships. Opening the way for an exceedingly dirty playstyle.


Immovable object

This isn't a mistake, i maxed out capacity first to take advantage of the fortress shield. Fortress shield hard flux is a set value that slowly increase over time, not influenced either by skills or hullmods. In some way, it works just like a phase cloak that'll make you invulnerable, and i'll be using it to vent the soft flux from my absurd weaponry. And thanks to Safety Override, that soft flux will go down fast.

The idea is simple, approach the target with your fortress shield on (thanks SO for the constant 0 flux bonus), unleash the alpha strike (pretty much equivalent to the Aurora's) and re-activate the fortress shield to safely vent the 20.000 or so soft flux, you'll be around 5.000 hard flux when you'll be ready to fire again.

Pretty much unbeatable in a duel. Later on, you can also install stabilized shield and front shield emitter to further increase the soft flux venting. The ion cannons are just there to give you some breathing when you'll eventually have to lower your shield, but they can also be replaced by AM blasters if you really need more burst. Like the SO Onslaught however, frigates and destroyers will taunt you out of your limited range. Better having some teammates to deal with those.


The Conquest is probably the ship i tested the most, as i was desperate to uncover the secrets of its AI. And i think i found them! But with those experiments, i also discovered some dark bugs that goes with the lot.

A cheap, frail but fast battlecruiser with a hell of a punch. While the battleships love to brawl, the battlecruisers prefer to bombard their enemy at range, and the Conquest, with its maneuvering jets, is well equipped to keep the distance. It also have one of the best flux dissipation of the game, just 50 less than the Paragon, allowing it to keep the big guns firing for longer periods of time than most of its competitors.

A long range kiter with capital-grade firepower. In theory, this would make the Conquest a pretty good wingman. However, it also appears to be a broadside ship, with a well known pig-headed AI that comes with it. When properly outfitted however, the AI Conquest works, and it works really well. Unfortunately, the required loadout is extremely specific.


As demanding as a diva, but he does works!

This loadout doesn't works at level 0 (Edit : Scratch that, you can do it with Dedicated Targeting Core), because ITU is literally indispensable. More than that, it also require an officer with Gunnery Implants! All this range, to makes it all works... But let's dive a bit deeper in the Conquest's AI to understand why.

Broadsides ships suffer from what i call the "oblique disease", they will fly in a slopped way, with an unpleasant tendency to hug its target. Like so :


It died a vain and miserable death

However, with the range from ITU and Gunnery Implant (and a proper loadout), it seems to be cured from its oblique disease, and will now gracefully fight like the majestic battlecruiser it was supposed to be :


Spoiler : The Paragon dies at the end

Not only in duels but also in fleet battles. I pitched 5 AI Conquests (plus a few destroyers) against a 400/500FP enemy via Console Command, and they won without causalities. I didn't even participated in the fight.

I discovered that the Conquest behavior change depending on its effective range. Too low, and the Conquest will go in oblique mode. 1000 range guns with ITU and Gunnery Implants is the bare minimum, it does tolerate some point defenses, depending on which mounts you put them. With this successful loadout, it will kite its target at safe range, plowing it with its combo of kinetic ballistics and the ever frightening Hurricane MIRV, finally becoming a legit addition for the fleet.

It's not all wonderful though, i discovered two bugs while doing those tests, one moderately annoying, the other potentially gamebreaking. When overloading its target, the Conquest will immediately close in and face it. It would makes sense if the Conquest was armed with Cyclones, but it wasn't in this case :


Less than optimal, but bearable

The other bug is much more problematic, and i couldn't find the cause. Sometimes, the Conquest will enter a "catatonic state" and will slowly drift to the edge of the map, unresponsive to orders :


Top and left ones floated aimlessly until they bounced back on the edges of the battlefield

I don't know what is causing this. I think they can "wake up" if an enemy ship enter the range of their weapons, but i can't really confirm it yet.

Anyway, here's what i got for a SO build :


No-Holds-Barred Beatdown

A fast, flux neutral monster that will never stop shooting on whatever is on its starboard. The ion cannons are here to prevent the target from defending itself, the Mjolnirs and chainguns are the ones doing the actual DPS (swapping chainguns with Heavy MGs is probably better if facing high-tech ships), and two Cyclones for finishing off the big ones. Dual flaks cannons makes for better PD, but are more expensive than the single barreled ones. The single shot version, and four of them, tends to be more than enough in my experience.

It's a fun, if risky build. You have to get close, dangerously so due to the Conquest's mediocre armour and shield. Arguably weaker than a more conventional build, especially at low level.


The Odyssey is currently the weakest capital ship to get. Expensive, fragile and with a clunky weapon layout... It can act as a decent fire-support platform but shouldn't directly engage targets of its size. With the fighter change, the Odyssey will maybe become a more interesting choice in the next update, but it definitely doesn't right now.

I got serviceable results with an asymmetrical beam platform, very good at overwhelming anything smaller than itself, but not much more. Even tried a SO loadout with plasma cannons, typhoons and AM blasters, a mix between the Aurora and Conquest own SO builds. Alas, too fragile for my taste, the Odyssey doesn't like brawling at close range, despite its good speed for hit and run actions.

I also wanted to try getting a lone fighter escort to exploit that launch bay. The Trident sounded like a good wingman, a theoretically infinite amount of torpedoes, a defense burst laser... Until i realized most fighters were too slow to keep up with me and reach the launch bay. Eh.


Like the Odyssey, the Astral is also on the short end of the stick with fighters being what they currently are. The Astral is a massively expensive, missile platform with 6 launch bay, which isn't a bad design but doesn't follow the current trend. I won't talk too much about it, as it will probably be the ship that'll change the most in the next version anyway.

The Astral is surprisingly fragile despite its powerful shield. Trying to bring it on the frontline is rarely a good idea, as even smaller ships can threaten the lumbering carrier when its shields are down. And because it's usually the only carrier of the fleet, losing it means losing the numerous fighters that comes with it. I'll definitely try some more offensive loadouts in the future update though.


And that's all for the ships. After this campaign, i think capital ships could be allowed to use Safety Override. It does give them some noticeable advantages (especially the Paragon) but the drawbacks (range and CR) prevent them from beating more conventional builds in my opinion.

Also for information, here's what my fleet looked like by the end of the game :


Because who needs burn speed when you can have more firepower?


Part 5. The Weapons

Now that we're done with the ships, let's talk a bit about the weapons, ballistic in particular.

Small :

The light Mortar is a dirt cheap weapon, with poor accuracy, poor range, poor DPS. A catapult mounted on a spaceship would give equivalent results. I put those weapons on ships when i'm too poor to properly outfit them, at least so that lone pirates won't think of them as free food. Not completely worthless though, they may fill some purpose when your ship is starved both in OPs and flux and somehow needs HE to deal with armor.

The Light Machine Gun is the second cheapest point defence in the game. Not a very good PD per se, but good enough when you're starved on OPs. It does have really high DPS for its meagre cost, making it ideal for every Safety Override builds.

The Vulcan is the best point defence you can get among small ballistics, and also deadly at shredding hull thanks to its ludicrous DPS. A single Vulcan isn't that good at stopping missiles, several of them however will form an umbrella of bullets capable of blocking missiles swarms.

The Light Autocannon is a cheap but otherwise inferior alternative to the LMG. Expensive to fire, slow turning, bad accuracy, low DPS... It does have the range advantage though. I personally prefer to brawl at close range and get better results with the cheaper LMG.

The Light Dual Machine Gun is the "luxury" upgrade to the LMG. A reasonable DPS boost for a noticeable increased OP cost. I don't use it as often as the single barrel version, as OPs on low tech ships are usually better invested in various hull-mods. The PD flag is also a bonus, even though it's definitely an assault weapon in practice.

The Light Dual Autocannon is a similar upgrade like the DLMG is to the LMG. A bit more expensive to fire, a bit more expensive to mount, for a little bit more DPS. Then again, i prefer the machine gun alternative.

The Light Assault Gun is the only proper HE small ballistic available. Fairly expensive to fire and with poor armour penetration, the LAG is still good enough to deal with fighters, frigates and lightly armoured destroyers. Beyond that however, its usefulness start to falter. I personally have a preference for missiles to deal HE damage during early to mid-game, so i rarely use this weapon.

The Railgun is what you get when you need some reliable long range kinetic firepower. It's barely more expensive to fire than the LDAC and with even more DPS on top of it. It's more expensive to mount though, but it also come with the advantage of longer range, perfect accuracy, fast turning speed and surprisingly decent armour penetration. One of the most useful kinetic weapons throughout the campaign.

The Light Needler is the frighteningly expensive substitute to the Railgun. Its sustained flux cost is low, and its DPS surprisingly weak but it does compensate with a burst only surpassed by its medium variant. It's a scary weapon when coupled with an HE one (or even a few tac lasers), but quite worthless alone as the AI is very quick to lower its shield against sudden kinetic bursts. Also, even longer range than the Railgun.

Medium :

The Arbalest Autocannon is the cheapest medium weapon available with the flak cannon. It's actually not bad when your ship is struggling with flux and OPs, it can offer you a decent, budget kinetic gun. Unfortunately, i found the Railgun to be a better alternative in that regard, not by much though.

The Flak Cannon is a very good point defence in any situations. Cheap, low flux, good range, large AOE, reasonable burst but weak DPS. I use this one a lot as it provides sufficient protection for most situations without costing an arm to install.

The Thumper... The Thumper... The more i look at this weapon and the more i'm saying to myself it could actually work (as a niche weapon, mind you). Its DPS is fairly good, its range reasonable, its accuracy perfect... And yet it doesn't. I quoted its issues earlier, but i'll do it again :
Charge-up time, slow projectile and abysmal turning rate while firing, all of those combined are the main reasons the Thumper can rarely hit its mark. Without those flaws, the Thumper would be an interesting, if niche, weapon that can reliably "crit" unarmored spots on a target.
Add on top of that the frag/kinetic nerf against armour in the coming update, the future of the Thumper is looking grim.

The Heavy Machine Gun is the medium upgrade to the DLMG. It's twice as expensive to mount, 5 time as expensive to fire, with 1.5X more DPS and 150 more range. A very costly upgrade you only take when you have the OPs to spare and few mounts to fill. Still, 320 kinetic DPS will drill a hole through most shields, and being a PD, it will even intercept missiles, albeit poorly.

The Heavy Autocannon is a rival to the Needler like the Arbalest compete with the Railgun. Its role isn't completely identical though, the HAC have more DPS, better ROF and better armour penetration, making it a decent all rounder gun for most situations while the Needler is dedicated to shield bursting. Not my favourite weapon though, it turn slowly and have poor accuracy, limiting its usefulness against smaller, faster targets.

The Assault Chaingun is a niche weapon useful only in some specific situations. It's massively expensive to fire with very low range, so you have to be careful before committing the ship mounting this gun, as you can overload yourself easily. Its poor armour penetration prevent it from scaling during late game, but it really shines before that, even more since Safety Override offer both the venting and mobility to compensate for its weaknesses.

Also, for some reason the barrel animation seems broken. It spins weirdly.

The Dual Flak Cannon. While the single flak is a good point defence, its dual version is exceptional. The kind of gun you buy when you don't want a single missile to scratch your armour. It's quite a bit more expensive than the single flak, but bring much higher DPS and ROF, at the cost of slightly lower range, burst and AOE. Still, without a doubt the best point defence in the game for its price.

The Heavy Mauler is the most versatile and reliable HE weapon available. Huge range and impressive armour penetration, also turn surprisingly fast and with a reasonable accuracy. The DPS is quite weak, but you take this gun only to crack open the armor of your opponent, and at 200 damage per shell it doesn't take long to do so. Still, with time i relied more on missile for dealing HE damage, and as such i don't use the Mauler as often as before.

The Hypervelocity Driver is the kinetic alter ego to the Mauler. Huge range, reasonable damage per shot, and EMP on top of that! Perfect accuracy too. The DPS is weak, but still allow to slowly grind down most opponents while staying at safe range. Probably one of the strongest weapons in the game. Not the flashiest, but reliable in any situations.

The Heavy Needler is an expensive weapon like its little brother. The idea is the same, huge kinetic burst to pop the enemy shield, but only works with proper HE support. I personally prefer to invest in a few light needlers rather than getting the heavy version, as the massive OP price increase only offer relatively small improvements in my opinion.

Large :

The Hellbore is a cheap weapon to mount, but expensive to fire, and horribly unwieldy on top of that. The HE burst is immense, as much as a Harpoon, allowing to pulverize even the heaviest armours. Unfortunately, it's incredibly slow to turn, and its projectiles are equally slow, making the Hellbore nigh useless against anything smaller than a cruiser. It also have lower range than the Mauler, sadly.

The Mark IX Autocannon is my favourite cheap, large weapon. A decent all rounder similar to the HAC, with surprising armour penetration that will scare away smaller ships. Relatively cheap to mount and fire, and pretty good DPS too. I would use this weapon a lot for my AI ships, if it wasn't for the Mjolnir...

The Hephaestus Assault Gun is a fairly good choice for HE weapons. Much more practical than the Hellbore, it's also reasonably efficient at stripping armour despite its relatively weak damage per impact. And thanks to its high ROF and turning speed, is also good at catching fighters and frigates.

The Mjolnir. Possibly the best weapon in the game. High DPS, high damage per impact, EMP, fast turning speed, good accuracy, energy damage, and surprisingly reasonable flux cost too? Well, why would i want another weapon? It does it all, and it does it well. Its incredible versatility make it the ideal choice for all situations. The old reload clip system was the only thing that kept it in check before, but now there's nothing to hold it back.

The Gauss cannon is a frightening, if unwieldy weapon that can drill through shields and armour with ease, thanks to its impressive damage per impact. Also the longest range ballistic weapon, making it ideal for sniper ships (like the Conquest). Its low ROF and slow turn rate put it in a similar boat as the Hellbore when it comes to hitting small targets, although the Gauss fast projectile speed and perfect accuracy makes the whole thing less painful.

The Storm Needler is without a doubt the weakest large ballistic available, and possibly one of the weakest ballistic overall. Just like the Thumper, it suffers from a long charge-up time, and fairly slow turning speed while firing, making it unwieldy in most situations. The worst issue however is the very high OP cost coupled with the monstrous flux generation, preventing most ships from using this weapon at the risk of overloading in no time. It does have some spectacular DPS though, and fire in a constant stream rather than burst unlike its smaller siblings. Still, being from the Needler family, it still does need to be combo-ed with some HE to works properly, as it is helpless against armor. I even tried to make it works with a max level Onslaught with SO, but the flux generation was just too high for it to be practical.

And to add to the insult, it's only 800 range, the lowest of all large ballistics.


That's it for the ballistics. I started to write the part with energy weapons but quickly realised that there wasn't much to say, so i don't think it's worth finishing. Yes, some weapons like the LRPD and the Ion Pulser have some issues, but overall i found the whole energy family to be reasonably okay. As for the missiles weapons, it's a bit trickier. Some are really good (Harpoons/Hurricane/Reapers), some are debatable (Sabots, Prox charges...) and then some don't seem to have the right ship to go with them (Squall/possibly Locust as well).

I also kinda want to talk about hullmods, some can be considered overpowered (Unstable Injectors/Aug Engines, Front shield emitter, ITU...) and then some are pretty much useless (Solar shielding, Omni shield emitter, flux coil and distributor...) but then again, the post is starting to get overly long.

So yeah, i guess this'll be enough for this thread.

General Discussion / How would you play PvP Starsector?
« on: May 25, 2016, 12:29:05 PM »
No, this is not the 18th or so multiplayer suggestion. It's more of a "what if?" scenario that recently piqued my curiosity, and how the gameplay would adapt to this eventuality.

Basically : in an alternate reality, Starsector is fully multiplayer game, all potential mechanic issues have been dealt with a copious amount of handwavium, and your next battle might be against an actual person. How do you play it?

No set rules about it. Early/mid/late campaign, in mission, simulator duel or whatever you can think of. Add mods on top of that if needed. My question is more about how you would react to an actual player than an AI? Would you change your tactics? The ships you field? Your loadout? What would be the META of an hypothetical Starsector multi, how to counter it, and all the potential theorycrafting that goes with it.

I guess it's probably not the best moment to ask this question, given the forum entered its post-patch hibernation. Also, because i don't have access to Starsector right now, i can't really kickstart the discussion with an interesting example. So just think you're fighting a high-end fleet commanded by another player, let's say... Gothars. What are your options?

Bug Reports & Support / Missing dust ring in Arcadia
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:17:18 AM »
The ring system around Syrinx in Arcadia doesn't provide any bonus.


Mods / [0.9.1a] Portrait Pack v1.2.4
« on: March 11, 2016, 04:04:36 PM »

As its name implies, the Portrait Pack adds more than a hundred of lore friendly portraits to the game. Not only they'll be available at the start of the campaign to the player, they'll also be used by other factions. The installation is the same as another mod.


Removed compatibility with Tiandong.

*Fixed duplicated lines.

*Fixed duplicated portraits.

*Removed the support for NGO at the demand of the mod author.

*New portraits added.
*Tweaked the colours of the FM2 portraits.
*Added support for ICE.

*Added modded factions support.
*Some cleaning in the faction files.
*Added Version Checker compatibility.

* Initial release.

Special thanks to MesoTroniK to help me figure out how to make it works.

Also thanks to TrashMan to let me use the portraits he found for his own portrait pack.

Disclaimer :
All images are copyright to their respective owners.

Bug Reports & Support / Deployment points and recovery cost reduction
« on: January 20, 2016, 02:13:01 PM »
I discovered a bug via SS+. When a ship have a recovery cost reduction bonus and die in battle, it "give back" the original cost in deployment points without taking in account the bonus.

The Dominator D have a recovery cost bonus in SS+, reducing its deployment cost to 17 instead of normal 25.

With the ship deployed, i have 183 remaining deployment available.

When the ship explode, it gives back 25 deployment points instead of 17.

With this bug, it's possible to increase the deployment points limit by sending waves of cannon fodders with reduced recovery cost.

Suggestions / Changing the 25 ships limit
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:14:08 AM »
I started to talk about this suggestion in the patch note thread, but i'll develop it here.

Currently, there is a hard limit of 25 ships per fleet, regardless of the class, be it fighter or capital ship. I think this system is unbalanced during mid/late game scenarios by favouring bigger ships.

The solution i propose is to remove the 25 ship limit, and instead going back to a simplified version of 0.65's "logistics capability".

In this new system, the logistic bar will be filled by the ships Deployment Points :

I tested in 0.65. Without any levels, i could fill the 20 logistic points with 9 Wolves and their crew. Which is worth 45 DP.

With 10 skill points in Fleet logistics, i can field 46 Wolves (230 DP) and their crew, for 100 logistic points. (didn't skilled "making do" that reduce the required crew by 50%)

With this information, we can determine that the new max logistic rating will be set at around 45 DP without levels, and around 230 at max level. The supply upkeep for ships and crew is still there, but not included in the logistic rating.

Another thing in 0.65 was the possibility to go over the logistic rating, at the cost of lowered max CR for the fleet. I loved this detail, you could either choose to go for a smaller fleet of stronger ships, or either drowning the enemy with low CR ships. Personally, i'd like to see this system coming back if possible.

I think this suggestion would allow for a greater variety of fleet builds during the campaign. Currently, we are stopped by the 25 ships limit and had to adapt by ditching smaller crafts for bigger, more efficient ones.


Not sure if it belong in this sub-forum but Tartiflette convinced me so.

I know the skills trees are going to be reworked in the future, possibly their perks as well. But hey, maybe it'll give some ideas for Alex and the modders.

I have been thinking of the ability to deploy ships from the sides, like in pursuit scenarios but in a normal battle. Could add some pretty fun tactical possibilities. It is very strong however, probably a level 10 perk. It would clearly fit for the Advanced tactics skill. It is currently pretty much useless to skill it past 5 so at least it'll give an incentive to reach 10 with this new perk.

Alternatively, the possibility to deploy destroyers (and bigger?) from the sides during pursuit scenarios. Could be very handy with fast destroyers like the Medusa.

Another idea, not as serious though, a perk that reduce the cooldown on ship systems. Would rather fit for the combat skills. The Power Grid Modulation one maybe? That would be pretty damn powerful though, even a 25% bonus at level 10. Off the top of my head, the Hyperion would be the one that benefit from the most. Would wreck the balance for some mods though.

If you have some more ideas.

Suggestions / Request to change the lava planet texture
« on: September 26, 2015, 11:38:20 AM »
The lava01 texture for the moon Lucifer in the Eos system tends to hide projectiles by the bright spots on it when you fight in its orbit. I'm sure i'm not the only one who was caught by a missile that i didn't saw coming when fighting a pirate-bounty there.

It's this one :


By comparison the lava_crust texture (for the moon Nidhogg from Valhalla i think?) is much darker and doesn't hide missiles when you fight over it.

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