Lore, Fan Media & Fiction / Radiation and EVA in starsector
« on: December 06, 2024, 02:48:00 AM »
so ships in starsector are extremely advanced, and have very effective armor. they also have shockingly powerful engines. however, people also make EVA trips, and this brings up an issue,
The outside of starship hulls are going to be horrifically radiologically hot thanks to the environment- nuclear/antimatter detonations, energy weapon fire, diving into suns, and so on- reapers exist, and I believe it's mentioned that energy weapons aren't particularly clean. not to mention the fact that ships are flying around on antimatter torches. so how do we avoid EVA causing fatal radiation exposure from your own ship?
The outside of starship hulls are going to be horrifically radiologically hot thanks to the environment- nuclear/antimatter detonations, energy weapon fire, diving into suns, and so on- reapers exist, and I believe it's mentioned that energy weapons aren't particularly clean. not to mention the fact that ships are flying around on antimatter torches. so how do we avoid EVA causing fatal radiation exposure from your own ship?