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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Topics - Genir

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions / Deactivate the UI when it's toggled off with F11
« on: December 02, 2024, 10:06:40 AM »
When you toggle off the UI in combat (F11 hotkey), it becomes invisible but remains active and functional in the map view (Tab). Hovering over UI elements can still trigger interactions, which can be confusing—for example, when you intend to select a ship but are instead prompted to confirm a full retreat.

The opposite is true in the campaign view, toggling off the UI disables it completely. Hotkeys stop working, preventing actions like altering the fleet course (A or T) or entering the map view (Tab).

Could the UI-off behavior be adjusted so that UI elements are inactive but actions remain accessible via hotkeys in both views?

A nitpick, but when a large ship collides with a scarab in temporal shell, it accelerates towards the collision instead of stopping:

Ships in the video are vanilla, except temporal shell having extended duration.

Modding / Autofire accuracy for fast time ships
« on: August 31, 2024, 07:08:04 AM »

I noticed ship AI advance method is always receiving the global time `amount` value, even for ships in fast time passage. This (probably) causes the autofire accuracy to rise slower than the ship-specific time passage would dictate.

Bug Reports & Support / Incorrect condition in Maneuvering Jets AI
« on: July 23, 2024, 03:34:10 PM »
I think this time I found a real bug in AI.

Maneuvering Jets AI triggers the system if ships desired heading is set and is within 5 degrees of ship facing. But the condition used is OR instead of AND.

Also, the angular distance between heading and facing is calculated using float subtraction, which doesn't work too well with angles.

I wanted to suggest a starting point for splitting the ship AI into separate moddable modules, should the decision to do the split be made. The starting point would be to allow to define a modded ShipAIPlugin while retaining vanilla ship system AI.

Currently, it's not possible (at least according to my knowledge) to define a custom ship AI that uses vanilla system AI. Recreating all system AIs requires a lot of work, and can't be made to exactly mimic the vanilla implementation, since vanilla AI uses unexported system methods.

General Discussion / [SPOILER] Autopilot Guardian vs Remnant Ordo
« on: May 15, 2024, 06:58:49 AM »
Autopilot Guardian takes down a 414 DP Remnant Ordo.

This is why you can't recover a Guardian! Tri-Tachyon tech is no match for Domain engineering.


Mods used: Console Commands to obtain the Guardian, AI Tweaks (WIP version) to overhaul Guardian AI.

I plan to mod the Crysleeper encounter with this exact Guardian variant and AI, so all players can have fun defeating it.

Suggestions / Persean League bounties are too common
« on: May 08, 2024, 02:12:00 AM »
Having played for some time, I get the impression PL bounties are by far the most common. They always form more than half of 300k bounties.

Could they be dialed a bit down? Fighting DEM spam is not exactly the definition of fun.

Most keyboard and mouse inputs disrupt the Video Feed Mode and return focus to battle map. The handfull of inputs that don't, have vanilla actions assigned. Can we have a simillar possibility for modded actions? This would be usefull eg for SpeedUp mod.

I know how to force remaining in Video Feed with devmode, but it's not a user friendly method.

I'm writing ship AI that replaces vanilla AI in general case, not just for specific faction, ship or encounter. My understanding is that I should deploy the modded AI via BaseModPlugin.pickShipAI with MOD_GENERAL priority. That way other mods can override my AI for their specific use cases, just as they override vanilla AI.

The approach works fine for normal ships. But for automated ships vanilla already provides pickShipAI override with CORE_SPECIFIC priority, in CoreLifecyclePluginImpl. This leaves me with the options of either using even higher priority or setting ship AI in BaseEveryFrameCombatPlugin, both of which are unfriendly towards other mods.

Can CoreLifecyclePluginImpl use lower priority? At least in cases other than involving Ziggurat?

Bug Reports & Support / Planetary rings are rendered off-center
« on: March 12, 2024, 08:33:51 AM »
Just a minor visual glitch. In system map view, planetary rings are rendered off-center. It's mostly visible with min zoom and smaller planets.

I noticed it only after removing grid lines from the map with Mnemonic Utils mod. Without the mod the rings are still off-center, but it's harder to spot.

Suggestions / Displaying starmap without the grid lines
« on: February 28, 2024, 11:09:28 AM »
Can we have the ability to toggle grid lines on/off in sector map view? Or a modding API method to do so?

The maps look so aesthetically pleasing without the grid:

Aggression setting in Doctrine & Blueprints is described as applying to ships without officers. But automated ships in player's fleet, without AI core captains, always default to reckless, regardless of Doctrine & Blueprints config. Is this expected?

Bug Reports & Support / Hulks moving their guns
« on: February 16, 2024, 03:25:12 PM »
Occasionally, not all weapons on a dead ship get disabled. Non-disabled ones move to neutral position after a time, just as on alive ships.

Example video, no AI mods

Also, the near death reflex of pointing guns forward is so sad...

After solving the Persean League crisis by means of violence, most of the League fleets returned to Kazeron. But one decided to stay. It now lingers in the system it was blockading, without an assignment, as shown in the attached image. From time to time it also conducts inspections on NPC fleets.

I'm not sure if that behavior is intended. But it looks suspicious, so I'll post it here.

Steps to reproduce:
  • Manage a colony with active Luddic Majority
  • Select "Add industry or structure"
  • Hover mouse over an industry that's not accepted by Luddic Majority
  • Observe the stability counter drop in the background
  • Stability counter resets only after closing the colony management window

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