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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Topics - NasaBrindle

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Fun trick for invasions (nexerlin)
« on: October 24, 2023, 11:59:37 AM »
If you do a raid targeting Food, you can cause massive stability damage very easily. (I've seen a -4 penalty for Food Shortage.)

Stability determines ground strength. Thus, a food raid can eliminate hundreds of enemy soldiers from their garrison- they just immediately desert without dessert, as it were.

Suggestions / Fleet-Mods (Stances? Doctrines?)
« on: May 22, 2023, 06:22:06 AM »
Concept: Move some Hullmods from individual application to fleetwide. Some hullmods work best if they're applied to every ship, or almost every ship, because they represent a commitment to a particular playstyle, and I think it'd be neat to formalize that by having a slot for a bonus that applies to your entire fleet. A button you can push to easily shift from "We're wandering around looking at planets" to "It is time to invade the Hegemony"


Insulated Engines: Either you're on a stealth mission or you're not.
Solar Shielding: I want *all* my ships to survive reckless hyperspace travel
Augmented Drives??: This one is fine as is but would also make sense to choose "fast" in lieu of travelling quietly or safely
Improved Sensors/Survey/Salvage: As above


Suggestions / More marks/filters for weapons
« on: May 22, 2023, 06:09:17 AM »
Some weapons, especially those dropped by [REDACTED], are Just Better, or at least Special Enough To Be Worth Paying Attention To. It'd be nice to have a way of marking things like the Rift Lance as special beyond reading the flavor text. I tend to just drop all my weapons off at the colony for long periods of time and amass a huge pile.

Similarly, it'd be useful to have some UI around all of the features of weapons which interact with abilities/hullmods. IE: If I'm committing to using Expanded Magazines on a ship, I want to fill it with weapons that have magazines. Beam weapons should be separated out from regular Energy if I want to use Improved Optics/Scattering.

Thank you for reading, and cheers!

General Discussion / Mass-Apply changes?
« on: May 01, 2023, 07:31:37 PM »
Hello all! I had a question-

I'd like to put Solar Shielding on my entire fleet when I go on long exploration missions, for obvious reasons- storms, suns, and laser robots are all energy based. When I have 30 ships though, it seems a little tedious to manually edit each one. What's the most efficient way to do this?

Cheers and thanks,

Suggestions / [Minor QoL] Smart Loot All
« on: December 19, 2022, 08:38:18 AM »
There should be a checkbox so that "Loot All" doesn't automatically loot fuel/crew when you're at capacity. It's very rare that I want to be over capacity on either, and very common that I find myself doing a dozen system bounty fights and having to sort through loot piles that are otherwise insignificant. (Talking about taking out little ludic path patrols and getting 11 iron, a low quality gun, 3 fuel, and 2 crew)

Suggestions / Contacts vs Potential Contacts
« on: November 04, 2022, 01:06:54 PM »
Can we get an option to filter out Potential Contacts? I don't usually edit my contact list much, so once it's full, I'd really like to not see any of their faces again. This is particularly an issue when I'm not sure what I want to do next, so I pull up the map and see who the nearest contact is and more than half the markers are "potential." 

Suggestions / Classification changes to fighters and ships
« on: November 03, 2022, 08:25:48 AM »
Problem one: "Fighter" currently can mean either "Any small ship" or "Midweight small ships designed to escort bombers or engage directly." This means that bombers are Fighters but not fighters, as it were. (I spent a lot of time wondering if the skill bonuses to fighters applied to interceptors and bombers...)

Problem two: Ships come in distinct size categories of Frigate-Destroyer-Cruiser-Capital, but the ship type may or may not include that. This is is annoying when you get a new ship that the game describes as a "Phase Transport" or "Light Carrier" but don't know whether it qualifies for wolfpack or whatever. Would be nice if "Hull Size" could be added to the big info screen alongside max burn speed and whatnot.


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