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Topics - justnewaccount3131

Pages: [1]
I am on Nexerelin with no random core enabled

I want to help out a faction in trouble for RP reasons.

I already sold them a few high value blueprints, but they're still there in the Military side of the colony in which I sold them.

would selling weapons help?

there is no shortages or something obvious. they immediately used the farming nanite artifact I sold them on the colony -- so I know that stuff works. is there an Item that solves pollution? There is something in my mods that can get rid of it, but it seems the faction right now at least has no money to build it.


General Discussion / do imports have an associated cost?
« on: July 18, 2023, 11:33:16 AM »
I'd likely do it just for RP reasons, but it seems like having to imports things costs nothing. which, if true, would kinda take me out of the game a bit.

I understand that it's probably like that cause otherwise a whole lot of the simulated economy would need completely new balancing and an insane amount of work and I am not asking for anyone to do that. (I'm always up for deeper economy models in games, but that's not the topic of this post)

I just wanna know if there is a hidden penalty or anything that makes it better if you supply goods you need yourself.


out of combat. on campaign layer.

I lay in a course to some system, then I evade something, and from that point on, I gotta steer by mouse or the fleet does not move.
or I go into map again and tell to fleet to go there...

I figure there must be a key that re-enabled the autopilot?

I searched before asking, even asked chatGPT but I got nowhere

General Discussion / military base / system defense / industry limit
« on: July 04, 2023, 02:44:24 PM »
(this is Nexerelin with normal core planets and the newest game version, grand colonies, better colonies and a few more mods (54 or so))

I have my main starting colony alone in a system, and 2 more fresh colonies in other systems very close by.

only other planet in my main system is a 225 rating toxic.
I can build 4 industries, got 2 - I just killed tech mining cause it was running out anyway.

my system defense badly needs a buff. I have zero upgrades so far to anything defense related.
a military base is an "industry", so it has a huge opportunity cost.
the game description talks about projecting fleets between star systems. so is it a faction-wide bonus? if so, what do I get? ingame description makes it seem like all it does is add stability and a minor buff to ground defenses. I do not need more stability. I am capped most of the time. and I got a domain tech (the Ko-Combine one) item for ground defense

if there is a real benefit, should I colonize the toxic world, just to build a military base there?

it has a mine and a farm. both do really well cause I put all my spendable points on increasing natural resources at game start. unfortunately that makes soil nanites use impossible.
I did a lot of surveying and exploration and have a ton of domain tech artifacts.
the main world has a +2 organics and is size 6 already. so I assume building light industry there would be a great idea?
reason I haven't done more industries is I was worried I get a superb domain tech artifact right after I built something *again* on the wrong planet. it's silly, probably. but I got a bit of this half-knowledge paralysis going...

I also need heavy industry and upgrade it so I can build ships (I think)...
as far as I understand it, I only need one good colony for heavy industry. I have a domain tech item that needs uninhabitable planets. searching a bit it seems people suggest barren or gas giants? why is that? if I add a corrupted nanoforge, I can not add any other tech item to that industry, right?

I'm sorry if I sound a bit lost. I half remember stuff from back when I played a few years ago, but not more.

basically I have no idea what to do.
I held off building heavy industry to find a suitable planet, my 2 fresh colonies are on insanely good worlds with a 100% rating I can even lower on one to 75% if I build ocean floor cities. but I have no idea how to distribute my industries and my defensive structures.

I know there's some things that give faction wide bonuses when built or are found items but I forgot exactly which these are. I need to lower the new creeping up danger thingy for colonies. I'm doing pretty well in combat but I need at least some automated fleets in system that can handle me doing missions.

thanks for any help!!!!

just tell me what you'd do.

I still haven't built light and heavy industry, anything that builds ships and all I did at my new colonies are adding defense stations in orbit. I read I should have built patrol HQs. I do not have money to add those atm on both, and the main system is more in danger atm.
edit: descriptions of my colonies

the toxic: extreme heat, toxic, tectonic, rare ores +2, normal ores +1

archipelago world: +50% access bonus (old space accelerator), extensive ruins +1, common organics, common ore, sparse rare ores, adequate farmland, habitable (I assumed - please correct me on this - that the access bonus and habitability would pay off enough to outweigh lacking natural resources)
ocean world: scattered ruins -1, water covered +25 danger rating, organics +2, rare ores -1, habitable

I found two interesting worlds for industry or fuel:
one 150 danger rating gas giant with -1 volatiles, extreme heat, +1 ruins and high gravity - access penalty 10% and floating cities - lowers danger rating, but no accessibility bonus
and a dark, very cold, +2 volatiles 200% danger rating methane world -- and I got a fusion lamp I could use to lower it maybe??

most planets I find are trash or in very dangerous areas. but I remember that that's normal

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